Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Grimfrakk vs Duswine (draw)

posted on 2017-01-15 07:29:02
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Mishtkah.'
The Juggernaut blocks Mishtkah from entering the arena.

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk closes the door above you.'
The door below you closes.

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine moves with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk gets a Defender potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk quaffs a Defender potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's kicked dirt scratches Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's jump kick devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has a few scratches and Duswine is in excellent condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's fury scratches Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's dragon punch MUTILATES Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's lightning kick wounds Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike injures Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's jab injures Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's whirlwind kick maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's illusionary spectre misses Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's illusionary spectre misses Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some small wounds and bruises and Duswine is in excellent condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

Mishtkah's thirst hits him.

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk stops wielding a rod of mind spectres.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk wields a war spear.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's kicked dirt misses Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's knee thrust hits Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flame MANGLES Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has quite a few wounds and Duswine has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge DISEMBOWELS Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike hits Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge DISMEMBERS Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite DISMEMBERS Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has quite a few wounds and Duswine has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine quaffs a Defender potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine is surrounded by a white aura.'

Mishtkah's thirst wounds him.

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine snickers softly.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

Mishtkah utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

Mishtkah drinks water from a magical spring.

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

Mishtkah goes to sleep.

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite devastates Duswine!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's back fist mauls Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has quite a few wounds and Duswine has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's kicked dirt misses Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's tiger uppercut maims Grimfrakk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has quite a few wounds and Duswine has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's dragon punch maims Grimfrakk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine drinks water from a magical spring.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's tiger uppercut maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flame DISEMBOWELS Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge misses Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine applies pressure to his wounds and looks more relieved.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike MUTILATES Grimfrakk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's dragon punch MUTILATES Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's whirlwind kick decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk gets a wild look in his eyes.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's movement is no longer as accurate.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine crouches and stalks like a leopard.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's tiger uppercut MUTILATES Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's kicked dirt scratches Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's jab injures Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk concentrates on his combat style to prevent Duswine from dodging.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has quite a few wounds and Duswine has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

Mishtkah wakes and stands up.

Mishtkah sits down and rests.

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk sends Duswine sprawling with a powerful bash.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's bash hits Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's dragon punch devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has quite a few wounds and Duswine has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's back fist mauls Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine rises back to his feet.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk surges with power.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike MUTILATES Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge maims Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine looks less wobbly on his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk concentrates on his combat style to prevent Duswine from dodging.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine drinks water from a magical spring.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike DISEMBOWELS Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike injures Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike hits Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk concentrates on his combat style to prevent Duswine from dodging.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge mauls Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge misses Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Grimfrakk's body fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk gets a Defender potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk quaffs a Defender potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is surrounded by a white aura.'
The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine stops stalking around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine moves with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.'
The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Duswine's body fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine gets a deflective crystalline wristguard of shielding from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine frowns.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk gets a Defender potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine nods.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine nods.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk gives a Defender potion to Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine quaffs a Defender potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk turns Duswine's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's back fist wounds Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's whirlwind kick decimates Grimfrakk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite devastates Duswine!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's kicked dirt scratches Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's back fist decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike hits Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's spin kick decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk gets a wild look in his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite grazes Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge misses Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge devastates Duswine!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike injures Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's whirlwind kick decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine weakens Grimfrakk with his nerve pressure.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike injures Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's jump kick maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite maims Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine can't dodge away from the reach of Grimfrakk's spear fast enough.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's back fist decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's roundhouse kick hits Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite misses Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Duswine has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite maims Duswine!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's eyes stop watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's lightning kick decimates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite maims Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine can't dodge away from the reach of Grimfrakk's spear fast enough.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite grazes Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk looks pretty hurt and Duswine looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine closes his eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine turns Grimfrakk's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Grimfrakk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's palm strike hits Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's jump kick devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk looks pretty hurt and Duswine looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine stops meditating and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite maims Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash misses Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's back fist mauls Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's spin kick wounds Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge decimates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's tiger uppercut MUTILATES Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's knee thrust wounds Grimfrakk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's elbow slash maims Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's back fist devastates Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is in awful condition and Duswine is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Duswine has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's charge devastates Duswine!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk's flaming bite scratches Duswine.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's tiger uppercut MUTILATES Grimfrakk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine's roundhouse kick injures Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is bleeding to death and Duswine is in awful condition.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine fought to a draw with Grimfrakk.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 8 minutes and 58 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk is mortally wounded!!'
The Juggernaut says 'Grimfrakk stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Duswine is mortally wounded!!'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Grimfrakk's body fades.'
[Mentions]: None.
Tags: #keeper, #duel


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