Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Que Serra Sera, Sera

posted on 2021-05-05 18:56:00
[ 14]: <SCHOLAR> Serra: The tide calls me home
Wed Apr 28 02:02:02 2021
To: Lumubella
My love,

I have traveled these lands for so many years alone and never felt strangely
about it. But somehow, on this last trip, I feel unmoored. I cannot face
you to say farewell.

I have finished my offering to my Lord, made my peace with Ilromie. I have
told Wylsin of what afflicts me, that perhaps in the future it may inspire
him to aid another with my weakness. I have asked Ocelia to dream large and
spread her wings. But there are so many who have touched my heart that I
will never be able to say farewell to.

Have I found fulfillment, here, in Serin? I could not have asked for more.
From a desolate childhood I found a rich ecosystem of friends and colleagues
who have inspired me endlessly. I have filled my life with adventure. I
have met the most fearsome in the land, the cleverest, the wisest, the
kindest, the most courageous, and the most beautiful. I have learned oh so
many things across every pillar of knowledge.

You asked me if I leave Serin with any regrets. I have two regrets. One is
that I will never see it achieve true peace. The other is that I cannot
fully express how I feel, for I was never shown how to love. I can only
hope that you know how much you have meant to me.

My deepest desire is that I have left but a small imprint behind as I walk
into this Barren Wilderness. The snow already covers my tracks as I walk
here, and while the ice cracks beneath my feet these too will soon freeze
[Hit Return to continue]

over once again. I do not wish to leave an everlasting trace, for I am
merely a mortal, a simple giant, a conduit for my Lord and for Serin. But I
hope that there will be young who follow me, and find themselves looking to
he waters for guidance, and feel the same joy and exhilaration at the
wonders of Serin as I did, once upon a time.



From: [KNIGHT] Lumubella
To: Serra
Subject: A tear stained missive
My Dearest Serra,

Having lived your life fearless, vibrant, and free I find it only fitting
that you feel no trepidation and instead a release as you move forward with
your final journey. I hope you have properly bundled up and warm as you
take it. I feel relief that you have found fulfillment in a life so well
lived, in the bonds you have shared and in the experiences that you not
only lived, but documented so fervently. Not only did you learn many things
but also did you recognize the importance in the dissemination of that
knowledge in the teaching to others. I can find no finer example from the
past nor in the here and now of what a scholar should be.

I had selfishly hoped to keep you with me even the tiniest bit longer as
we spoke a tear-filled farewell. Though I cannot understand why you did
not give me that I cannot help but to feel shame that I could not find the
gumption myself to say the words myself having known for some time what
was to come. I will not seek forgiveness nor will I offer it as that is
not our way is it? We never had anything to forgive as how could one betray
ones own heart? Instead of forgivness or apology what we had was the most
sublime form of respect for each other that only needed recognition through

So... I will say it now. Thank you. Thank you for confessing your feelings to
me and allowing me to realize those that I had held hidden within myself,
as alike as the deep currents under the sea that we watched as we treasured
each others company. Thank you for being my one and only mentor. Thank you
for the love between us, a love that could best be described as a perfect
seal. Thank you for giving me the homeless a home, not only in your heart
but also welcoming into your home and making a place to be mine alone.
Nothing could provide me more simple a joy than to awaken to your well
thought out gifts and letters. I will not apologize for not properly
expressing my gratitude for the efforts you made to bring me comfort as it
is not our way, but I hold out hope that you understood it and my feelings
reached you. You even went so far as to leave me a painting to remember
you by.

When we last took time together and reflected on lifes foibles, I spoke
of love's sly paradox, in making you whole it cuts you in half. There is
a bitter truth to that, in coming to know the reality of love you come
change in a permenant way and can never turn back. The parallels between
this fact and the journey that is one's life has granted me the wisdom to
find a certain repose in it. A comfort in the love that has been and shall
always be a part of us even beyond this journey. I do not think I shall
find that same love with another, ever. In spite of this I have found my calm
center. Far afield it has been from that night in which I vented upon you
a fury of anger and shame, stemming from my secret fear that I shared then
with you. I still have not shared it with any other, and do not know if
I will find the courage to do so in this life. However, I am determined to
overcome it one way or another. It is this one thing that keeps me moored
here while you journey onto unknown places.

I've always piled words and words on top of problems and quandarys until
they collapsed from the sheer weight of the words. I hope this letter reaches
you on your journey and will believe it does, bringing some small comfort to
my overflowing heart. Hope, the grandest expression of the possibilities that
luck can bring us. That you have regrets is a natural thing. Life is a mutable
and transient thing, our choices forever putting us down one path or another
and leaving behind the ones we could have taken. Do not let them trouble you
and I will not let mine trouble me overmuch. I will not say farewell for our
love has tethered our souls together with the finest lashings of spirit, and
though you go ahead of me, one day I will take that journey myself and find

With Eternal Gratitude and Love,



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