Dreish the Ruler of the Dead
Dreish created on 14th of January 2024, and is currently 20 years old (56 hours played).

Title: the Ruler of the Dead
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: avian necromancer

Background history:


Frizzy silver-grey hair falls down just past this strange man's chin. From underneath you see two beady eyes staring out from behind some black wire rimmed spectactles. The odd thing is one is hazel and the other a murky green. Heavy bags sag under his eyes making him look quite tired. He is clean shaven giving his sunken cheeks an even more gaunt appearance. It is apparent he does not see the sunlight often as his skin is a pallid white. Thin blue veins show wherever his skin is revealed, and his thin body lacks any real muscular definition. Ink stains cover the tips of his long spidery fingers along with what could quite possibly be blood. From his back sprout two large wings. The feathers are a remarkable shimmering emerald green, their wingspan slightly wider then he is tall.
