Duhm the Bow Trainer
Duhm created on 16th of March 2024, and is currently 17 years old (8 hours played).

Title: the Bow Trainer
Gender: Male
Level: 28
Class: stone giant warrior

Background history:

Description (commended):

A pile of massive boulders is esoterically stacked into an approximation of a man. They are a placid gray color and are precariously yet perfectly balanced, with larger stones where a torso, head, legs, and arms would be and smaller stones where a neck, hands, feet, elbows, and knees would be. A hard and craggy exterior but not without imperfections as deep fissures similar to old scars run deep in various places. From a height taller than any normal man can reach a pair of glinting blue orbs rotate in place in a recognizable pattern, as if responding to some sort of stimuli. The very peak is oddly polished whereas other areas are covered in various vegetation such as moss and ivy.
