<MYSTIC> Reldazian the Grand Spectre of Beguilement, Annotator of Arcane
Reldazian created on 20th of April 2022, and is currently 32 years old (89 hours played).

Title: the Grand Spectre of Beguilement, Annotator of Arcane
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: gnome illusionist

Background history:

  1. The Intrepid Entrepreneur Embraces Audacious Adventure - posted at 2022-04-28 00:33:34
The Intrepid Entrepreneur Embraces Audacious Adventure
Where do I even begin to emphatically explain the exploits of one imaginative explorer? I speak of course of the gnome named Reldazian. Well, that's me, had you not guessed. I am certain you didn't. In any case, our tail begins with the click, click, click of a gear. Odd? No, not in this gnomish home. It was a home of engineers. My father, my mother, and my six brothers and sisters: engineers, all of them. And as the youngest of the seven children, I too, was cast as an engineer. Of sorts. From a young age I remember building so many wondrous things. A doll with one eye that walked in a circle. A box whose lid opened itself overnight. And a clock that didn't tell time but simply exploded quite randomly. I had presumed my creativity would be met with gleeful adulation by my family yet this proved to be most incorrect. In my own mind, I found my consistent attempts at construction led to accidental creations of pure whimsy. But in the eyes of my family, such inconsistent clockworks were deemed hazards to the household. It is hardly my fault such genius often cannot be contained within simple machinations that choose to fly apart at inconvenient times. But there I was, nearing the age of employment and no meaningful prospects in sight. "He's unfit for work" or "He's not ready" and sometimes "His machines literally explode in your face" was the undeserving banter surrounding my name. It was clear that I simply had not met the right employer who would appreciate my sense of exploratory invention. And so, I set off with a backpack full of tools and a spirit full of undeniable affinity for assembly for what was sure to be an outside the box adventure! Something in my pack is ticking again. I'm sure it's fine.


He stands short, even for a gnome, yet his stout form exudes a peculiar if not unrefined confidence. His chest is held slightly forward, and small shoulders back, with his head held as high as possible given his form. Sparkling brightly, his eyes are a deep dazzling blue, radiating with focus on his surroundings. Short black hair juts in all directions, covering part of his face, yet several scars are still visible across his forehead and cheeks. Thin arms extend down to a pair of hands with long, boney fingers. His feet are firmly planted, as if staking out a claim for a small section of earth around him.
