Elyr the Wrath of Nature, Grand Cross of Valour
Elyr created on 12th of May 2023, and is currently 42 years old (374 hours played).

Title: the Wrath of Nature, Grand Cross of Valour
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: werebeast ranger

Background history:

  1. Dark Woods - posted at 2023-05-28 23:29:52
Dark Woods
Elyr was born not far from the Light, but near Myrtle Shade; upon birth the Knights of the Forest bestowed their blessing onto the child. From an early age he had many positive role models, not just the Knights, but rather: the fey, rangers, priests, and his father, who not only taught him of the lore of the forest, but how to become one with his home in the wilderness. Life as a youth for Elyr was simple, with no problems whatsoever, until one day he heard an indistinct, omnidirectional voice. At first he couldn't identify the source from the chanting voice, until eventually wandering in front of a Great Tree. From the west the sounds grew simultaneously louder, however, by this time the tree had captured his curiosity. Upon further examination, he found a hidden passage through the tree, from which there was no return. Wherever he was now, the canopied area was overgrown to such an extent that very little light could enter through the twisted thorn trees. The timber was black, some of it almost petrified, and an unseen, cursed force was beckoning him to abandon all hope. He began hearing foul tongues, but refused to listen to the hypnotic sounds and yelled for his father. When his father finally managed to locate him, the terrain changed in an instant to a strange marshy area; it was at this moment they heard something or someone carving into the tree. When the creature revealed itself, they both knew it was time to leave the dark woods. Although his father had a vast knowledge of the area, they were unable to take the most direct route east. From the distance they could hear the cackles of three sinister voices, however what was more alarming was another voice near the three, shouting orders, "Kill them, now!" Immediately, they were surrounded by hellish creatures, resembling hounds and their masters, hunting them. Finally, his father found the trail east ward where there was a faint light, guiding them to safety. Right before they were able to return home his father was abducted and dragged back into dark woods by gremlins. In quick succession the hounds bit into him, holding him still where their masters slayed him in cold blood. His father's last words were, "Find Valour, the answers you'll seek await you there." For his entire life Elyr had very little idea that such darkness existed in such close proximity to his home, where just moments ago, everything seemed perfect. From this day forth Elyr vowed to bring light to not only the darkest areas of wilderness, but to help others who may also be in need, outside of the forests.


Rugged, lanky, and haggard would describe a man such as this who appears to have been away from civilization for an extended period of time. His attire is extremely worn and weathered with armor that would not shine brightly on the sunniest of days without an exhaustive polish. Long, greasy strands of charcoal-colored hair hang just shy of the shoulders and despite the lack of cleanliness it is fairly lustrous. His frame is somewhat frail and malnourished, however modest amounts of muscle can be spotted around his knees and arms, accompanied by a surprising amount of vascularity. Something strange appears to be going on with his eyes, they appear blue one moment and yellow the next.
