Saenelle the Order of the Black Robe
Saenelle created on 03rd of February 2024, and is currently 17 years old (6 hours played).

Title: the Order of the Black Robe
Gender: Female
Level: 29
Class: human shaman

Background history:

Description (commended):

A short, slight human woman stands here, her face partially obscured by a translucent veil. Upon closer inspection her unblinking eyes are all sclera, lacking irises, an unstained white as are the filmy robes she wears upon her supple, willowy frame. Her eyes roll within their sockets as if observing the environment around her, casting off a chilling presence that her easy smile cannot dispel. A curving of the lips that reveals not her teeth but exaggerates small dimples on either side exuding a benevolent grace. This is heightened by the regal carriage she bears with her back straight and head held high with dainty chin pointing upwards. Pristinely maintained and manicured hands with long fingers peek out every so often revealing a bracelet on her wrist dripping with a progression of unusual charms; a star, a moon, and an eye.
