Elryth the Banisher of the Void
Elryth created on 25th of April 2024, and is currently 17 years old (5 hours played).

Title: the Banisher of the Void
Gender: Male
Level: 17
Class: ranger

Background history:


Veins of vivid cyan trace the appendages of this Elven creature before you. Although most of its person remains covered by a myriad of protective armaments, their skin where visibly bear is near alabaster in color. Another oddity is the entire lack of hair this creature is without. Instead, arcane markings are inked in places such as where its eyebrows would normally grow. This includes an intricate pattern of line work and dots that cover the upmost portion of its cranium. Leathers, hides and the general smell of wildlife appear to make up most of his belongings, as well as an assortment and variety of weapons - no stranger to battle. Glowing eyes of ethereal energy betray a wild curiosity.
