Wuhelm the Master of the Body > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Wuhelm created on 12th of August 2019, and is dead and gone (20 years old, 46 hours, 4 months lifetime)

Title: the Master of the Body
Gender: Male
Level: 30
Class: human monk

Background history:

  1. The Journey - posted at 2019-08-14 22:30:54
The Journey
Wuhelm was born to a poor family that used their children as slave workers, by barely feeding them and beating them if they stepped out of line, the children were kept frightened. During the day Wuhelm worked the fields and completed rigorous chores till his fingers began to bleed, then he would be fed a small bowl of oats and told to go to bed as a new day brought more chores. As Wuhelm grew he watched as the world passed him by creating a void in his life. One night when just before his 11th birthday he fled his home to begin life anew. As Wuhelm grew he watched as the world passed him by creating a void in his life. One nig As Wuhelm grew he watched as the world passed him by creating a void in his life. One night when just before his 11th birthday he fled his home to begin life anew. It was tough and for the first year, he would go days without food and be forced to sleep under fallen trees or within hay piles in the fields he passed. Then one day shortly after he turned 12 he ran into a stranger on the road and instead of the stranger slapping him and telling him to know his place the stranger offered him the road so that Wuhelm may pass. This shocked Wuhelm has no one had ever shown him any form of curtesy and so Wuhelm followed the stranger down the road quietly. From behind a tree, Wuhelm witnessed the stranger being bullied by three men and told himself, this man is going to be killed. A man in a steel breastplate was the main antagonist and two others stood by his side. The man in the steel breastplate drew a dagger from his hip and held it against the strangers chest demanding that the stranger hand over everything he has. The stranger said No, I will not give you what you did not earn. This enraged the man in the steel breastplate causing the man to drawback his dagger with the intention of plunging it into the strangers chest, but when he went to thrust the dagger it was gone. In a flash, the two men beside him were thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious while the man that was wielding the dagger was kicked so hard his breastplate caved making him start to gasp for air. At that moment the stranger composed himself and nodded to the men and continued down the road. Wuhelm chased after the stranger screaming for the stranger to stop. The stranger came to a stop and Wuhelm praised the man on his feats and asked the man how he became so powerful. The man calmly told Wuhelm that power is not given but earned and he was trained in a monastery where he earned his strength. The stranger gave Wuhelm directions to the monastery and told him if he enters with an open mind, they would take him in. It took Wuhelm 3 years to find this monastery as Wuhelm had lost the directions the stranger gave him making it difficult to recall them from memory. When Wuhelm finally found the monastery, he was taken in and trained for the next three years before he completed his training on his 18th birthday and sent to explore the world under his new understanding.


The lean and muscular frame of the man before gives the appearance that his muscles were chiseled from stone. A cleanly shaved scalp reveals a face that is neither overly handsome nor unattractive, with sky blue eyes resting below a neat, clean brow. A short, clean-cut beard clings to his square jaw, predominantly solid brown in color this beard gives this man a more rugged appearance. A broad chest and wide shoulders are supported by a well-defined core and thick, powerful legs.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:


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