Yggdrilia the Circle Novice
Yggdrilia created on 01st of March 2024, and is currently 17 years old (5 hours played).

Title: the Circle Novice
Gender: Female
Level: 17
Class: treant druid

Background history:


A feminine figure of ethereal beauty graces the surroundings with an aura of tranquility. Blue eyes teeming with wisdom gaze curiously at the world with equanimity from beneath a crown of lengthy and verdant green hair that is loosely bound by a collection of coiling vines. Her virtue is protected by a tight-fitting bodice and skirt made of ivy that shifts to obscure her feminine curves as if it is alive and growing. Across her brow is adorned a crown of sunflowers chained together and strewn through her hair is a veritable carpet of colorful flowers. Her skin is fair and pale except for her hands and feet which are covered in in shifting roots that seem to originate from her wrists and ankles.
