Dendrodorn the Master of Mahogany
Dendrodorn created on 17th of March 2023, and is currently 37 years old (297 hours played).

Title: the Master of Mahogany
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Class: treant druid

Background history:


This imposing treant has a face reflecting both its age and connection to nature. Comprised of a gnarled and wrinkled bark-like skin, its face appears weathered and rough. Dully glowing, deep-set eyes reflect its spirit and pierce you with a look of determination. Thick, bushy eyebrows made of twisted vines give it a contemplative expression while hollow, sunken cheeks with deeply etched lines project a sense of wisdom and experience. A large bulbous nose sits atop a wide, angular mouth surrounded by ivy to form a beard. Its ears are long and pointed with tufts of foliage sprouting from them. Its colossal trunk, rough and fissured, is dotted with patches of lichen, moss, and other symbiotes. Massive roots stretch out from its base and coil around the ground suggesting legs. Long and sturdy limbs branch out in all directions to form a large canopy of leathery marigold and crimson leaves, casting dappled shade on the ground beneath.

Logs mentioning Dendrodorn:
