Trelin the Lord of the Underworld
Trelin created on 23rd of January 2024, and is currently 18 years old (17 hours played).

Title: the Lord of the Underworld
Gender: Male
Level: 38
Class: halfling thief

Background history:


An easy smile alights a weather worn, if young looking, face. Soft brown eyes do not share that smile, save for the wrinkles left behind. Instead they are constantly on alert. Between the furtive eyes and the small stature, it is easy to make a comparison to a small woodland animal. There is a measure of something else however, that leads you to believe the comparison to a cornered badger may be more apt. It maybe the way in which, he holds his hands, always close to his sides, or perhaps it is when eyes cease their constant moving, they stare with a quiet calculating intensity, like a hawk who has discovered its own small woodland creature.
