Rennyn the Planeshifter
Rennyn created on 26th of December 2023, and is currently 18 years old (13 hours played).

Title: the Planeshifter
Gender: Male
Level: 26
Class: elf psionicist

Background history:

  1. Unveiling the Mysteries, Confronting Darkness - posted at 2023-12-26 22:38:23
Unveiling the Mysteries, Confronting Darkness
In the realm of Eldergrove, where secrets and enchantments swirled, an Elf child was born, a mystery to the world. Beneath the celestial canopy, where stars did align, he possessed a gift of the mind, an essence so fine. Psionic sparks within him, like shimmering light, telekinesis at his fingertips, thoughts took flight. He delved into ancient groves, where wisdom did dwell. In pursuit of cryptic knowledge, he wandered as well. As scrolls unfurled and ancient scriptures found, he endeavored to decipher the world's profound. In those inked pages, secrets hidden and lace, He unearthed wisdom that time could not erase. A sentinel of light against the shadows so vast, He glimpsed the shroud of evil, the darkness that's cast. With righteous fury, he pledged to make his stand, harnessing psionic might, to protect the land. His purpose was clear, to uproot evil, to plant a righteous sphere. In mind and in heart, wisdom's flame ablaze, he vowed to confront darkness and end wicked ways. The journey was long, the path arduous and wide, Yet he would rise to confront evil, none could hide. He'd be the beacon, restoring goodness once more.


Graceful and gallant, behold, an embodiment of ethereal elegance. His complexion, akin to moonlight, is an unblemished canvas, untouched by life's toils and troubles. With features finely chiseled, he exudes an aura of ageless acumen, cheekbones hinting at a noble lineage. Cascading chestnut tresses crown his countenance, like the boughs of ancient trees, each strand agleam with auburn and gold. They flow in free-spirited waves, soft and unfettered. His eyes, like deep pools of profound perception, possess a velvety, vintage brown that harbors the wisdom of yesteryears. They twinkle with brilliance, and a playful glint pirouettes within, revealing ever-inquisitive intellect. His gaze, as keen as a masterfully honed blade, dissects the intricacies of knowledge and lore with laser-like precision.
