Dufrunno the Apothecary
Dufrunno created on 18th of May 2024, and is currently 17 years old (7 hours played).

Title: the Apothecary
Gender: Male
Level: 21
Class: fire giant shaman

Background history:


The unclean, haggard appearance of this brute does not suggest he bathes regularly. His skin is bright red but covered in marks and scars; it seems that for every square inch of healthy skin he possesses, he has at least three or four more which are in bad shape. These marks include pockmarks suggestive of having survived a contagion, scrapes that never healed, pimples, scabs, and the like. Meanwhile, the thick mane of hair around his scalp makes him look almost leonine, though the mats in the hair and occasional burr and even a couple of metal pins pulling it back slightly detract from this apparition. He also has a thick mustache which appears to be a verdant green color, like he ate split pea soup and didn't clean himself off. Bits of rotten meat cling to his beard, and there are flies buzzing around him too.
