Lurelian the Master of Mysticism
Lurelian created on 14th of August 2022, and is currently 27 years old (35 hours played).

Title: the Master of Mysticism
Gender: Male
Level: 44
Class: half-elf invoker

Background history:


The man before you is of average build for a human, if not slightly on the slender side. His disposition seems to be of one who comes from a wealthy, if not noble family. He holds a high posture, accentuating the V-shape created by his square shoulders and narrow waist. His clothes are tailored to fit his form and are well-tended to, hinting at a life of rigorous upkeep. He sports a head of chestnut-brown hair that is shaven on the sides to reveal slightly-pointed ears, belying his elven heritage. The hair remains long on the top of his head, but is tied into a tight bun that is tied off with a small hempen rope. Around his oval face grows a well-kept beard flecked with gray that accentuates a sharp chin. In the center of his face above a slightly hooked nose lies a small set of amber eyes that peer outwards at the world with measured intensity. Conspicuously, the outer corner of his left eye is covered by a small brass plate that is expertly engraved with dozens of arcane runes that pulse with

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