Soxta the Master of the Unseen Universe
Soxta created on 11th of February 2024, and is currently 23 years old (103 hours played).

Title: the Master of the Unseen Universe
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: ranger

Background history:

  1. The Tip of the Spear - posted at 2024-02-12 17:33:07
  2. A Harsh Discovery - posted at 2024-02-15 18:40:10
The Tip of the Spear
Soxta is a member of the newly discovered Void Elf faction. A descendant of the security forces of Illisadar, he was taught the duties and responsibilities of those who combat abnormalities spawned from the Void as well as how to handle the somber responsibility of caring for those who have succumbed to the insidious nature of the Void itself. Oftentimes, that care lead to eternal rest at the end of blade and bow, but care is care, even if considered brutal by normal standards. The council member of Dinen Grotto, or Silent Grotto in the normal tongue, designated Soxta one of the members of their tribe to go forth and investigate the modern races of Serin, along with warning others of the dangers of the Void and to eliminate the threat of those who are corrupted by it.


An average looking male elf. If average was platinum hair, pale white skin and glowing white eyes, that is! His hair is chopped short, sticking out in odd angles and giving the impression that parts of his scalp are clean shaven. His limbs are lean, well muscled, with fingers that appear to be slightly longer than normal, at first glance. A closer inspection reveals that he has six digits on his right hand. Thin lips are pursed slightly in contemplation, and there is an unsettling air about him.

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