Please [Sign In] at the forums to view your dashboard. Have you also verified your characters with your website account? Get 'er done!
Please read the verification FAQ.
What is verification?Verification is the process of linking your in-game character to your out-of-game forum account. You may do this for multiple characters, and you may equally choose to not do this - it won't prevent you from accomplishing anything you couldn't have done without one. This is a great reason for you to signup for a forum account and join in the discussion!Why verify?
- Because you get to view your characters on this page, where you can see detailed stats on them:
- how many hours you have played in the current month
- how you compare against other players
- Because a history of characters allows you to build your community reputation:
- Experience and training bonuses for low-level players that have level 50s
- Description and background approval not required
- Players who have had notable level 50s in pk-based cabals may find vampire, immortal and cabal applications have much faster turnover
How do I verify my character?Simply use the VERIFY command while playing the game. Use your forum credentials, like so: Verify <forum name> <forum password> | | |