Kaenn the Bow Master
Kaenn created on 28th of January 2024, and is currently 18 years old (9 hours played).

Title: the Bow Master
Gender: Male
Level: 29
Class: treant warrior

Background history:


Here is a sensitive woodland creature of strange descent. It is somewhat difficult to determine but it appears that there are a pair of antlers extending out from his oaken skull. He is roughly twenty feet tall and seeing the top of his head is not an easy feat. His face is of an auburn twisted oak and forms a round stocky face. There is a strange, green aura that resonates deep within the core of his wooded chest. His chest is battle hardened and is covered in some deep combat scars which lay some lineage to his true class. Limbs of a much paler green are slightly elongated out from his body, granting his towering height, and a distant reach with his massive root-like hands. The bark looks to be spattered about his joints however, all of his extremities are made up of a tough oaken barkskin.
