Ravinah the Adept of Resatimm, She Who Walks Alone > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Ravinah created on 19th of June 2013, and is dead and gone (37 years old, 400 hours)

Title: the Adept of Resatimm, She Who Walks Alone
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: drow necromancer

Background history:

  1. Untitled - posted at 2013-10-28 08:19:16
Life was nothing but darkness. A gasp of air escaped her lips among the stale and damp. A powerful voice of tongues resonated somewhere in the distance, and within the unknown she was vivified. Decay and rot had taken so much already but with freedom abound, the defiled copse of wood and vermin could exist as a nightmare. How difficult it was for her to dig, and finally her skeletal hand pierced through the earth to greet moonlight. It was not meant for her to abandon her former barrier with any hint of functionalities. She grasped a sharp plank of wood she had used for a shovel, and drove it into the skull of the first traveler who frightened her by their own reaction of fear. She then wore a hooded cloak to conceal her identity from the city guards, and everyone else. Not knowing where to turn, she scampered off back to a dark building guarded by two stone golems. Perhaps there at the graveyard she could learn of what happened, or what she was.


A half-decaying drow is before you. Pale white hair drifts ghostily down over a black burial gown, the only source of life. She has a pair of sharp, yellow eyes that burn with passionate ambition. Most of her face resembles the image of a grotesque leper. Her teeth are revealed through the left side of her jawline, appearing deadly and spiked. She holds herself with a high grace found in the drow maidens of the Underdark. Hanging around her neck is a black jewel that emanates evil.

PK stats:

Kills: 19, Deaths: 8 (Ratio: 2.4, Efficiency: 70%)
Pinnacle Kills: 15, Pinnacle Deaths: 8 (Ratio: 1.9, Efficiency: 65%)

Kills by class:
shaman: 1, shadow: 3, paladin: 4, illusionist: 3, bard: 1, warrior: 4, thief: 1, necromancer: 1, healer: 1,
Killed by class:
paladin: 2, dark-knight: 1, shadow: 1, illusionist: 1,

Nemesis: Secillio

Mystiques mentioning Ravinah:
Tags: #exalted


  1. Blashyrkh [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    I wanted to keep going. The more life happened the more careless I got with this character. Around octoberish I started raising 45 and below zombies/skeletons because I knew I could kill most of the pk range with just that. The fact is life did happen, and I don't have the time to kill you all anymore. I enjoyed this character, and it pisses me off that I just don't have the time to contribute to such a huge prep time character anymore. I certainly had plans and it was all thought through, but I got to focus on some stuff. Having 70+ souls was nice or whatever it was, and what Necromancers have turned into is quite awesome. I still have "some" characters in the mist, but my play time has been drastically reduced. Thanks to the Immortals, thanks to the fellow players who leant me their souls. It was a blast.
      [reply to Blashyrkh]
    1. Rothak [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Firstly, props to you. I imagine Drow vuln sucked quite a bit, even so, I would say Ravinah was one of the more feared chars out there. I had good interactions with you on a couple chars. Sad to see you go though, you brought some real flavor to AR. Good luck with life and everything.
        [reply to Rothak]
      1. Vevier [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Interacted with you on a few different characters and when I wasn't dying quickly, it was a lot of fun. You make some good points and I suppose kudos for deleting rather than just kind of letting the character putz into nonexistence.

        Looking forward to your next one. Keep the standard high.
          [reply to Vevier]
        1. sweet_canadian_mullet [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          Well, weren't you just terrifying as fuck.
            [reply to sweet_canadian_mullet]
          1. Mikoos [reply]
            0 , 0 , 0 .
            well played
              [reply to Mikoos]
            1. Mummy [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              I almost had you... but then I suppose 111 other poor bastards did, too. You already know you were epic, so I guess all that's left to say is, Motion for Exalted.
                [reply to Mummy]
              1. sweet_canadian_mullet [reply]
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Seconded. Literally the most terrifying character I've interacted with since Rigwarl.
                  [reply to sweet_canadian_mullet]
                1. kento [reply]
                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                  Hands down exalted. Would love to have gotten to be involved in and play out the plans you had. Breathtaking character from Legion to insane force of nature that raped the world.
                    [reply to kento]
                  1. Hrimoyan [reply]
                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                    Really knew how to wreck face. Awesome character, surely Exalted once everybody gets their posts in.
                      [reply to Hrimoyan]
                    1. xanthas [reply]
                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                      You never killed me, no exalted for you.
                        [reply to xanthas]
                      1. lol. Sucks you deleted, Was a fight I always looked forward to (when I wasn't playing Rondak that is) Keep on, even though you have less time and do well with your other characters.
                          [reply to Nadrin]
                        1. Faelon [reply]
                          0 , 0 , 0 .
                          Obviously a bad ass character. Enjoyed our interactions. Loved fighting you, on any character. Exalted vote.
                            [reply to Faelon]
                          1. Stephen2Aus [reply]
                            0 , 0 , 0 .
                            I just loved the RP, it was really cool and well done. I could picture the little skinny decaying, crazy she-bitch hissing at everyone in the room. I could hear the evil tone of voice spewing out the scary words...

                            Unreal mate.
                              [reply to Stephen2Aus]
                            1. Nycticora [reply]
                              0 , 0 , 0 .
                              Hurry up and delete your other character so you can blow everyone's mind
                                [reply to Nycticora]
                              1. Like we don't already know :P *innocent look*
                                  [reply to Nadrin]
                                1. deauja [reply]
                                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                                  This background and description is delicious, obviously an epic character.
                                    [reply to deauja]
                                  1. Vanisse [reply]
                                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                                      [reply to Vanisse]
                                    1. Exalted! +1
                                        [reply to Nadrin]
                                      1. Ozaru [reply]
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        Ravinah was a tough challenge no doubt but didn't rend get slightly nerfed because I know i killed you once at full strength and when you lost your equipment , you were pretty pedestrian. If rend is nerfed I don't think you would have been as successful, mangles vs dismembers makes a big difference. Very competent player.
                                          [reply to Ozaru]
                                        1. Blashyrkh [reply]
                                          0 , 0 , 0 .
                                          I can see how you would think my success came from rend life, but the fact of the matter is I didn't rely just on rend. I killed many people using maledictives. HP gear is the way to go with this class because it enables you to take more damage and keeps you in combat longer, thus granting your minions to hit more which is really the main source of dps from a Necromancer. There was a time or two I did focus full damage, and maybe I had a little over 500 hps, a time when it was much more easier to kill me, and every fight was risky, thats probably when you got me.

                                          I saw the chart for rend life and it was OP, but I started introducing more HP gear way before the nerf came smiting down. I call this skill, you rank a drow necro to fifty and see how you fare. It's a lot more difficult than what I made it look like. A Necromancer is the only class I know I can kill anyone with, because I have played them for such a long time and know them inside and out. The only problem is the time-consuming preparation that comes when you want to defeat decked out hybrids and fighter classes, because you are going to need higher lvl shit to bypass their defenses and that takes a whole hell of a lot of time. :twisted:
                                            [reply to Blashyrkh]
                                          1. Blashyrkh [reply]
                                            0 , 0 , 0 .
                                            This was my Ode to Resatimm, he once told me that there WILL be another dominant Necromancer roaming around, even if he has to return and make one. Now I hope I can pass that task to Thienzel, since most the other ones are inactive. A few shout outs I would like to mention:

                                            Mkatos - I wanted your soul the moment I saw you wrecking faces, but had too much respect for you to kill you in low life. I learned from you in Legion, and couldn't ask for a cooler Forsaken.

                                            Nycticora - Someone had mentioned you brought a lot to the players, I agree. You've done a lot of great things for the place, as well as all the Immortal staff as a whole. I am definitely going to stick around and play, not sure I can ever leave.

                                            Crisbin - I hate you. The # 1 person I did not look forward to fighting, he literally took 6 hours of work and turned it into well.. nothing.

                                            There are more but I want to keep it short. Fynth I don't think we fought much, but I was always on the lookout to get your soul. Paladins and their holy fire, *hisses angrily*
                                              [reply to Blashyrkh]
                                            1. Ozaru [reply]
                                              0 , 0 , 0 .
                                              Can you please break down why you choose drow vs human the vuln seems it would not be worth it.
                                                [reply to Ozaru]
                                              1. Blashyrkh [reply]
                                                0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                Well it's mainly for the intelligence. The main stat for Necromancers is intelligence, and drows are the race with the highest intelligence available to them. I really don't know if intelligence has anything to do with animate/raising, but one would think that it does. From my experience playing the class it always seemed like I landed more animates on drow versus other races, but then again these passed few weeks I have failed more attempts at lvl 50 corpses than I can remember lol. Doesn't higher intelligence make longer weapon wards too?
                                                  [reply to Blashyrkh]
                                                1. Grunchel [reply]
                                                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                  you're all newbs letting a necro like this get you. hahahaha ;) someone go see if this is better than Ygin's record. I'm too lazy to search.
                                                    [reply to Grunchel]
                                                  1. Nycticora [reply]
                                                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                    Your weapon wards should have been lasting about as long as prot shield, which is rather long for a ward compared to most characters (about twice as long, sometimes a bit more). Early in your career you also would have noticed the spellcraft skill going off on your golem creation and your raise dead, increasing golem levels and giving you a drastically higher chance to raise corpses. Mals also landed significantly easier during this time. That was fixed at around the same time as hellstream was nerfed.

                                                    Sorry, I meant rend life, not hellstream. It's easy to forget, since rend life was doing more damage than hellstream in almost all situations...

                                                    Anyway, despite all that, about a third of Ravinah's kills happened after this stuff was patched, and in fact Ravinah wasn't living in the top 5 list until after the nerf
                                                      [reply to Nycticora]
                                                    1. Kato [reply]
                                                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                      Nycticora, does this mean that the level-raising part of spellcraft has been removed, and it's just for training now?

                                                      Ravinah, great job. You were aggressive, slippery, and deadly. Add a little bit of mystery (nobody really KNEW Ravinah) and you've got a badass. I'm really glad you didn't try to challenge for Forsaken, because after the Winter trip when you had an army of Rin, Iggilwiv, and the grizzly hunter you could certainly have two-rounded Mkatos. I was rather relieved when you went your own way
                                                        [reply to Kato]
                                                      1. Mummy [reply]
                                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                        Rend life was not relied on. I'd say her biggest help was vampiric touch. She used that every time I fought her... Necros be aware.
                                                          [reply to Mummy]
                                                        1. Xenyar [reply]
                                                          0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                          Nice run. Pretty good k/d ratio too. I always wondered why you didn't challenge for Forsaken. A competent necro is a tough one for a shaman. All it takes is one timely dispel...
                                                          Anyways...I always enjoyed the fights with you...
                                                          Good luck with the next.
                                                            [reply to Xenyar]
                                                          1. Rensumi [reply]
                                                            0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                            Sad to see you go, Had some awesome fights with you as Thodun, I maintain that we were evenly matched I think I killed you more than you killed me in the end, maybe you had one up on me. Good fights didn't know your record was that badass though sweet.
                                                              [reply to Rensumi]
                                                            1. Eloret [reply]
                                                              0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                              If only I had the time to make this happen on one of my own Necromancer's. I don't get the chance to sit and build up exciting and fun armies over the course of 4 or 5 hours anymore and I am not a huge fan of getting the normal zombies. I ran my necro's hp to 1200 hp at one point and it is completely unfair how good they are going hp. Kudos to you and your efforts, you deserve the respect they are all giving you on this char.
                                                                [reply to Eloret]
                                                              1. Mummy [reply]
                                                                0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                                I'm guessing Euriah.
                                                                  [reply to Mummy]
                                                                1. Ergorion [reply]
                                                                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                                  Epic character.
                                                                    [reply to Ergorion]
                                                                  1. kento [reply]
                                                                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                                    Ravinah definitely did not need only rend life to kill, but even when it was nerfed, she was still a force to be reckoned with. The efficiency speaks for itself, no matter what anyone says. Particularly on such a potentially squishy combo. Animate is definitely frustrating again, failing level 50 corpses multiple times in a row is never fun.
                                                                      [reply to kento]
                                                                    1. kapruski [reply]
                                                                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                                                                      Blash is correct. When I fought them, it wasn't their dragon zombies that mattered at all. It was the lucky sleep and then throw on all the mals and then summon and rend spam that killed me. Even spelled up, the zombies were still not much of a threat. I wanted revenge for that.
                                                                        [reply to kapruski]

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