Grozlyn the Novice of the Elements
Grozlyn created on 26th of February 2024, and is currently 17 years old (4 hours played).

Title: the Novice of the Elements
Gender: Female
Level: 10
Class: gnome invoker

Background history:

  1. Beyond the Bog - posted at 2024-03-23 03:01:18
Beyond the Bog
The Wartwhiskers were a peculiar clan of goblin witches. Their nexus to the arcane was rather peculiar, yes, but even more peculiar was the fact that the purebloods each had a single whisker sprouting from a seemingly random wart upon their face. Some even claimed that the source of their power lay within that singular, wiry strand of hair. Grozlyn's precocious talent for witchcraft drew her toward it; she embraced her innate gifts. While other goblins busied themselves with mischief, she delved deep into the secrets of spellcraft and honed her abilities under the watchful eye of the elder matriarch. Despite the skepticism and occasional ridicule she faced from her peers, Grozlyn remained steadfast in her pursuit of knowledge. She was determined to prove her worth as a witch of the Wartwhisker line. But not in the bog. A sense of wanderlust had always been felt by Grozlyn. Subtle at first, that gentle tug gradually evolved into something irresistible, propelling her to act. She had never wandered far but she had no choice in the matter anymore. She was ready. Tingling with anticipation she departed the putrid bog she called home, lured toward the unseen path ahead.

Description (commended):

Grozlyn's appearance is as grotesque and disturbing as your most vivid night terror. Her forehead is covered with a mix of scabs, warts, and pockmarks making it hard to imagine it was ever unblemished. Cunning yellow orbs contemplate you from their sunken sockets, emitting unease while reflecting a glimmer of her dark intellect. Her eyes are partially obscured by the bridge of her long, drooping nose bearing resemblance to that of a twisted twig. Several more warts have nestled themselves on either side of her nose, one in particular appearing ready to pop. Your attention is then drawn to a small pustule just below her left cheekbone, perhaps a wart that did pop, as it secretes something vile. One particular wart's salience cannot be denied due to the long, scraggly whisker sprouting from it. Utterly repulsive. Her toad-like skin is a sickly palette of swamp green and yellow as though it has been marinating in a bog for time unending. Her mouth resembles a weathered chasm, an empty expanse where teeth presumably once gleamed. A single soot black incisor remains, protruding from her lower jaw. Dry lips, sagging like wilted petals, extend to graven creases across her vermilion border, each telling a wicked tale. Gnarled and knobby hands course with a terrifying power; ten twisted fingers capable of calamity.
