Ye Abandoned Realms Help

New Player Resources
  • Tutorial: the guidebook for new players
  • Newbie Q&A: newbie questions forum
  • Commands: Common commands
  • PVP 101: An interactive tutorial introducing PK concepts on this mud.
Youtube tutorials and podcasts

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Ye Ancient Archives

Disclaimer: This section of the website is updated as a courtesy to the players of Abandoned Realms during the limited free time which is available - as such its content may not always be reliable. It is best to try things out in game and experiment with them as well, because AR is a world of change - and what tactics win a battle one day may be changed several months later. If you see incorrect information, the forum is the place to report that.


For jargon, see: jargon.

Playerkilling Basics

Roleplaying Basics

Tables and Miscellaneous


Article Name Description
Writing description
A good read for serious description writers and newbies alike. Shows all the tricks
MUD addiction - its real. This helpfile article was composed by all sorts of people who it has happened to. A good guide to playing healthy.
Indiana Jackass
Its painful and boring. Oh wait thats training. Check out my exploring guide. :)
Why do you need to know how to roleplay? Because AR is a roleplay MUD too! :P
Escape and Evade 101 Tired of getting PKed? Take some tips here.
Tips on Fleeing
If the previous article didn't help, maybe this one will.
Getting Into a Cabal
Harry the Hound
Basic Outlines and Philosphies Regarding This Topic


Article Name Description
Seven Stages of Mudding
Check where you fit in on the grand scale.
The AR guide to gaining items
How to get equipment


If you wish to learn more about playerkilling, for example, more insights into how a play a class, the forum is a good place to begin searching.