Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

A Tournament of Valour: A Most Magnificent Melee

posted on 2023-09-30 13:14:20
Entrance to the Arena of Blood

[Exits: south (down)]
The tournament of blood's championship belt is hung overhead here.
There is a convenient table here.
Ayinti is here.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A huge, many-coloured dragon is here, its scales changing colour every moment.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Dorbin is here.
(Charmed) A huge, many-coloured dragon is here, its scales changing colour every moment.
Siglyn is here.
(Yellow Aura) Trillian is here.
(Charmed) (White Aura) A white quartz tiger is here, quietly serving its master.
Aerysen is riding on the back of a blue Asc'Liena stallion.
The Juggernaut stands here with his arms folded across his chest.

Aerysen chuckles politely.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin eats a magic mushroom.

Bonfo steps out of the shadows.
Bonfo twirls his moustache.

Ayinti looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dorbin phases back into existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin's skin turns to stone.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin phases out of existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.

Aerysen speaks 'Let the gods decide by chance who faces off against who...'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Trillian says 'Traditionally, the jesters go first.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Trillian says to Siglyn 'Well?'

Aerysen chuckles politely.

Trillian stops wielding a rain-stick.

Dorbin pokes Bonfo in the ribs.

The white aura around Dorbin fades.

Aerysen speaks 'Shall it be then? The High Herald versus the Countess Siglyn?'

Dorbin says 'Jesters first.'

Dorbin chuckles politely.

Bonfo twirls his moustache.

Ayinti starts to move in slow motion.

Bonfo says 'You think me an unserious halfling Dorbin!?'

Siglyn raises an eyebrow.

Siglyn says 'Jesters?'

Trillian says 'Are we not all my subjects?'

Dorbin says 'No, I was saying you and me are the jesters! ha!'

Siglyn says to Trillian 'I think they make light of us, High Herald.'
Trillian says 'Especially without our minions.'

Aerysen speaks 'I think they were referring to Trillian's duplicates.'

Siglyn mulls over the idea at hand. Please be patient.

Aerysen looks at Trillian.

Siglyn says 'True.'

Bonfo says 'In spirit if not name eh.'

Aerysen opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Aerysen gets a barrel from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Aerysen drinks holy water from a barrel.

Aerysen drinks holy water from a barrel.

Aerysen drinks holy water from a barrel.

Aerysen puts a barrel in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Aerysen closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.

Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.

Siglyn says 'I could gain a moderate assistant quickly.'

Dorbin sits down and rests.

Aerysen looks at Trillian.

Trillian says 'Oh my. I was thinking fisticuffs.'

Aerysen looks at Siglyn.

Trillian says 'Between us mightiest of foes.'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

Siglyn mulls over the idea at hand. Please be patient.

Dorbin puts up his dukes

Bonfo looks enthralled

Trillian giggles.

Siglyn says 'Would be rather interesting.'

Bonfo eats a magic mushroom.

Trillian says 'Problematic indeed.'

Ayinti patiently twiddles her thumbs.

Siglyn looks at Trillian.

Dorbin stands up.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Siglyn mulls over the idea at hand. Please be patient.

Trillian says 'Would you like to use my quill then?'

Siglyn says 'Have you a staff?'

Trillian gives a simple gray quill to Siglyn.

Siglyn utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'.

Dorbin says 'What staff would you like?'

Ayinti looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Trillian wields a rain-stick.

Trillian says 'Indeed.'

A soft buzz of words hangs in the air around Trillian.

Siglyn says 'Oh, I was thinking his staff versus my scythe.'

Trillian says 'My rain stick is able to most tasks.'

Siglyn chortles mischieviously.

Aerysen chuckles politely.

Dorbin says 'I have ancient black staff or fallbringer.'

Dorbin chuckles politely.

Trillian gasps in astonishment.

Aerysen speaks 'The anticipation is killin' me slowly, to be sure.'

Dorbin flexes his muscles...what a stud!?!

Trillian says 'Such devastating artifacts.'

Dorbin nods.

Dorbin says 'I might be a duke, but I'm ready for a fight ha!'

Trillian says 'A rainstick vs a scythe then.'

Aerysen chuckles politely.

Ayinti says 'So... Have we decided who's up first?'

Trillian says 'No running about!'

Siglyn says 'Hmm.'

Trillian says 'Spells or no? Up to you.'

Aerysen speaks 'It seems Ayinti and Dorbin are ready fer a match.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen bows his head and is filled with a virtuous light.

Dorbin says 'Only arena running.'

Ayinti says 'Aye I'd love that.'

Dorbin chuckles politely.

Ayinti giggles at Dorbin's actions.

Aerysen speaks 'So, while Trillian and Siglyn debate their terms.'

Siglyn says 'Lets limit it.'

Trillian giggles.

Aerysen speaks 'Let the first melee begin.'

Aerysen speaks 'Ayinti versus Dorbin.'

Ayinti nods.

Siglyn says 'Two of our spells known. We can veto one choice.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

Siglyn winks at Trillian.
Dorbin slowly floats to the ground.

Ayinti gets a dark black herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dorbin narrows his eyes.
Dorbin rises off the ground.

Bonfo looks at the table.

Aerysen coughs loudly.

Ayinti puts a dark black herb in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Ayinti puts a pure white herb in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Aerysen speaks 'Ayinti versus Dorbin.'

Trillian whispers something to Siglyn.

Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The Juggernaut yells 'Dorbin has challenged Ayinti to a fight to the stun in the arena.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has challenged Ayinti to a fight to the stun in the arena.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Ayinti has accepted Dorbin's challenge.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has accepted Dorbin's challenge.'
The barely audible hum within the room drops into silence.

Dorbin opens the door below you.

Aerysen speaks 'Here, to make things easier fer the War Scholar.'

Dorbin flies down.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon flies down.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Ayinti.
Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.
Ayinti walks down.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes the door above you.'
The door below you closes.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti roars with the strength of the tiger!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is surrounded by a protective shell of magic.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin phases back into existence.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.'

Trillian yells 'Ayinti! Ayinti! Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin phases out of existence.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Zilir walks in.

Foggledonk walks in.

Foggledonk sits down and rests.

Ayinti yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti turns Dorbin's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt scratches Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has a few scratches and Ayinti is in excellent condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The crowd swells with fervor meeting Trillian's chant. AYINTI, AYINTI, AYINTI

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's roundhouse kick injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti is in excellent condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick grazes Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti is in excellent condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti tries to disarm Dorbin's shield, but fails.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti is in excellent condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jump kick decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti doesn't seem as powerful.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.'

Zilir gets red herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Ayinti yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti turns Dorbin's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut decimates Dorbin!'

Zilir gets a small dusk of black gyvel from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Zilir gets blue herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti kicks at Dorbin's shield repeatedly.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick scratches Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick hits Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti's body vanishes.'

Zilir chants softly.
Blue herb cooks quickly into a delicious smelling treat.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's crane peck hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's rapid beak strike wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's butterfly kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The transparent sphere around Foggledonk dissipates.
The pink aura around Foggledonk fades away.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's crane peck hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's crane peck hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick decimates Dorbin!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti kicks at Dorbin's shield repeatedly.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick scratches Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick scratches Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick hits Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's butterfly kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's front kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti kicks at Dorbin's shield repeatedly.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick scratches Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick mauls Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab misses Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's butterfly kick injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti raises her forearm to block Dorbin's attack.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath hits Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch misses Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's rapid beak strike mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti disarms Dorbin's shield!'
The Juggernaut says 'The distension on Dorbin's arm worsens as the shield is wrenched free.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's arm distension hits him.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

Zilir stops wielding a glacial shillelagh.
Zilir holds a roasted blue herb in his hand.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Trillian says to Aerysen 'Say... did we put a time limit on this fight? It just occurred to me this is a healer vs a monk...'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's movement is no longer as accurate.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti roars with the strength of the tiger!'

Aerysen coughs loudly.
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger rake mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's cartwheel kick mauls Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch misses Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger pounce hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt scratches Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath devastates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger rake decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger claw hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

Zilir absorbs a roasted blue herb.

Aerysen speaks 'Gives ye both time to work out the terms of yer duel.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath devastates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger claw hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick decimates Dorbin!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti strikes a chakra point, opening Dorbin up with a grievous wound.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger bite wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger claw hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick misses Dorbin.'

Aerysen speaks 'I think ye've a battle of wits ahead of ye, High herald.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's shield arm regains its strength.'

Zilir chants softly.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti doesn't seem as powerful.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti starts staggering around like a drunk.'

Zilir looks at the table.
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

Zilir walks south.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets the shield of the tempest.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Aerysen speaks 'What battleground have they chosen?'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

The white aura around Foggledonk fades.
Foggledonk is moving faster.
Siglyn's thirst scratches her.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Siglyn drinks water from a tin canteen.

Siglyn drinks water from a tin canteen.

Siglyn drinks water from a tin canteen.

Foggledonk stands up.

Siglyn opens a heavy backpack.

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Siglyn gets a slab of beef from a heavy backpack.

Siglyn eats a slab of beef.

Foggledonk sits down and rests.
Aerysen smiles happily.

Siglyn closes a heavy backpack.

Aerysen bows before Foggledonk.

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Foggledonk gallantly tips his hat to Aerysen.
Ayinti yells 'hhehLp! ii ahmM beInnG aotTAhzjkehd by DaoRbIin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti turns Dorbin's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's knee thrust injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has a few scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti quaffs a purple potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken low kick wounds Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's wine spray MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's falling drunk kick MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti's body vanishes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti drinks mead from a bottomless tankard.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's wine spray maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike wounds Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's wine spray MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's flying dropkick DISMEMBERS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti quaffs a purple potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's falling drunk kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt scratches Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti's body vanishes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's flying dropkick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

Aerysen speaks 'Hmm... not sure if the War Scholar has access to adequate mental saves.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin tries to castigate sinners.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti squats down and drops her load.'

Foggledonk snickers with Aerysen about their shared secret.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen is surrounded by a white aura.

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Dorbin fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Ayinti yells 'HElp! Ii aM beIinNng awttacjKeD bY dOorBin!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's protective shield dissipates.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Kiler NEWBIE chats: 'I just don't get why when I type track quest, in this case 5, it takes me to the cobbled path just outside the south gate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Ayinti yells 'hhelP! ii ahhmM Beiinng ahtTawcjKeD by DaoRbiInNn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath misses Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's flying dropkick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt grazes Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken low kick injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken back fist MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken low kick decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sweeps Dorbin's legs with a staggering motion!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick misses Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's flying dropkick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt grazes Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken back fist MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks less wobbly in the air.'

Bonfo gets white throwing knives from a leather satchel.
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken low kick wounds Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Bonfo drinks water from a magical spring.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

Foggledonk phases back into existence.
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin phases back into existence.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.'

Foggledonk stands up.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Foggledonk gets a magic mushroom.

Foggledonk eats a magic mushroom.
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Foggledonk drinks water from a magical spring.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch misses Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's roundhouse kick injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

Aerysen drinks water from a magical spring.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti starts staggering around like a drunk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut misses Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut devastates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti jumps in the air and thrashes Dorbin to the ground!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's air thrash wounds Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's flying dropkick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath wounds Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's wine spray DISMEMBERS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's falling drunk kick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks pretty hurt and Ayinti has a few scratches.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks less wobbly in the air.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

Aerysen peers around himself intently.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

Aerysen bows his head in worship of Avenar.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'Seems the Duke can be crafty when he wishes to be.'

Aerysen chuckles politely.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch DISMEMBERS Dorbin!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's falling drunk kick DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

Bonfo nods.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin manages to evade Ayinti's air thrash.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's air thrash misses Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath wounds Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken low kick injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

Trillian drinks water from a water jug.

Trillian drinks water from a water jug.

Trillian drinks water from a water jug.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Trillian gets the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff from a bulging sack.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Trillian stops wielding a rain-stick.
Trillian holds the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff in his hand.

Trillian brandishes the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.
Trillian's the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff blazes bright and is gone.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Trillian gets a magic mushroom.

Trillian eats a magic mushroom.

The white aura around Aerysen fades.
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Dorbin fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
A rabbit roast suddenly appears.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
A fresh garden salad suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
A piece of lumpy breadcake suddenly appears.

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A fresh garden salad suddenly appears.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A cream tart suddenly appears.

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A slab of bacon suddenly appears.

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A rabbit roast suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A slab of bacon suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

Foggledonk utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Siglyn says 'Sounds good then. I could have chosen one of my golems.'

Siglyn winks at Trillian.

Trillian giggles.

Aerysen speaks 'Ah, so ye've both chosen yer spells then?'

Trillian says 'Would that have been worse for me?'

Siglyn nods.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Siglyn says 'I first chose Shatter, which the High Herald vetoed.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt misses Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin tries to castigate sinners.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's knee thrust injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

Siglyn says 'Then I chose Vampiric Touch and my summoning of a wraith.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

A soft buzz of words hangs in the air around Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Trillian says 'I choose haste and my spectral spirit.'

Aerysen speaks 'Ahhh...'

Trillian says 'I do fear I will greatly miss my shroud of chaos.'

Trillian says 'But we shall see!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'Not often yer called to arms, High Herald.'

Trillian says 'Quite rarely I am afraid.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Trillian says 'The same reason I gave up my gold banded staff.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'I'm sure ye'll make due with a lyre with only two strings.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt scratches Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti is in excellent condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

Trillian says 'It was so sad in my keeping. I named it. But over time she grew discontent.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'A globe of white light encases Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath MUTILATES Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken fist injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's flying dropkick DISMEMBERS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken back fist decimates Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken low kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'I've got to say, the Duke is most hardy. That's a lot of punches he's taken and seems not the worse fer it.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen bows his head and is filled with a virtuous light.

Trillian yells 'Ayinti! Ayinti! AYINTI!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The barely audible hum within the room drops into silence.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

Dothemman rides in on a nightmare.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
Dothemman nods.

Aerysen looks at Dothemman.

Aerysen nods.

Siglyn says 'However, I don't think he can take the punishment for much longer.'

Aerysen speaks 'The melee has begun, Dothemman.'

Ayinti yells 'HELp! I amm BeIing awttazjkehD bY doRbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti turns Dorbin's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike devastates Dorbin!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt grazes Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

Dothemman pats his mount

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin narrows his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath MUTILATES Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's drunken back fist DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops staggering around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti roars with the strength of the tiger!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick misses Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, tigers roaring in the jungle!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut DISEMBOWELS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti strikes a chakra point, opening Dorbin up with a grievous wound.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's cartwheel kick hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks pretty hurt and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin chuckles politely.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, tigers roaring in the jungle!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut DISMEMBERS Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's eyes stop watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger rake mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick wounds Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

Bonfo gets a slab of bacon.

Bonfo gets a slab of bacon.

Aerysen raises an eyebrow.

Bonfo eats a slab of bacon.

Aerysen speaks 'Ayinti has the upperhand here.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Bonfo twirls his moustache.

Aerysen looks at Dothemman.

Siglyn looks at Dothemman.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Siglyn curtseys gracefully to Dothemman.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Dothemman bows before Siglyn.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Dothemman says 'Greeting Countess.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist mauls Dorbin.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti strikes a chakra point, and it busts his grievous wounds open even more!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks pretty hurt and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's roundhouse kick injures Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

Dothemman says 'Have Dorbin and Atinti sworn fealty to you yet?'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Dorbin fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Aerysen speaks 'They compete in the melee in the honor of Valour.'

Aerysen gets a rabbit roast.

Aerysen eats a rabbit roast.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen speaks 'Ye may wish to compete if ye wish.'

Aerysen speaks 'The winner of the tournament will receive 100,000 gold coins from my own coffers.'

Siglyn says 'Ah, I have wanted to study the affects of the tiger style's grevious wounding. I suppose this is a good example of it.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.'

Aerysen nods at Siglyn.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen is surrounded by a white aura.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin tries to run too fast and stumbles.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

Trillian says 'Dothemman!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti jumps in the air and thrashes Dorbin to the ground!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's air thrash wounds Dorbin.'

Trillian says 'It has been so long.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's spin kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks pretty hurt and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks less wobbly in the air.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jump kick maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin looks pretty hurt and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin begins scolding his opponent for their differing alignment.'

Dothemman says 'As Ruler of the Dead, I would think that they were groveling at your feet hours ago.'

Trillian says to Dothemman 'Do you remain devoted to your previous mentor.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Foggledonk will be right back!
Trillian says to Dothemman 'Tell me, tell me!'

Dothemman says 'Of course.'

Foggledonk walks south.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti strikes a chakra point, opening Dorbin up with a grievous wound.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash maims Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick mauls Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti roars with the strength of the tiger!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Dothemman drinks water from a magical spring.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's spin kick devastates Dorbin!'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin eats a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's wrath DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash MUTILATES Dorbin!'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is bleeding to death and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'
The Juggernaut yells 'Dorbin has been defeated by Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has been defeated by Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut yells 'The duel lasted 15 minutes and 47 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 15 minutes and 47 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin is mortally wounded!!'

Aerysen shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Siglyn says 'Dorbin should have ran off the effects and then restored his body.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti says 'I have 79% health 95% mana and 94% movement.''

Trillian whistles appreciatively.

Aerysen yells 'And the first melee has concluded with Ayinti as the winner.'

Bonfo shows his approval by clapping his hands together.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Trillian yells 'Researcher of Warfare! AYINTI! AYINTI! AYINTI!'

Aerysen yells 'Ayinti progresses to the next round.'

Dothemman looks at a nightmare.

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Dorbin.'

Dothemman pats a nightmare on his head.

Bonfo puts a slab of bacon in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin's body looks in much better shape.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti opens the door above you.'
The door below you opens.

Ayinti walks in.

Bonfo puts a spotted purple pill in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Dorbin.'

Aerysen claps at Ayinti's performance.

Aerysen speaks with a rolling lilt 'Well fought, War Scholar.'

Ayinti nods.

Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.

Bonfo looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

A healing light surrounds Ayinti.

Ayinti looks at Dothemman.

Dothemman says 'Was it?'

Aerysen peers intently at Dothemman.

The healing light fades from Ayinti.

Trillian utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.
Dothemman scoffs at the idea being presented.

Ayinti doesn't seem as powerful.
Ayinti moves with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.

Ayinti says 'I never had any doubts. I study war, he studies cripples. What doubt was there?'

Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.

Trillian looks side-to-side innocently.

Aerysen speaks 'Well then, Dothemman. Ye seem eager to show us then what true battle is?'

The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin stands up.'

Aerysen speaks 'Do ye wish to enlist next?'

Bonfo drinks water from a magical spring.

Dorbin flies in.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon flies in.

Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.

Aerysen claps at Dorbin's performance.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Dorbin.

Ayinti gives the shield of the tempest to Dorbin.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Dorbin.

Dothemman says 'I have no desire to duel.'

Dorbin says 'Is that way I was getting hit so badly ha!'

Dorbin wears the shield of the tempest as a shield.

Bonfo looks at Aerysen.
Trillian gasps in astonishment.

Ayinti says 'I thought you'd caught on.'

Dorbin says 'I was running so much I didn't even notice the shield was gone.'

Trillian says to Dothemman 'Say it isn't so! Your mentor was many things. But a coward?!'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

The white aura around Dorbin fades.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.

Dothemman sighs.

Dothemman says 'You don't know my mentor.'

Trillian says 'I knew him when he was alive.'

Ayinti drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Aerysen speaks 'Then we've little patience fer hypocrisy, Dothemman. If ye wish to insult a combatant, best be willin' to jump in yerself.'

Trillian says 'Sabsuka was a fearless fighter.'

The white aura around Aerysen fades.

Dorbin says 'Who is his mentor?'

Aerysen speaks 'Otherwise yer words ring hollow.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Ayinti gets a fresh garden salad.

Ayinti eats a fresh garden salad.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen is surrounded by a white aura.

Dorbin says 'I would love to see you fight a monk in close quarters with no time to heal your mind, be my guest!'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen speaks 'Next on the docket then, have the High Herald and the Countess chosen their spells fer the duel?'

Trillian giggles.

Trillian hums merrily.

Siglyn nods.

Dorbin says 'There is a reason monks are so deadly.'

Siglyn buys a battle in Market Square.
The Juggernaut yells 'Bring forth your mops and buckets. They're throwing down in Market Square.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bring forth your mops and buckets. They're throwing down in Market Square.'

Trillian gestures to Siglyn grandly.

Dorbin's skin returns to normal.

Aerysen speaks 'Then let the next melee begin, with a battle of wits.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin's skin turns to stone.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Siglyn opens the door below you.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin's eyes are filled with serenity.

A huge, many-coloured dragon transforms into a miniature chess piece of itself.

Siglyn gets a cream tart.

Siglyn eats a cream tart.

Siglyn drinks water from a tin canteen.

Siglyn drinks water from a tin canteen.

The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Siglyn.'
The Juggernaut blocks Siglyn from entering the arena.

Siglyn buries her face in her palm with a heavy sigh.

Aerysen chuckles politely.
Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut yells 'Siglyn has challenged Trillian to a fight to the stun in the arena.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has challenged Trillian to a fight to the stun in the arena.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Aerysen nods.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Dothemman gets a slab of beef from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dothemman eats a slab of beef.

Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.

Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.

Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.

Dorbin eats a magic mushroom.

Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Dorbin fills a barrel with water from a magical spring.

Dorbin drinks water from a barrel.

The Juggernaut yells 'Trillian has accepted Siglyn's challenge.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian has accepted Siglyn's challenge.'

Dorbin drinks water from a barrel.

Dorbin drinks water from a barrel.

Dorbin drinks water from a barrel.

Trillian giggles.

Siglyn winks at Trillian.

Trillian says 'My first duel! How titillating!@'

Trillian walks down.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut blocks Dorbin from entering the arena.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut blocks Ayinti from entering the arena.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut blocks Aerysen from entering the arena.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut blocks Bonfo from entering the arena.

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'haste'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian is moving more quickly.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian hums merrily.'

A rabbit roast falls away.

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'wraith summon'.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Bonfo has bet 1000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has bet 1000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 0 gold coins on Siglyn, and 1000 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 0 gold coins on Siglyn, and 1000 on Trillian.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'wraith summon'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn summons a wraith!'

The door below you closes.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian gets the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff from a bulging sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian holds the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff in his hand.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian brandishes the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff.'

Dothemman rides south on a nightmare.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian brandishes the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff.'

Bonfo says 'I believe in you...but not enough to make a big bet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian gets a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian gets a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian eats a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian eats a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian stops holding the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff in his hand.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian wields a rain-stick.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian nods.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian nods.'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

Dothemman rides in on a nightmare.

The Juggernaut yells 'Dorbin has bet 1000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has bet 1000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 0 gold coins on Siglyn, and 2000 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 0 gold coins on Siglyn, and 2000 on Trillian.'

Siglyn yells 'Someone start us off.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!'

The Juggernaut yells 'Dothemman has bet 5000 gold coins on Siglyn.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dothemman has bet 5000 gold coins on Siglyn.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Siglyn, and 2000 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Siglyn, and 2000 on Trillian.'

Dorbin says 'Cheapskates ha!'

Trillian yells 'Thank you Dorbin!'

Aerysen yells 'Combatants, be ye ready fer combat?'

Siglyn yells 'Aye.'

Bonfo twirls his moustache.

Bonfo twirls his moustache.

Dorbin yells 'I had to bet on someone! so you better win! ha!'

Foggledonk walks in.

The Juggernaut says 'A wraith disappears.'

Aerysen yells 'High Herald?'

Foggledonk slaps Ayinti on the back on a job well done.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has a few scratches and Trillian has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'illusionary spectre'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's vampiric touch DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound mauls Siglyn.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'A melded ring sets alight, pouring out fire!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's burning hands devastate Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's illusionary spectre disappears.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has quite a few wounds and Trillian has some small wounds and bruises.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound mauls Siglyn.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has quite a few wounds and Trillian has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'

Bonfo says 'Come on you pixie.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'illusionary spectre'.'

Aerysen speaks 'This will be fast and fun.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Trillian has quite a few wounds.'

Bonfo buries his face in his palm with a heavy sigh.
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's vampiric touch DISMEMBERS Trillian!'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's illusionary spectre disappears.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Trillian has quite a few wounds.'

Dorbin bows his head in worship of Vanisse.

Dothemman throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's vampiric touch DISMEMBERS Trillian!'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'illusionary spectre'.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin phases out of existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.

Ayinti says 'Oh dear.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound mauls Siglyn.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Trillian has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'

Bonfo winces in agony.

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's illusionary spectre disappears.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn looks pretty hurt and Trillian has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'illusionary spectre'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's vampiric touch DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound devastates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound maims Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn is in awful condition and Trillian looks pretty hurt.'

Aerysen gasps in astonishment.
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's slash DISEMBOWELS Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound decimates Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's pound maims Siglyn!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's illusionary spectre disappears.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn is in awful condition and Trillian is in awful condition.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn utters the words, 'vampiric touch'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's vampiric touch DISMEMBERS Trillian!'
The Juggernaut yells 'Siglyn has been defeated by Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn has been defeated by Trillian.'
The Juggernaut yells 'The duel lasted 2 minutes and 34 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 2 minutes and 34 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn is mortally wounded!!'

Dorbin dances wildly before you!
The white aura around Aerysen fades.
The white aura around Dorbin fades.

Dothemman sighs.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian whistles appreciatively.'

Bonfo says 'I don't believe it!'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian says 'I have 3% health 91% mana and 100% movement.''

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.

Bonfo flexes his muscles...what a stud!?!

Bonfo twirls his moustache.

Aerysen yells 'What a wildfire! The High Herald is victorious!'

Dorbin yells 'Wooohoo! thanks Trill!'

Ayinti says 'She made two major mistakes.'

Dorbin nods.

Ayinti's movement is no longer as accurate.

Trillian yells 'This is my RAIN STICK!'

Bonfo says 'Count me as a charter member of the Trillian fan club.'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian gets a rabbit roast.'

Ayinti says 'First, using vampiric touch. Second, not using acid blast.'

Aerysen speaks 'So they made a deal.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian shrugs helplessly.'

Dothemman nods.

Aerysen speaks 'They could only use two spells.'

Ayinti says 'Ah.'

Aerysen speaks 'They were allowed to veto one of each pick.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn's body looks in much better shape.'

Dorbin says 'You don't mess with a high \herald ha!'

Aerysen speaks 'So it began with a battle of wits.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian claps at Siglyn's actions.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn whispers something to Trillian.'

Aerysen speaks 'To see which spells would be veto'd.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn curtseys gracefully to Trillian.'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn stands up.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen bows his head and is filled with a virtuous light.

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn opens the door above you.'
The door below you opens.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian whispers something to Siglyn.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen is surrounded by a white aura.

Bonfo says 'What he lacks in size and stamina he makes up for in cunning and guile.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian whispers something to Siglyn.'

Foggledonk nods in enthusiastic agreement with Bonfo.

Dothemman nods.

Dorbin says 'Exactly!'

Dorbin says 'And those storms hurt like hell!'

Ayinti says 'So who's left?'

The Juggernaut says 'Siglyn whispers something to Trillian.'

Ayinti says 'Besides the winners.'

Siglyn drinks water from a magical spring.

Siglyn eats a cream tart.

Siglyn scans all around.

Aerysen speaks 'Well, it be down to the Master of Moustache and the Great Sage Foggledonk.'

Aerysen claps at Siglyn's performance.

Ayinti says 'Ah.'

Foggledonk says 'Are you participating, Aerysen?'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian stands up.'

Dorbin says 'I got 10000 on bonfo's mustache!'

Trillian limps in.
The Juggernaut says 'Dare you take the challenge?'

Aerysen speaks 'I feel if I'm giving 100,000 gold to the winner, it be only right not to participate.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Trillian whispers something to Siglyn.

Dothemman bows before Trillian.

Trillian whispers something to Siglyn.

Trillian hums merrily.

Bonfo cracks his knuckles

Dothemman says 'What sort of treachery is this?'

Trillian says to Dothemman 'Many thanks.'

Dorbin slowly floats to the ground.
Ayinti starts to move in slow motion.

Siglyn whispers something to Trillian.

Aerysen speaks 'Besides, my life is battle these days. I'm happy to oversee such an event.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Foggledonk has challenged Bonfo to a fight to the stun in the arena.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has challenged Bonfo to a fight to the stun in the arena.'

Aerysen speaks 'However, if the winner be willin', I'm happy to fight them in sport.'

Trillian says to Aerysen 'Nonsense. You still have Peaches and Cream on the line!'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut yells 'Bonfo has accepted Foggledonk's challenge.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has accepted Foggledonk's challenge.'

Ayinti says 'Don't forget to change the arena if need be.'

Foggledonk opens the door below you.

Bonfo twirls his moustache.

Foggledonk shakes his head.

Foggledonk walks down.
Aerysen speaks 'I s'pose that's fair, High herald.'

Bonfo walks down.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo winces in agony.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Dorbin has bet 10000 gold coins on Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has bet 10000 gold coins on Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 0 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 10000 on Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 0 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 10000 on Bonfo.'

The challenge has been forfeit.
The Juggernaut says 'The challenge has been forfeit.'
The Juggernaut yells 'Foggledonk has forfeited the challenge.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has forfeited the challenge.'
Foggledonk walks in.

Foggledonk throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Aerysen speaks 'Oh gods.'

Aerysen speaks 'Market Square.'
Dorbin says 'I told you I had 10000 on his mustache!'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

Dorbin lets out a hearty laugh.

Bonfo walks in.
The Juggernaut says 'Dare you take the challenge?'

Bonfo drinks water from a magical spring.

Siglyn whispers something to Aerysen.

Ayinti says 'Okay then...'

Dorbin yells 'Don't let me down mustache!'

Bonfo gets a piece of lumpy breadcake.

Bonfo eats a piece of lumpy breadcake.

Ayinti looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Trillian whispers something to Siglyn.

Bonfo says 'If he keeps forfeiting then I'll keep winning.'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

Dorbin chuckles politely.

The white aura around Dorbin fades.
A magical spring dries up.

Aerysen drinks water from a magical spring.

Dothemman drinks water from a magical spring.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Dorbin eats a magic mushroom.

Foggledonk gets a magic mushroom.

Foggledonk eats a magic mushroom.
Dorbin drinks water from a barrel.

Foggledonk utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Foggledonk drinks water from a magical spring.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
The water in a barrel glows as Dorbin prays with his hand over it.

Trillian giggles.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Trillian drinks water from a magical spring.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Trillian sits down and rests.

Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.

Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.

Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.

Foggledonk buys a battle in the Arena of Blood.
The Juggernaut yells 'The arena of blood is ready for war.'
The Juggernaut says 'The arena of blood is ready for war.'

Aerysen nods.

Dothemman smirks.

Siglyn sighs.
Bonfo kisses his biceps

Siglyn buries her face in her palm with a heavy sigh.

The white aura around Aerysen fades.

Dorbin chuckles politely.

The Juggernaut yells 'Foggledonk has challenged Bonfo to a fight to the stun in the arena.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has challenged Bonfo to a fight to the stun in the arena.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Bonfo has accepted Foggledonk's challenge.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has accepted Foggledonk's challenge.'

Foggledonk opens the door below you.

Dorbin says 'Don't let me down bonfo!'

The Juggernaut says 'Just a moment, Foggledonk. There's still blood on the floor inside.'
The Juggernaut blocks Foggledonk from entering the arena.

Dorbin chuckles politely.

Trillian starts vibrating unintentionally.

Siglyn whispers something to Trillian.

Bonfo looks in a leather satchel.

Foggledonk sits down and thinks deeply.

The Juggernaut yells 'Dothemman has bet 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dothemman has bet 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 0 on Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 0 on Bonfo.'

The Juggernaut says 'Just a moment, Foggledonk. There's still blood on the floor inside.'
The Juggernaut blocks Foggledonk from entering the arena.

Bonfo gets a potion of heroism from a leather satchel.

Trillian says 'Bonfo and Foggie-bear... my heart is positively torn!'

The Juggernaut says 'Just a moment, Bonfo. There's still blood on the floor inside.'
The Juggernaut blocks Bonfo from entering the arena.

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut yells 'Dorbin has bet 10000 gold coins on Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has bet 10000 gold coins on Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 10000 on Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 10000 on Bonfo.'

Bonfo says 'Foggle blood!'

Siglyn whispers something to Trillian.

Dothemman drinks water from a magical spring.

Dorbin lets out a hearty laugh.

Ayinti drinks water from a magical spring.

Dorbin phases back into existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.

Foggledonk utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.
Foggledonk phases out of existence.

Dorbin says 'This will be entertaining.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin phases out of existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.

Bonfo kisses his left bicep

Bonfo says 'I call this one Is.'

Foggledonk opens the door below you.

Foggledonk walks down.

Siglyn gives Trillian a soft kiss on the cheek.

Dothemman nods.

Bonfo walks down.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo nods.'

Trillian whispers something to Siglyn.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'sanctuary'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo is surrounded by a white aura.'

Trillian blushes.

Siglyn says to Trillian 'For always being cheeky and entertaining.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo flexes his muscles...what a stud!?!'

Siglyn winks at Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo gets a vicious adamantium-tipped carved dagger from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo stops wielding a jagged frosted dagger.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo wields a vicious adamantium-tipped carved dagger.'

Trillian says to Siglyn 'The pleasure is all mine I assure you.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'barrier'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is encased by a transparent sphere.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo coats white throwing knives with deadly venom.'

Siglyn nods respectfully towards Aerysen.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'protective shield'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a protective shell of magic.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'weapon ward'.'

Ayinti cringes in terror!

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo stops wielding a jagged frosted dagger.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo holds white throwing knives in his hand.'

Aerysen nods at Siglyn.

Siglyn says 'Executor, a pleasure as always.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'sanctuary'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo gets a scroll of armor from a leather satchel.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'armor'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo recites a scroll of armor.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk drops a small tent.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk goes to sleep in a small tent.'

Siglyn curtseys gracefully.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo gets a cloud herb from a leather satchel.'

Aerysen speaks 'Likewise, Countess. Take care of yerself.'

Aerysen speaks 'Eyes of the Oracle and Light of Valour upon ye.'

Dorbin says 'Be well countess.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo puts a cloud herb in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo gets some metallic herbs from a leather satchel.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo squats down and drops his load.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo eats a cloud herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo rises off the ground.'

Trillian pulls a notebook out of one of his many pockets.

Aerysen winces in agony.

Ayinti's bubble shimmers, then fades away.
A magical spring dries up.

Trillian wipes his cheek.

Dorbin yells 'Bonfo clean that up!'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo buries his face in his palm with a heavy sigh.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo eats some metallic herbs.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo's flesh turns into steel.'

Trillian turns the book to page three.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo starts trailing a discreet wire across the ground.'

Trillian wipes his hand upon the page.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo finishes setting up their trap.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk wakes and stands up.'
Dorbin says 'We don't need anyone slippin in that ha!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk gets a small tent.'

Aerysen says to Trillian 'Gettin' some inspiration fer yer new writings, High Herald.'

Trillian close his notebook and tucks it away.

Dothemman says 'He'll be ready when he is ready.'

Aerysen laughs at Dorbin's joke.

The horses that escaped from their pens because SOMEONE left the door opened, have been found. The Valour Joust is finally able to proceed!
Luckily the High Herald stepped in and helped schedule the dueling tournament first, but we are now ready for jousting upon its conclusion!

Ayinti starts to move in slow motion.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans west.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans west.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans west.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans all around.'
Aerysen speaks 'Ah!!'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo scans all around.'

Trillian says to Aerysen 'Ever and always@'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Bonfo is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Bonfo!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's kicked dirt!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge injures Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has some small wounds and bruises.'

Aerysen winces in agony.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's thunder storm MANGLES a tripwire!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's lightning bolt DISEMBOWELS Bonfo!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has quite a few wounds.'
The Juggernaut says 'A tripwire breaks apart!'

Dorbin says 'That had to hurt!'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo sidesteps Foggledonk's attacks and attempts to stab him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's arcane ward flares brightly with power.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's arcane ward injures Bonfo.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo deftly performs a counterbalance evasion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite hits Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge wounds Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has quite a few wounds.'

Aerysen speaks 'It looked painful.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite hits Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'A pile of Bonfo's dung crumbles into dust.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's storm calms.'

A bolt of golden lightning flashes down from the sky and Avenar appears before you.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's eyes stop watering.'

Aerysen bows before Avenar.

Trillian whistles appreciatively.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Bonfo is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEMOLISHES *** Bonfo!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge grazes Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

Dorbin bows before Avenar.

Aerysen winces in agony.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo sidesteps Foggledonk's attacks and attempts to stab him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's arcane ward flares brightly with power.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's arcane ward devastates Bonfo!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite hits Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk completely destroys Bonfo's ability to resist lightning!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge mauls Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo tosses white throwing knives at Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo's pierce misses Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite wounds Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo's kicked dirt misses Foggledonk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge grazes Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

Dorbin says 'Poor bonfo.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite wounds Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge scratches Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Bonfo's stab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Bonfo is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEMOLISHES *** Bonfo!'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has fled!'

The white aura around Dorbin fades.

Dorbin says 'Those hellsteams look harsh.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo winces in agony.'

Aerysen speaks 'Aye, it's not goin' in his favor.'
Dothemman nods.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian says 'I am quite uncertain I will win my next duel...'
Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin's eyes are filled with serenity.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo gets a fiery dagger from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

Dothemman says 'A bet well placed.'

Trillian giggles.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo stops wielding a vicious adamantium-tipped carved dagger.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo wields a fiery dagger.'
Aerysen speaks 'Best not mess with a master of the Arcane.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo goes to sleep.'

Dorbin says 'Hey remember, I bet on his mustache, not bonfo ha!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's weapon ward expires.'
The Juggernaut says 'The transparent sphere around Foggledonk dissipates.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen chuckles politely.

Aerysen nods at Dorbin.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian says to Dorbin 'Very wise.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The door below you closes.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo starts trailing a discreet wire across the ground.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'His Moustache will likely win no matter the outcome.'

A bolt of golden lightning flashes down from the sky and Avenar vanishes.

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo finishes setting up their trap.'

Dorbin says 'Exactly!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
Dorbin chuckles politely.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'Hail, Oracle.'

Trillian slows down.

Trillian says 'I've never seen it lose!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman says 'Ill take my coins either way.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Avenar slowly fades into thin air.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Avenar cloaks his presence.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen chuckles politely.

Trillian says to Dothemman 'Coins are not everything my friend.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Bonfo fades.'
The Juggernaut says 'The corpse of a tripwire decays into dust.'

Bonfo yells 'Foggle aura me.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Bonfo is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Bonfo!'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin says 'That wasn't an aura.'

Trillian hums merrily.
Dorbin lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo gets a flask of shimmering liquid from a leather satchel.'

Trillian says 'Indeed, it was not!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'sanctuary'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo quaffs a flask of shimmering liquid.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite hits Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition and Bonfo is in awful condition.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'

Trillian says 'I do think Foggie might be fighting dirty!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's thunder storm === OBLITERATES === a tripwire!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is in excellent condition.'
The Juggernaut says 'A tripwire breaks apart!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk sacrifices the corpse of a tripwire to Vanisse.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Foggledonk fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo's flaming bite DISEMBOWELS Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo tosses white throwing knives at Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo's pierce misses Foggledonk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Bonfo is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Bonfo!'
The Juggernaut yells 'Foggledonk has claimed victory over Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has claimed victory over Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut yells 'The duel lasted 2 minutes and 51 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 2 minutes and 51 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo is mortally wounded!!'

Dorbin says 'Ouch ha!'

Now streaming Far Above Serin.

Now streaming Entrance to the Arena of Blood.

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

Dothemman gets a slab of beef from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dothemman eats a slab of beef.

The Juggernaut yells 'Trillian has accepted Aerysen's challenge.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian has accepted Aerysen's challenge.'

Trillian stands up.

Aerysen speaks with a rolling lilt 'Do we fisticuffs in Market Square?'

Trillian says 'Indeed we do@!'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

Aerysen nods.

The Juggernaut yells 'Dorbin has bet 5000 gold coins on Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dorbin has bet 5000 gold coins on Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 0 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 0 on Trillian.'

Aerysen buys a battle in Market Square.
The Juggernaut yells 'Bring forth your mops and buckets. They're throwing down in Market Square.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bring forth your mops and buckets. They're throwing down in Market Square.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen opens the door below you.

The Juggernaut yells 'Bonfo has bet 2000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Bonfo has bet 2000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 2000 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 2000 on Trillian.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Dothemman has bet 10000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dothemman has bet 10000 gold coins on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 12000 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 5000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 12000 on Trillian.'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

Aerysen nods.

Foggledonk looks at Dothemman.

Dorbin chuckles politely.

Aerysen rides down on a blue Asc'Liena stallion.
Trillian walks down.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut blocks Foggledonk from entering the arena.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Bonfo.'
The Juggernaut blocks Bonfo from entering the arena.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Dorbin.'
The Juggernaut blocks Dorbin from entering the arena.
The Juggernaut says 'Only combatants are allowed in here, Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut blocks Ayinti from entering the arena.
Sarisha the white quartz tiger walks down.

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen closes the door above you.'
The door below you closes.

Dorbin says 'Chance to win my gold back!'

Bonfo sits down on the ground.

Avenar slowly fades into existence.

Avenar is no longer cloaked.

Bonfo stands up.

Trillian yells 'Dorbie Where is the loyalty?! I earned you so much.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen gets a Defender potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen quaffs a Defender potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen winks at Trillian.'
The Juggernaut yells 'Avenar has bet 65000 gold coins on Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Avenar has bet 65000 gold coins on Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 70000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 12000 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 70000 gold coins on Aerysen, and 12000 on Trillian.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian gasps in astonishment.'

Dorbin yells 'But bonfo lost me so much! blame him ha!'

Bonfo gives Avenar some gold.

Bonfo winks suggestively.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian giggles.'

Ayinti's bubble shimmers, then fades away.

Dorbin bows before Avenar.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen nods.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'slow'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen starts to move in slow motion.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch wounds Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch wounds Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch maims Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has a few scratches and Trillian has a few scratches.'

Dorbin eats a magic mushroom.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'flashfire'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian sends a brilliant sphere of light spiraling down!'

Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch wounds Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch misses Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch maims Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has a few scratches and Trillian has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'flashfire'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian sends a brilliant sphere of light spiraling down!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen is blinded by flashfire!'

Bonfo yells 'I'm a champion in spirit!'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch maims Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch misses Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has a few scratches and Trillian has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'flashfire'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian sends a brilliant sphere of light spiraling down!'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Foggledonk has bet 7777 gold coins on Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has bet 7777 gold coins on Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 77777 gold coins on Aerysen, and 12000 on Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 77777 gold coins on Aerysen, and 12000 on Trillian.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch devastates Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has a few scratches and Trillian has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has quite a few wounds.'

Dorbin pats Bonfo on his head.

Bonfo's flesh returns to normal.
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen can see again.'
Dorbin phases back into existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'flashfire'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian sends a brilliant sphere of light spiraling down!'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'flashfire'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian sends a brilliant sphere of light spiraling down!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen is blinded by flashfire!'
Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin phases out of existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch maims Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'flashfire'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian sends a brilliant sphere of light spiraling down!'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch maims Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch maims Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch maims Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has some small wounds and bruises and Trillian looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.'

Dothemman says 'Here we go.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has quite a few wounds and Trillian looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has quite a few wounds and Trillian is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian flexes his muscles...what a stud!?!'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has quite a few wounds and Trillian is in awful condition.'

Dorbin says 'I know how deadly he is.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen can see again.'
Ayinti starts to move in slow motion.

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has quite a few wounds and Trillian is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Trillian utters the words, 'flashfire'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian sends a brilliant sphere of light spiraling down!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen is blinded by flashfire!'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen chuckles politely.'

The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian's punch injures Aerysen.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen's punch MUTILATES Trillian!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has quite a few wounds and Trillian is bleeding to death.'
The Juggernaut yells 'Aerysen has claimed victory over Trillian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen has claimed victory over Trillian.'
The Juggernaut yells 'The duel lasted 2 minutes and 13 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 2 minutes and 13 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Trillian is mortally wounded!!'
The Juggernaut says 'Aerysen dismounts from a blue Asc'Liena stallion.'

Now streaming Trillian.

Dorbin yells 'You gave it a good fight trill!'

Aerysen says 'I have 63% health 80% mana and 100% movement.'

Aerysen speaks 'A good thwappin' fer a pixie!'

Aerysen stands up.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen can see again.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.
Trillian's body looks in much better shape.

Aerysen mounts a blue Asc'Liena stallion.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Aerysen embraces you in a tight and warm bear hug.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Trillian giggles.

Trillian stands up.

Aerysen bows his head in worship of Avenar.

Trillian says 'Well fought.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Trillian says 'I appreciate you giving me a fighting chance!'

Trillian says 'Shall we?'

The white aura around Aerysen's body fades.

Aerysen nods.

Trillian opens the door above you.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Trillian limps up.
Entrance to the Arena of Blood

[Exits: south down]
You see 2 of a magic mushroom here.
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
The tournament of blood's championship belt is hung overhead here.
There is a convenient table here.
(Yellow Aura) (White Aura) Trillian is here.
Dothemman is riding on the back of a nightmare.
Foggledonk is here.
Avenar is here.
Bonfo is here.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A huge, many-coloured dragon is here, its scales changing colour every moment.
(Translucent) Dorbin is here.
Ayinti is here.
The Juggernaut stands here with his arms folded across his chest.
The Juggernaut says 'Dare you take the challenge?'

Aerysen rides in on a blue Asc'Liena stallion.
Sarisha the white quartz tiger walks in.

Bonfo puts a fiery dagger in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Bonfo stops wielding a vicious adamantium-tipped carved dagger.
Bonfo wields a jagged frosted dagger.

Aerysen smiles happily.

Trillian yells 'Did you see that?! Two minutes in the Arena with the Executor! That must be a record! Certainly!'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Dothemman says 'Well fought Trillian.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.
Ayinti looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Bonfo puts a vicious adamantium-tipped carved dagger in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Bonfo stops wielding a jagged frosted dagger.
Bonfo wields a jagged frosted dagger.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Ayinti gets a ring of defiance from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Ayinti gets a ring of defiance from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Ayinti gets a pendant of protection from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Ayinti gets a pendant of protection from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Foggledonk slaps Trillian on the back on a job well done.

Trillian says to Ayinti 'I'll expect you to document it as such Combat Correspondent. Of course.'
Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Trillian.

Bonfo drinks water from a magical spring.

Aerysen speaks 'Alright, next up then.'

Ayinti nods.

Aerysen speaks 'Ayinti and Foggledonk.'
Trillian says 'Oh my! Did I forget my annoucement?'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

Foggledonk nods.

Dorbin says 'Hmmmmm this one is a hard bet in all honesty.'

Aerysen speaks 'Are ye both prepared fer battle?'

Aerysen wields a bastard sword.

Aerysen wields a frostbrand sword in his off-hand.

Trillian yells 'Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Researcher Ayinti has accepted the first official job for the Mystique.'
Ayinti looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The door below you closes.

Ayinti nods.

Aerysen claps at Ayinti's performance.

Foggledonk says to Ayinti 'Does the traditional arena suit you?'

Ayinti shakes her head.

Trillian yells 'She is the Combat Correspondent of Serin and all noteworthy battles must be reported to her, in great detail, for proper documentation.'

Ayinti says 'The Ford it shall be.'

Aerysen whistles appreciatively.

Dothemman sighs.

Dorbin grins evilly.

Foggledonk nods.

Foggledonk walks down.

Aerysen says to Dothemman 'I've just noticed ye took the Oath. This is good to know. Just to be sure, though ye seem knowledgeable of these realms. Yer familiar with what the Oath entails and what happens if it is broken?'

The white aura around Trillian fades.

Dothemman says 'A trick.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'detect invis'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a dragonblood mithril-white ascot of maiming from her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a dragonblood mithril-white ascot of evisceration from her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a pendant of protection around her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a pendant of protection around her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'armor'.'

Dothemman says 'Your treachery is noted, Executor.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'protective shield'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a protective shell of magic.'

Dothemman says 'I still hold you to your word.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a pendant of protection from her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a pendant of protection from her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a dragonblood mithril-white ascot of maiming around her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a dragonblood mithril-white ascot of evisceration around her neck.'

Aerysen speaks 'Is that right?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti hooks her fingers and begins rocking like the mantis.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian says 'Did I miss something noteable?'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

Trillian says 'Tomfoolery?'

Aerysen speaks 'I think I missed it as well.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a dragonblood mithril-white claddagh of evisceration from her finger.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a ring of defiance on her left finger.'

Dorbin says 'You have not been touched and will not be touched during the tournament.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a ring of defiance from her finger.'

Trillian says 'Was Dothemman duped? Duplicitously?!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a dragonblood mithril-white claddagh of evisceration from her finger.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a dragonblood mithril-white claddagh of evisceration on her left finger.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk asks loudly for a sandwich.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
Trillian utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a dragonblood mithril-white claddagh of evisceration on her right finger.'

Aerysen sits down and thinks deeply.

Dorbin says 'Just shadow talk.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'sanctuary'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'weapon ward'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

A soft buzz of words hangs in the air around Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'mana shield'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is encased by a shimmering sphere of magic.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti quaffs a purple potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

Trillian drinks water from a water jug.

Trillian drinks water from a water jug.

Trillian drinks water from a water jug.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin says 'No one gonna bet on foggle? that isn't fair ha!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti delivers a bone shattering punch to Foggledonk's face!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite misses Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's spin kick mauls Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick MUTILATES Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's lightning bolt MASSACRES Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge wounds Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike misses Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops rocking like the mantis.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti starts staggering around like a drunk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk drops a small tent.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk goes to sleep in a small tent.'

Aerysen is moving faster.
Dorbin phases back into existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk gets a small tent.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'create food'.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin phases out of existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk gets a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk eats a magic mushroom.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'create spring'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk drinks water from a magical spring.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
Dorbin eats a magic mushroom.

Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Dorbin narrows his eyes.
Dorbin rises off the ground.

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dorbin bows his head in worship of Vanisse.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

The barely audible hum within the room drops into silence.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti quaffs a purple potion.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen bows his head and is filled with a virtuous light.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops staggering around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the speed and agility of the monkey.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti tumbles away from Foggledonk's spell.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream misses Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge hits Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's groin strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's monkey jump kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt scratches Foggledonk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream MASSACRES Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike grazes Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's monkey fist!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's monkey pounce!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti slows down.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti starts staggering around like a drunk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's drunken fist!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sweeps Foggledonk's legs with a staggering motion!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick maims Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick misses Foggledonk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's drunken low kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk looks less wobbly on his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge hits Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's palm strike mauls Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut MUTILATES Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sweeps Foggledonk's legs with a staggering motion!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick devastates Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick devastates Foggledonk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's eyes stop watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge wounds Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's drunken back fist!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti performs the form, pretty lady flirting!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's flying dropkick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk looks less wobbly on his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

Dothemman drinks water from a water jug.

Dothemman drinks water from a water jug.

Aerysen opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.
Dothemman drinks water from a water jug.

Aerysen gets a barrel from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Aerysen drinks holy water from a barrel.

Aerysen drinks holy water from a barrel.

Aerysen drinks holy water from a barrel.

Aerysen puts a barrel in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
Aerysen closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The skies are lit with lightning and all sound is lost in thunder.
The surge has arrived.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
A string of sausages suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
A fresh garden salad suddenly appears.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's weapon ward expires.'
Trillian's hunger wounds him.
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops staggering around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's body starts to enlarge into the image of a dragon.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream MASSACRES Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dorbin gets a magic mushroom.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a dark black herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a dark black herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti puts a dark black herb in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti puts a dark black herb in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's mana shield flares brightly then dissipates.'
Trillian's hunger wounds him.

Dothemman says 'What is the dark black herb?'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth walks in.

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Wigoseth looks at Dothemman.

Dorbin pounces on Wigoseth and sends him sprawling.

Aerysen speaks 'Ah, Wigoseth.'

Wigoseth looks at Aerysen.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Dorbin says 'Just in time!'

Wigoseth gallantly tips his hat.
Aerysen speaks 'Yer catchin' the tail end of the tournament.'

Wigoseth says 'Ahh.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Foggledonk fades.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's protective shield dissipates.'
Trillian's hunger scratches him.
A magical spring dries up.

Wigoseth looks at Bonfo.

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.

Aerysen speaks 'At least the Melee.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'sanctuary'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'protective shield'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a protective shell of magic.'

Aerysen speaks 'But joustin' and a ball are still in order.'

Dorbin says 'Ayinti beat me silly!'

Dorbin lets out a hearty laugh.

Aerysen speaks 'Although we started with rounds of drinks.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Aerysen gives a bottle of fine elvish wine to Wigoseth.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman says 'Fancy yourself a horseman, do you Wigoseth?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

A bolt of golden lightning flashes down from the sky and Avenar vanishes.

Wigoseth snickers softly.
Trillian's hunger grazes him.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth says 'I have never ridden a horse in my life.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth says 'Those things are huge!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

Trillian holds the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff in his hand.

Trillian brandishes the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Bonfo gets a raspberry flan.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Bonfo gets a string of sausages.

Trillian brandishes the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti returns to her normal size.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the speed and agility of the monkey.'

Bonfo twirls his moustache.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti drinks water from a magical spring.'

Trillian gets a magic mushroom.

Trillian gets a magic mushroom.
Dorbin says 'Lots of food on the floor trill ha!'

Trillian eats a magic mushroom.

Trillian eats a magic mushroom.

Trillian stops holding the Grand Pooh-Ba's Staff in his hand.
Trillian wields a rain-stick.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

Dothemman says 'Maybe better to sit out the joust then.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

Trillian giggles.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

Aerysen speaks 'I have a feelin' the Oracle will be with any who decides to joust.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Trillian says 'I was so focused on the melee I failed to notice!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Dorbin chuckles politely.

Bonfo gets a magic mushroom.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk drops a small tent.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk goes to sleep in a small tent.'

The white aura around Wigoseth fades.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

Dorbin chuckles politely.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk gets a small tent.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman looks at a nightmare.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk says 'I have 88% health 100% mana and 38% movement.''

Aerysen whistles appreciatively.

Wigoseth looks at Dothemman.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream MUTILATES Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab grazes Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kicked dirt scratches Foggledonk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's lightning bolt devastates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's knee thrust hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's roundhouse kick misses Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has fled!'

Trillian says 'Avie assured me that the horses are quite docile.'

Dothemman prances around on his nightmare.
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'barrier'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is encased by a transparent sphere.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's spin kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's dragon punch!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's dragon punch!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti releases her stored chii at Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's chii bolt collides into Foggledonk's protective shield and neutralizes it.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's chii bolt DISEMBOWELS Foggledonk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's eyes stop watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge hits Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jump kick misses Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's knee thrust!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's double kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's double kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's back fist!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's spin kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

Dorbin says 'Ouch!'

Aerysen nods.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti tumbles away from Foggledonk's spell.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream misses Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's back fist!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's lightning kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's lightning kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen is surrounded by a white aura.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a protective shell of magic.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian says 'Avie assured me that the horses are quite docile.'

Dothemman says 'Ive never seen a hellstream miss like that.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk drops a small tent.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk goes to sleep in a small tent.'

Trillian says 'It is quite unusual.'

Wigoseth phases back into existence.
Dorbin phases back into existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'
The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk gets a small tent.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin phases out of existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'protective shield'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a protective shell of magic.'

Trillian says 'I would have thought the late Duchess would have written of that in her Primer were it possible.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the speed and agility of the monkey.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Trillian says 'Perhaps our dedicate of War has tricks?'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'He seems most practiced in combat..'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti slows down.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk gets an artifact of a floating relic from a mysterious bag of the Magi.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk invokes an artifact of a floating relic.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk rises off the ground.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab misses Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's spin kick!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge hits Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jump kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's double kick!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti raises her forearm to block Foggledonk's attack.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite grazes Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's dragon punch!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jump kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream MASSACRES Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti raises her forearm to block Foggledonk's attack.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite grazes Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge grazes Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's lightning kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's movement is no longer as accurate.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the speed and agility of the monkey.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Foggledonk fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'sanctuary'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a white aura.'

Trillian whispers something to Aerysen.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen coughs loudly.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'She, that is.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Dothemman says 'The ford should be removed from the arena.'

The Juggernaut says 'The transparent sphere around Foggledonk dissipates.'
The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

Wigoseth bows his head in worship of Kedaleam.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'barrier'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is encased by a transparent sphere.'

Aerysen gets a fresh garden salad.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Aerysen eats a fresh garden salad.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman says 'This is tedious.'

Trillian whispers something to Aerysen.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin says 'It works to foggles advantage to be in the forge.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti removes a dragonblood mithril-white ascot of maiming from her neck.'

Dothemman says 'How so?'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

Bonfo drinks water from a water jug.
Dorbin says 'Why ayinti wanted the ford.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti wears a pendant of protection around her neck.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pair of ruby-red citizen's gloves of potency from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti slips a pair of ruby-red citizen's gloves of potency onto her hands.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth says 'Is this the last fight?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth peers around himself intently.

Dorbin says 'Because in an enclosed space against a monk, they can wear out your mind and you have no time to rest and heal up your mind.'

The white aura around Aerysen fades.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin's eyes are filled with serenity.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Aerysen speaks 'It depends, Duke Dorbin, on who yer fightin'.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian says to Wigoseth 'There would be one more, although it is possible the Executor would concede.'

Dorbin says 'So being in the ford gives foggle the advantage.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dorbin says 'Aye.'

Dothemman says 'I feel like the monk is on the run, not the gnome.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti buys a strip of squirrel meat.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a strip of squirrel meat.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The white aura around Dorbin fades.

Aerysen speaks 'Monks beat healers in an enclosed space, but against an invoker, the monk favors attrition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

Dorbin says 'Like I said its to foggles advantage but don't count out a monk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti gets a pure white herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.

Aerysen says to Wigoseth 'This is indeed the last duel before the joust begins.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti eats a pure white herb.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is surrounded by a white aura.'

Bonfo eats a raspberry flan.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's kicked dirt!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's elbow slash!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's elbow slash misses Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's knee thrust!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's dragon punch!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream MANGLES Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite injures Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk completely destroys Ayinti's ability to resist lightning!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge hits Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jump kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jump kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

Trillian says to Dorbin 'I do not know. I would think the healing prowess of a monk makes the ford more advantageous than the mana restoration of an invoker.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the speed and agility of the monkey.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's monkey jump kick injures Foggledonk.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's lightning bolt DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's whirlwind kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's monkey fist grazes Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's lightning kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's eyes stop watering.'

Dothemman says 'Aerysen, perhaps you should enter the arena, attack Foggledonk and then let Ayinti get the kill.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's protective shield dissipates.'
Dorbin's protective shield dissipates.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
Trillian giggles.

Volkra walks in.
A basilisk flies in.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman gets a slab of beef from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Dorbin scowls disapprovingly at Dothemman.

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Wigoseth looks at Volkra.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman says 'Perhaps dorbin can open the events.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin eats a magic mushroom.

Dorbin drinks holy water from a barrel.

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman says 'Just all three go at him.'

Aerysen speaks 'Aye, perhaps. I also happen to like quite a bit of salt with my Drow.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Ayinti fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti slows down.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti crouches and stalks like a leopard.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream === OBLITERATES === Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti evades Foggledonk's attack and exploits the brief opening.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's leopard paw to the kidney!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge DISEMBOWELS Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

Volkra walks south.
A basilisk flies south.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
Dothemman gets a Wayfarer's Cake from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Trillian says 'Ah ha! At last. The teachings of Sabsuka manifest.'

Wigoseth says 'Quite the interesting choice really.'

Dothemman eats a Wayfarer's Cake.

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'The transparent sphere around Foggledonk dissipates.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite devastates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch devastates Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick decimates Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti looks pretty hurt.'

A soft buzz of words hangs in the air around Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian says 'I knew you hadn't changed old friend.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth says 'I would't be using hellstream.'

Wigoseth snickers softly.
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dothemman nods at Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian says 'What would you be using?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The white aura around Foggledonk fades.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'sanctuary'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is surrounded by a white aura.'

Wigoseth says 'My magical storms, and quick pursuit. '

Dorbin nods.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Dothemman says 'Intriguing.'

Trillian says 'The better to run him down?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'Ye choose not hellstream fer the way it slows ye down between eac spell?'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Dothemman says 'Foggledonk is experienced.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops stalking around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's hands burst into flames!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
Ayinti yells 'Help! Foggledonk is hellstreaming me!'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'

Dorbin phases back into existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases back into existence.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin phases out of existence.
Ludoros the huge, many-coloured dragon phases out of existence.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth says 'Foggledonk, is a mystic.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth snickers softly.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Trillian says 'Hellstream erodes all magical defenses though. Foggie tested it quite extensively some time ago.'

Dorbin says 'Sort of how I had issues with my healing and the time in between each one had me stalled.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Volkra walks in.
A basilisk flies in.

Trillian says 'It's capacity is unrivaled.'

Garp the citizen of Seringale yells 'There are whispers that the Knight's tourni is a celebration of the remission of Legion. Did they actually win?'

Volkra looks at Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Volkra nods at Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Dorbin bows his head in worship of Vanisse.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Wigoseth says 'Indeed, and those light hits that you see happening are because of the stance called monkey.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin nods.

The barely audible hum within the room drops into silence.

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen is surrounded by a white aura.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

A bolt of golden lightning flashes down from the sky and Avenar appears before you.

Volkra looks at Aerysen.

Wigoseth looks at Avenar.

Wigoseth looks at Volkra.

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Aerysen bows before Avenar.

Trillian says 'Monkey stance is a valid stragem.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen speaks 'Hail, Oracle.'

Wigoseth agrees absolutely.
Dorbin says 'Welcome again lord Avenar.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

Wigoseth says 'Indeed it is.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

Avenar says 'Greetings all!'

Trillian says 'I think Ayinti likely underestimated the capacity of our Foggie.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Dothemman has bet 10000 gold coins on Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Dothemman has bet 10000 gold coins on Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 10000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 8000 on Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 10000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 8000 on Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Trillian says 'His reserves are quite deepo.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

Aerysen speaks 'I hear our horses have been appropriately wrangled?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'
The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'

The white aura around Dorbin fades.

Wigoseth walks south.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily.
Aerysen bows his head and is filled with a virtuous light.

Dorbin says 'Not that, ayinti is testing some things out.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dorbin is surrounded by a white aura.

Volkra makes some grunting noises.

Wigoseth walks in.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Volkra yells out his warcry.
Volkra yells 'God of Blood, bless me with your power!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's hands burst into flames!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut yells 'Wigoseth has bet 10000 gold coins on Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Wigoseth has bet 10000 gold coins on Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 10000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 18000 on Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 10000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 18000 on Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Out of nowhere, a HUGE issue of the Mystique comes flying down from the sky!
A pile of Mystiques's sheer weight DISEMBOWELS Bonfo!

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut yells 'Volkra has bet 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Volkra has bet 5000 gold coins on Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut yells 'There are now 15000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 18000 on Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'There are now 15000 gold coins on Foggledonk, and 18000 on Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Aerysen closes his eyes momentarily and nods at Bonfo.

Trillian throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

Dorbin says 'Ayinti is very cunning and learns well on the fly.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dothemman says 'What is this?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti sits down and begins to meditate.'

Trillian says to Bonfo 'Do watch your head.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Volkra looks at Bonfo.

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti stops meditating and stands up.'

Wigoseth looks at Trillian.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

Dorbin says 'Lucky it missed his mustache ha!'

Trillian says to Bonfo 'I only print them. Who knows where the press throws em.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti closes her eyes in meditation.'

Bonfo rolls around on the ground in pain

Wigoseth utters the words, 'uoculoihuyl'.

Someone slowly fades into thin air.

Aerysen says to Dorbin 'On the contrary, Duke. I'm sure if it hit his moustache, it would have exploded in confetti.'

The Juggernaut says 'A healing light surrounds Ayinti.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's knee thrust hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite mauls Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has a few scratches and Ayinti has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'The healing light fades from Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist mauls Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's spin kick decimates Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream DISMEMBERS Ayinti!'
Dorbin says 'Very true!'
Dothemman utters the words, 'judicandus dies'.
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick MUTILATES Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's double kick decimates Foggledonk!'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's back fist mauls Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's whirlwind kick decimates Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has some small wounds and bruises and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

Dorbin closes his eyes momentarily.
Dothemman utters the words, 'judicandus dies'.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's jab injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has fled!'

Dothemman utters the words, 'judicandus dies'.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'barrier'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is encased by a transparent sphere.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'thunder storm'.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk calls upon the forces of nature and calls forth a lightning storm.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's jab!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

Dothemman says 'Better?'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's hands stop burning.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti moves with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.'

Aerysen yells 'Give us a report when ye get a chance, combatants! let us know where the duel stands.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge wounds Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's rapid wing strike injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's dragon punch!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick misses Foggledonk.'

Trillian says 'So, who here has watched the most duels?'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite devastates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge devastates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's crane peck injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

Bonfo says 'I believe I have suffered harm. Perhaps I need some special skills for my facial hair to make up for this awful awful attack.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's rapid wing strike injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

Dorbin says 'See, ayiniti is figuring it out.'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's kick devastates Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti kicks at Foggledonk's shield repeatedly.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick grazes Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's lightning kick hits Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shield arm is numbed.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's double kick!'

Aerysen lets out a hearty laugh.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream *** DEVASTATES *** Ayinti!'

Wigoseth snickers softly.

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge wounds Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's palm strike!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's tiger uppercut!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's spinning bird kick injures Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti has quite a few wounds.'

Wigoseth says 'This is my first one.'

Wigoseth throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti disarms Foggledonk's shield!'
The Juggernaut says 'The distension on Foggledonk's arm worsens as the shield is wrenched free.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by his own arm distension.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream === OBLITERATES === Ayinti!'

The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's rapid wing strike wounds Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's butterfly kick devastates Foggledonk!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's shocking bite devastates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's static discharge decimates Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's tiger uppercut misses Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti's rapid wing strike mauls Foggledonk.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by Ayinti's whirlwind kick!'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has quite a few wounds and Ayinti looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk gets the Nature's Peace defender shield.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk is unaffected by his own arm distension.'

The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk utters the words, 'hellstream'.'
The Juggernaut says 'The ground erupts as Ayinti is caught in a searing beam of arcane light.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk's hellstream === OBLITERATES === Ayinti!'
The Juggernaut yells 'Foggledonk has claimed victory over Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk has claimed victory over Ayinti.'
The Juggernaut yells 'The duel lasted 16 minutes and 49 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 16 minutes and 49 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Foggledonk stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Ayinti is mortally wounded!!'

Aerysen speaks 'I've watched only a few.'

Aerysen speaks 'There it is.'


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