Lynielle the Champion of the Crusades
Lynielle created on 13th of March 2024, and is currently 18 years old (22 hours played).

Title: the Champion of the Crusades
Gender: Female
Level: 42
Class: elf paladin

Background history:


Poise and nobility present themselves in the form of a tall elvish woman. Cascading hair like spun gold shines as if polished and flows in ringlets for nearly the entire length of her body, with unruly bangs that caress her high cheekbones, and is interrupted only by slender but wide angular ears that are pointy in the elvish fashion. Her pale skin is akin to porcelain from her fair face to the exposed flesh at her shoulders, thighs, and midrift. Her long lashes frame narrow eyes that have a glint and color similar to precious garnets. Their cautious gaze hints to an intelligence that resides within. Her small upturned nose and thin lips aggregate with the rest to give her an ageless appearance. Her slender frame is not without its charms with her waifish waist and lithe curves and is normally what one would expect from an elf.
