Aragoo the Grand Master of Larceny
Aragoo created on 11th of May 2021, and is currently 37 years old (64 hours played).

Title: the Grand Master of Larceny
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: slith thief

Background history:

Description (commended):

Blue skin so dark, it might be mistaken as black, glistens from some sort of oily secretion his body naturally produces. It sports short feet, webbed from the base to the tips of his toes, where vicious looking curved claws the size of an arrow head, hang off. His hands are very similar to that of a human, except all four fingers are the same length, and the thumb is no thicker than the fingers, though somewhat shorter. The claws at the end of his fingers are the same length as those on his toes, though much more narrow. The underbelly is a lighter blue, almost gray-color, the tone of skin a body left in the water might take. The tail is approximately the same length as his body, minus the difference of his head. Small ridges run the length of it, all the way up his spine, ending at the base of his neck. An auxiliary stabilizing fin hangs off the back of the head, formed of scaled bone, and a bright orange membrane the consistency of leather. The mouth is a narrow snout filled with needle-like teeth, nostrils on either side of it, instead of at the front, his tongue is long and thin, but rounded at the end like most mammals are. His amber eyes are shaped like almonds, with vivid orange irises like that of a blazing inferno.

Logs mentioning Aragoo:
