Illenia the Life Searcher
Illenia created on 29th of January 2024, and is currently 18 years old (5 hours played).

Title: the Life Searcher
Gender: Female
Level: 25
Class: illithid necromancer

Background history:

Description (commended):

A nightmare comes to life as a beady yellow-eyed gaze stares at you as if from an abyss. A pallid creature standing tall yet slender is covered in a translucent slimy substance. A terrifying maw opens periodically revealing rows upon rows of circularly arranged curved teeth, dripping with acidic digestive juices. Two distinct sets of tentacles flail around haphazardly, one from just above the maw where a nose would be and the other from just below it where a humanoid chin would be. Its unhealthy looking skin varigates between a purple and green hue and is transparent in places revealing a bone structure that can only be described as alien. This is especially apparent on the top half of its elongated and obtusely shaped head where its skull and parts of its overly large brain can be viewed. The all-consuming smell of acid and death assaults the senses of anyone within its environs.
