Moerou the Sage of Arcane Power > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Moerou created on 17th of August 2016, and is dead and gone (19 years old, 59 hours, 5 months lifetime)

Title: the Sage of Arcane Power
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: avian invoker

Background history:

  1. One Night of Passion - posted at 2016-08-17 19:05:40
One Night of Passion
As blades and flames clashed on the battlefield, an avian and a draconian locked eyes. For a brief moment, nothing around the two mattered - time had frozen for a brief second as the flames of passion ignited in their hearts. For him, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever witnessed. For her, he was the most handsome being she had laid eyes upon. The body and mind wants to slay the dumstruck enemy but the heart refuses. As the horns of retreat sounded on both sides, the two gazed into each others' eyes for a brief moment as if speaking telepathically and in synchronised fashion, both turned their backs to each other as they flew back to their comrades. For days, the draconian and the avian could not get each other out of their thoughts. Whenever there was a battle, the two would seek each other out and half-heartedly pit blade against blade, fire against fire. Whenever the battles ended, the two would fight a mental battle in their minds for it was not right to fall in love with the enemy but the struggle is futile. The more they tried to surpress the flames of passion, the bigger it grew until it became an unstoppable wildfire that consumed all logic in their minds. As another battle above the skies of Solace unfolded, the two could no longer bear to even raise arms against each other. The two winged beings gazed into each others' eyes once again as they did the first time and both flew as fast as they could without looking back until the sun set. The couple landed in a secluded cave near the top of a mountain. They stared at each other in utter disbelief at what they had just done, neither making a move or saying a word. Noticing the draconian reaching for his blade, the avian prepared for what might have been the worst decision of her life as she reached for hers. However, the draconian dropped his blade followed by all his other weapons and huddled towards the heavenly sight in front of him. The avian disarmed herself and ran into his warm embrace. As they hugged in silence, the avian looked up into the draconian's eyes once again. The wildfire of passion grew into an inferno within their hearts. The two disrobed and enjoyed a night of passion, a night they would never ever forget, a memory that is forever burnt into their hearts. The bright burning sun rose in the eastern sky and the two woke up in each other's warm embrace. Still not breaking the silence, they gave each other one last long passionate kiss for they knew their love would only blossom into a bloody flower and flew away from the cave in opposite directions without looking back - for they knew that if one caught a glimpse of the other, they would not bear to leave each other ever again. Shortly after that night, the war ended with the draconians' defeat and a few months after, a monstrosity was born amongst the avians. The baby had draconian wings and scales instead of avian wings and feathers. It even had draconian limbs and patches of scales on its body. Aptly, the avian-draconian hybrid was extremely talented in wielding the passionate flames that her parents have. Though despised and grew up then outcasted, she outcasted, she received more love from her mother than many in the world could only dream of. Rumours say that the mother of the chimera was raped during the war but only three people in the world know of the true story of that one night of passion.

Description (commended):

A single onyx coloured horn protrudes from the left side of this winged humanoid's forehead, piercing through her fringe. Silky red hair that reaches to her shoulders dance in the wind like a raging wild fire. A pair of draconic wings, each twice the size of the humanoid when fully spread, are covered in jet black scales that glisten in the sun light. Her flawless face is decorated with flaming red eyebrows and lashes, a small sharp nose, delicate jaws and thin lips but the most striking of all are her crimson eyes that shine brightly but are cold and expressionless. Her body is a chimera of human and dragon. The same glistening black scales from her wings also cover the right side of her neck and spreads down to cover entirely a thin muscular draconic hand that ends in sharp ivory claws. Her left hand is entirely human and looks comparatively weaker than her draconic arm. The upper part of her generously proportioned breasts are exposed and on her right breast is also a small patch of black scales. Thin but not skinny, her waist has a slight hourglass shape and her exposed midriff shows some very subtle abs. On her legs, the dragon blood manifests itself on the left instead. Glossy black scales cover the lean and muscular left leg and each toe is armed with a sharp white claw. On her right is a modestly toned human leg and the nails are painted the same flaming red colour as the nails of her left hand.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:

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