From Whimsy to Paper: Compiled Thoughts on Bards by One
Authored by: Villidan

Some believe music to be just that. Music. Notes on a chord. I for one
believe it to be something so much more. While the song of a bard can cause
many a thing to happen. It can cause wounds to mend, sores and illness to
flee and even spawn the birth of a being so precious it will return the life
given. I believe that the magic of music is closest to that of creation.
There is so much that comes forth when taking the thought out of its normal
view. I, Villidan, hope you enjoy the journey as we think of the legends,
and how we raise them in voice, cause that of our realm to shift within the
vocation of the Bard. I surely do hope that you will not only enjoy this
read, but learn further from it.

1) Chapter 1 (see Untitled)
2) Chapter 2 (see Untitled, Untitled, Untitled)
3) Chapter 3 (see Untitled, Untitled, Untitled)
4) Chapter 4 (see Untitled, Untitled, Untitled, Untitled)
5) Chapter 5 (see Untitled, Untitled, Untitled)

While yes this book did start out as a coverage of songs, I felt the need
to expound on a number of our physical skills to aid in the learning how
they work with our songs. I do implore one to learn further of our works by
the aid of the scrolls. And if you have any questions, I'd be happy to
supply what I can. Look forwards to my next writings, perhaps it will be
more prose and less studious material? Only the winds will know!

Villidan, Master Bard, Lore Keeper

1) Chapter 1


Chapter 1: Songs and their chords versus their words

Songs are more than just the words that are sung. They are the notes and
chords used in harmony to cause the effect. An experienced bard is able to
tweak and bend the song to allow them to compose variants of the base song.
Some songs even differ depending on how one chooses to align themselves.
Such things are quite fascinating as it further goes to show it is more of
the intent and note of the songs, rather than the words that bring about
this outcome. However, it should be noted that some songs do require the
exact words to be used, almost as if it is an incantation of sorts.
Fascinating, isn't it?

2) Chapter 2


Chapter 2: A Minstrel's starting

The earliest songs taught to the those of the bardic scene have few uses
beyond survival, with the exception of a few. The melody most soothing,
causing one's being to feel unpained, even songs that affect the body and
even protect it. The few that seem not to fall under such are the
'Serenade', the song 'Mirror Mirror' and 'Water to Wine'. However the last
song may have enabled ever a drunkard who stumbled and possibly caused their
own death early in their career due to over intoxication, the first is a
simple song declaring affection for another. The song 'Mirror Mirror' is a
rather new song in the repertoire of the bards, allowing us to create a
reflective surface to better enhance our voice and practice our song. It is
quite easy to see how one of the guild could also be deemed be infatuated
with themelves when the best way to practice is by viewing one self within
our mirror.


Upon personal investigation and much use. I have determined that when
coupled with the 'Concord Hymn', the 'Soothing Melody' is quite the
effective song in mending one's body. Far more than the Twilight of the
Faeries that is learned later on. This has more to do with the fact that
the timing between singing one over the other and even the mental prowess of
putting the effect into the song is far easier with the 'Concord Hymn' to
pull off being an effect healer in a group. Coupled with the 'Healing of
Laughter', there isn't much you can't rid of except for the magical ailments
that would require a holy, or unholy, person to cure. This much I have
found to be true and have even tested it with many an adventure. Quite the
time, thank goodness for my powerful vocal chords.


Perhaps the most sought after songs within this range are the 'Battle Hymn'
and the 'Shield of Words'. Both songs are benefits for battle and quite handy
ones at that. Something not many know about the 'Shield of Words' is how the
defensive enchantment does not only bolster the body, but it invokes an
ancient magical protection to help curb the strikes of many of the monsters
within the land. I would say, almost akin to the affects of potions that
Jemira sells for hunting parties. The 'Battle Hymn' invokes a sense of
readiness for combat, almost unshakable in the movements, as if the tune
itself aids in the marching of military of eld.

3) Chapter 3


Chapter 3: The Intermediate's verse

So, here we start going into where one's voice affects the realms in a
manner to aid in combat much further. We can cause a massive disharmony
with our voice, rather painful if you ask me on the singer as well as the
listener, but we also gain a number of body afflicting verses too. The
'Weight of Burden' and the 'Weak of Mind and Body' to name a few. Such
songs can cause one to be overly tired and unable to lift large and burly
weapons quite useful in a personal defense if you can get it off before you
are hit. Perhaps one of the better songs within this range is the song of
'Broken Spirit'. Such a song causes one who hears it to lose the very will
to fight. These songs can prevent even the angriest of people to reach
their full rage. Such a tactic is surely useful in one's self defense.


Within this range we have a personal favorite, as well as one that is the
boon to any caster of spells and maker of prayers, the 'Concord Hymn'.
While it may make one feel as if they can more readily sing, it also aids
conservation of the mind. A most useful song to those whose focus lies
within it. With such a song I have been able to do much, playing the role
of the healer and one who dishes out damage, by no means as effective as a
cleric or an invoker, but enough to aid my party by. There is another song
here I do strongly urge the young bard to play and fancy, 'Torrents of
Turmoil', a most useful song when it comes to fleeing a foe while unprepared
or just seeking to save hide. It does take time and if used at the wrong
moment could cost your life instead of save it.


Here, the bard also has the ability to sing the 'Clash of Titans'. Quite
a powerful song, very useful in a fight against multiple foes as long as
their feet is on the ground. For it does cause the earth to tremor and
quiver. Such a thing could spell doom for the singer as well as foe. Among
other highlights, such as the lamentable 'Scourge of Black Widow' and the
joyful 'Healing of Laughter'. We also have perhaps one of the most
underused songs within our repertoire the 'Marriage Song'. Such a song can
cause the joy of many a person as they wish to be a part of another's life.
A song that the purpose of which feels that it is hardly ever sung. One
last mention is the 'Ode to Stryth', a song of thanks to our overlord Stryth
who breathed life into our realms in the very beginning.

4) Chapter 4


Chapter 4: Approaching Mastership

Here we go speaking of the later songs learned within one's tenure of the
bardic halls. Starting off is the song so calling to the grave that it
makes the undead wish to return to their eternal slumber, 'Rest in Peace'.
A useful song against not just a necromancer, which we have better, but also
an alhoon or even vampire. Going further we have songs that aid us further
in battle. If we ever gain the upper hand, the 'Devils Dance' will aid us
by causing our foe to spend their legs acting like a fool than to run, quite
powerful in tiring a foe out. As well as delaying them in combat. Another
favorite is the song 'Vertigo' which causes a discordance in the mind, much
like an illusionist spell of Misdirection, if one is unwary, can catch them
quite off guard.


Here we also have the song of 'Paranoia', whose notes cause the very body
of the listener to quiver in anxiety. Such a song is a boon not just
against a caster of spells, but also one athletic of body, causing them to
panic mid motion and forget what they were doing. A most helpful spell in
the brawling of a bar, but also should a bard turn to more combatant
pursuits. Moving on, we have the song that many a bard will sing whilst
fighting, the song of 'Four Seasons'. Perhaps one of our most potent songs
in terms of dealing damage, the singer should be wary, for much like 'Clash
of Titans' it can cause more to seek you than you are willing to fight.


Moving on to our most utility based song, 'Phantom Flute' causes a
magical flute to appear and rest near our mouth to be played when our hands
are otherwise occupied. A most useful of songs for when your focus lies in
combat and the throwing of cards instead of strumming a tune. There is also
the song that causes one to be unable to remove a curse, a most heinous song
'Unforgiven', makes even the basic cursing a pain in the side. And perhaps
a bard's song in which is most useful against a necromancer or even
illusionist, 'Emancipation'. This song allows the bard to remove the
magical binds that keep their minions in check, allowing them the free will
to angrily strike out at their former master. Such a thing can easily fell
the unprepared, causing their death rather than make your own.


We have a few more to reach over before beginning our deeper dive into
our more bodily focused abilities. 'Travel of Solitary' is a good song for
breaking up an unwanted party. Preventing them from working on concert,
they must each enact their own doing instead of relying on a leader. Next
is the song of 'Complete Focus' this song is as its name implies, granting
an extreme focus to the listeners to help aid in combat, allowing them to
strike where a blow might have missed. A boon to many a warrior who will
listen indeed. And the last and most useful, but also difficult to master
songs, 'Birth of the Phoenix'. The usefulness of this song is unparalleled
in terms of saving one's hide. The part that is difficult to master is the
caring for the phoenix. Too much sleep, too little sleep, too much or too
little food can cause an imbalance and while it will mature, it will not be
at its fullest of strength. But any bit helps when in need of aid.

5) Chapter 5


Chapter 5: Physical Performing

While many may say we have our roots in that of a rogue, I believe it's just
our more choice to perform that allows us to use many of what we can. The
uncanny maneuver is quite a useful thing and while yes a thief could use
such the same, it is not with the same dramatic flair as a bard using such.
Perhaps one of our best and most combat focused skills is actually the
throwing of cards. Not many are able to toss out a hand and rend a foe's
flesh, but in doing so we provide a boon to our side of combat. Especially
when we carve our cards to strike a foe's weakness.


Going further and if one were to have a partner, if they were ever so
lucky, a bard could enter a duet. Such a partnership is nothing but a boon,
as it would allow another voice to aid you. It could do a few things, such
as enhance the strength of the song, or help in the mental fatigue of
singing such. Useful, but in these times, unused ability it feels to me.
Along with singing with another, our words can also cause one to doubt, a
timely taunt can cause a foe to question and doubt their abilities, but an
untimely one will only anger our foes against our efforts, so do be wary who
and when you choose to use this against another. Of course if one chooses
to worry more about looks than wit, they can attempt to lure someone away,
to fall victim to their songs in such a hapless trap.


Ever a brawl could be present in our presence, so a bard must be ready.
Due to our travels and watching of crowds, we have learned to use any weapon
in a most odd manner, improvising with our odd movements, allowing us to
wield a spear if or even mace. Not like a professional fighter, but enough
to catch one unaware. And should an idiot or spellcaster get far too
mouthy, we know how to use our fist to get this done. Beware our uppercut,
as it's not only stunning but can fumble our foe's jaw and leave them
speechless for a brief few moments. However such a thing can be a boon if
one is caught in the most unaware, like many of our abilities the unprepared
is the foolish fool.
