Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Afales vs Oogruk

posted on 2024-02-23 03:33:19
Just so people have something to read... Not an especially interesting fight but since he wanted one I obliged.

[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<920hp 712m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Players near you in Armageddon Sanctuary:
<PK> Afales Among ancient oak trees

<920hp 712m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You are carrying:

<920hp 712m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You are affected by the following:
Spell: curse of acadia: lasts permanently
Skill: guild commission: lasts for 49 hours
Skill: keen sight : lasts for 45 hours
Skill: warcry : modifies save vs afflictive by 7 for 14 hours
: modifies hitroll by 6 for 14 hours
Skill: devote : lasts for 13 hours
Beast: wolves : unavailable for 12 hours
Skill: quest reward : increases experience gained for 4 hours

<920hp 712m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Your skin becomes covered with tough oak bark.
The night is about to end.
The rain stopped.

<920hp 674m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You prepare your resolve and stand ready for battle.

<920hp 614m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<920hp 614m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Players near you in Armageddon Sanctuary:
<PK> Afales Among ancient oak trees

<920hp 614m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Alert! Oogruk has intruded upon our cabal!' <- Guess he didn't want to look for me.

<920hp 614m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
challenge Oogruk death force
You have challenged Oogruk to a fight to the death, no refusal.
Oogruk has five hours to prepare.
The duel conditions are: to the death
[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Afales has challenged Oogruk to a fight to the death.'

<920hp 614m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among ancient oak trees
f-f ~ | This is part of a dense forest of ancient oak trees, the boles
| | | | of which tower up into the sky to be lost amid the leafy canopy
f-f-f | overhead. Slender beams of sunlight filter down through the
| | | | leaves onto the dense foliage which covers the floor of the
f-f-@ | forest. There is life visible in abundance here, from the
| numerous bushes and ferns, to the thick coatings of moss that
| cover the trunks of the trees.

[Exits: north west]
A tree-like creature with large fangs looms your way.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 376mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Diabolical Clearing
f-f | The ancient forest fades away gradually into odd, spiky shrubs
| | | and tufts of browned grass with jagged blades. The flat, bare
f-f ~ | earth in the center is peculiar in its unnaturally perfect
| | | | circumference. The seams in the dry caked soil seem to form
f-f-@ | runes that shimmer and wriggle in the strange heat rising
| | | | from somewhere deep beneath. Only in the exact middle of the
f-f-f | clearing is the even ground marred, as though something had
| erupted from the otherwise lifeless earth.

[Exits: north south west]
A tattered piece of paper has been dropped on the ground.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 374mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Lake in the Forest
f-f | The festering bogs of the dead moors recede here, as the
| | | environment opens into the outskirts of an ancient oak forest.
f-f | Soft marshy ground lies beneath you, a haze of pungent stink
| | | escaping from it. An eerie darkness lies off to the east,
f-f @ | the passage to the west through the trees ahead looking equally
| | | | uninviting. To go north is to enter into a battlezone while
f-f-f | to go west ventures into the dangerous forest of Serin's
| | | | renegade clerics. This area of the forest is occupied by
f-f-f | a small lake, filled with dirty waters. A stone wall borders
---------+ the northern edge of the lake, preventing the water from
flooding into a stone aperture that disappears underground.

[Exits: south down]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf swims in.

<920hp 614m 373mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 river (outside)>
In Water
| A narrow stone corridor filled from wall to wall with a clean
| and clear flow of increasingly swiftly moving water. The water
~-~-~ | moves in from the north and flows quickly southward, into
| | | a hole near the bottom of a high wall of stone. The ground
~ @ | under the water slopes up steeply toward the north.

[Exits: north up]
A large wolf swims in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 371mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 river (outside)>
In Water
| A narrow stone corridor filled from wall to wall with a clean
| and clear flow of increasingly swiftly moving water, moving
| in from the west and slowly curving southward along a quickly
| downsloping floor. The corridor curves quickly here, pointing
~-~-@ | itself generally to the south and the west. The view of the
| | | water ends shortly to the south as it flows under a wall of
~ ~ | stone.

[Exits: south west]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf swims in.

<920hp 614m 370mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 river (outside)>
In Water
| A narrow stone corridor filled from wall to wall with a clean
| and clear flow of increasingly swiftly moving water, moving generally
| eastward along a quickly downsloping floor. Off to the east the
| corridor curves quickly off, pointing itself generally southward.
o-~-@-~ | A heavy spray of water can be seen to the west, pounding forcefully
| | | out of the southern wall.
~-~ ~ |
| |
~ |

[Exits: east west]
A large wolf swims in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 368mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 river (outside)>
In Water
* | A narrow stone corridor, filled shallowly with water spraying
| | from a highly curved hole in the wall to the south, which splatters
* | against the wall to the north and down into the water below.
| | The water is clean and clear, it sweeps slowly eastward into
*-o-@-~-~| a less shallowly floored area. The entrance to a small cave
| || is to the west, out of the water and over a short stone step.
~-~ ~|
| |
~-~ |

[Exits: east south west]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf swims in.

<920hp 614m 366mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 river (outside)> The Edge of a Cave
* | A short step is set at the mouth of the cave, smoothly cut
| | into its form by moving water. The ground quickly drops away
* | to the east, into a water filled gully, fed by a highly curved
| | hole in the north wall, spewing its water with such great
*-@-~-~| force it almost touches the wall to the south before, which
| | stands a good distance away. A trickle of water flows along
~-~ | the southern wall, quickly speeding up as it flows in its
| | easterly direction.
~-~-~ |

[Exits: east west]
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 365mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
A Stone Corridor
* | A dark stone corridor, naturally carved into shape by water
| | passing through it for quite a long time, leaving the walls
* | terribly smooth. Near the western wall a trickle of water
| | flows through a clearly unnatural channel carved into the
@-o-~| floor, turning smoothly eastward on an ever shallower channel
|| and overflowing slightly before it touches the southern
~-~| wall, other than that everything looks completely dry,
| | despite the sound of rushing water that seems to echo from
~-~ | all around.

[Exits: north east]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf walks in.

<920hp 614m 364mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<920hp 614m 364mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)> A Stone Corridor
| A dark stone corridor, naturally carved into shape by
| water passing through it for quite a long time, leaving
* | the walls terribly smooth. Near the western wall a trickle
| | of water flows through a clearly unnatural channel carved
@ | into the floor, other than that everything looks completely
| | dry, despite the sound of rushing water that seems to
*-o-~| echo from all around. A heavy slab of stone leans against
|| the wall the east, not quite fully covering a hole through
~-~| it.

[Exits: north (slab east) south]
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 363mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)>
A Stone Corridor
| A dark stone corridor, naturally carved into shape by
| water passing through it for quite a long time, leaving
| the walls terribly smooth. A trickle of water leaks from
| a small hole at the bottom of the western wall, falling
@ | into a clearly unnatural channel carved into the floor,
| | other than that everything looks completely dry - despite
* | the sound of rushing water that seems to echo from all
| | around.

[Exits: south up]
An undead butterfly is here, fluttering blindly about.
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf walks in.

<920hp 614m 362mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)>
Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
@- | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: east down]
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 361mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

Oogruk has accepted your challenge.
[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Oogruk has accepted Afales's challenge.'

Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
-@- | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 360mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
-@- | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 359mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
-@ | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| | The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: south west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 614m 357mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

The day has begun.

<920hp 626m 382mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<920hp 626m 382mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| | bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
@- | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: north east]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 381mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Alert! Oogruk has intruded upon our cabal!'

Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
-@- | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 380mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| | bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
-@ | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: north west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<920hp 626m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
@- | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| | The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: east south]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
-@- | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 377mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among Trees
| Large trees tower high overhead, they are covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
| | bushes grow all around, though very few of them are blooming
-@ | with the little light that reaches them during daylight hours.
| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| one another fills the air.

[Exits: north west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 376mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<920hp 626m 376mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<920hp 626m 376mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f-f-f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
@-f-f| the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| | light that is able to get to them during daylight hours. The
| rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against one
| another fills the air.

[Exits: north east south]
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 375mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f-f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large
| | numbers of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other
f-@-f-f| types of bushes surround the trees, though few of them
| || are blooming with the little light that is able to get
f| to them during daylight hours. A tiny sprout of brilliantly
|| colored Tukea grows at the base of one of the trees.
o-f| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
---------+ one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 374mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| || meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| || of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| | | with the little light that is able to get to them during
f | daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| | rubbing against one another fills the air.
o-f |

[Exits: east west]
A small fox is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 372mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<920hp 626m 372mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Players near you in Unsiliel Wood:
<PK> Afales A Moss Covered Path

<920hp 626m 372mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
f-f-@-f-f| the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| || light that is able to get to them during daylight hours.
f f| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| | one another fills the air.
o-f |

[Exits: east south west]
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 371mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Wide Path
f | A wide, well used path surrounded by tall trees with
| | dark brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large
f-f-f-f-f| numbers of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other
| || types of bushes surround the trees, though few of them
@ f| are blooming with the little light that is able to get
| | to them during daylight hours. The side of a rock outcropping
o-f | rises up to the west. The rustling of the needle covered
| | branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 369mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Wide Path
f-f-f-f-f| A wide, well used path surrounded by tall trees with dark
| || brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
f f| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
| | of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
o-@ | with the little light that is able to get to them during
| | daylight hours. The path heads off to the north and into
o-W-f| a small cave to the west. It may very well be possible
| to slip through an almost hidden crevice in the rock wall
| to the south as well. The rustling of the needle covered
---------+ branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 367mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Large Cave
f | You are in a large, open cave formed out of a heavily
| | speckled dark gray stone. An old firepit sits near the
o-f | southeastern edge of the cave, just inside the lip. It
| | doesn't appear to have been used in quite some time. A
@-W-f| small crevice provides a way out to the north and the
| cave opens out, over a small rise, into a beautiful clearing
| in the middle of a forest to the east.

[Exits: north east]
A long-extinguished firepit is here, with something glittering in it.
A small orange fox is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 365mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 cave (indoors)>
A Beautiful Clearing
f | A large and very beautiful clearing in the middle of
| | a heavily packed together circle of trees. The trees
o-f | are tall and thin, covered with dark brown bark and thin
| | branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
o-@-f-x| A few small and unconnected upwellings of water are in
|| the center of the clearing, the ground around them is
+| solid and covered in a vivid red grass. An open cave,
|| formed out of a heavily speckled, dark gray stone, is
+| to the west, a small rise of the same stone stands before
---------+ its entrance.

[Exits: east west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 364mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Small Clearing
f | A small clearing surrounded on all sides by towering
| | trees and small needly bushes. Standing in the center
f | of and taking up most of the clearing is a huge, leafy
| | bush with branches covered in sharp thorns. The red leaves
o-W-@-x | of the bush leak a bright yellowish liquid that smokes
| | and burns when it hits the ground. The ground around
+ | the bush is completely dead, leaving only sterile gray
| | earth.

[Exits: east west]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 363mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A rock outcropping
| From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful,
| untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides,
| broken only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue
| in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft
W-f-@ | highland bowl. A well-traveled path leads down into a small
| | grove below.
+ |
| |
+-* |

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A lightning hornet flies in.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

<920hp 626m 361mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 mountain (outside)>
Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Oogruk The Summit
<PK> Afales A rock outcropping

<920hp 626m 361mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 mountain (outside)>

North Gate of Timaran
| You have reached the north gate of the city of Timaran.
| Solid stone walls a good 6 feet thick surround the city
W-f-x | and stretch high into the sky. Guards can be seen pacing
| | the battlements, keeping an eye out for possible invaders.
@ | More guards stand near you, watching for known criminals
| | or other undesirables. People stream past, making their
+-* | way into or out of the city, some riding horses and even
| | the occasional carriage rolling by you. A large, well travelled
*-+-S | street leads into the city to the south, and north you
---------+ may leave the confines of the walls.

[Exits: north south up]
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 359mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 city (outside)>
Travellers Way, near the North Gate
W-f-x | Here the buildings seem to thin out slightly as you near
| | the city walls and the north gate. There are fewer torches
+ | apparent as the need for light is less, being as no important
| | buildings stand near here. The majority of people walking
@-* | past are travellers, some just entering the city in dusty
| | clothes, and others leaving out on their journeys. The
*-+-S | gate guards are clearly visible standing by the gate,
| | and the battlements stretch into the sky above you. An
+-S | empty looking, seemingly abandoned mansion stands on its
---------+ own to your east. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf walks in.

<920hp 626m 358mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 city (outside)>
Travellers Way
+ | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that leads
| | between the city centre and the northern gate. Torches
+-* | hang on walls ready to be lit when the night comes so people
| | may continue about their business. Various citizens and
*-@-S | travellers walk past you on their way to the city centre,
| | or sometimes entering some of the stores that can be found
* +-S | on this street. To the west, three shining towers of pure
| | | ivory reach towards the sky, connected by gleaming skybridges.
*-+-S | The entire area to your west gives off a hum of magic.
---------+ Something very powerful has been imbued into the structure

[Exits: north east south west]
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 357mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 city (outside)>
Aanams Armor
+ | Boy is it hot in here! Waves of heat can be seen shimmering
| | the air near the back of the shop, where a smith is hard
+-* | at work making armor of all shapes and descriptions. Finished
| | items hang on the walls and rest on dummies dotted around
*-+-@ | the room, all well polished and shining in the sun. A few
| | unlit torches sit in holders on the walls, but apart from
* +-S | them the walls are bare. Must be something to do with the
| | | oppressive heat that dries things out rather quickly in here.
*-+-S | A flight of stairs leads up into a small room, and out the
---------+ door to your west is a busy street.

[Exits: west up]
Aanam the armorer sits here, looking at you silently.
Aanam's assistant sits here, awaiting a command from his master.
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf walks in.

<920hp 626m 356mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)> A great fire is kept alive by an equally large set of bellows.

<920hp 626m 356mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)>
Travellers Way
+ | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that leads
| | between the city centre and the northern gate. Torches
+-* | hang on walls ready to be lit when the night comes so people
| | may continue about their business. Various citizens and
*-@-S | travellers walk past you on their way to the city centre,
| | or sometimes entering some of the stores that can be found
* +-S | on this street. To the west, three shining towers of pure
| | | ivory reach towards the sky, connected by gleaming skybridges.
*-+-S | The entire area to your west gives off a hum of magic.
---------+ Something very powerful has been imbued into the structure

[Exits: north east south west]
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 355mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 city (outside)>
Travellers Way, near the North Gate
W-f-x | Here the buildings seem to thin out slightly as you near
| | the city walls and the north gate. There are fewer torches
+ | apparent as the need for light is less, being as no important
| | buildings stand near here. The majority of people walking
@-* | past are travellers, some just entering the city in dusty
| | clothes, and others leaving out on their journeys. The
*-+-S | gate guards are clearly visible standing by the gate,
| | and the battlements stretch into the sky above you. An
+-S | empty looking, seemingly abandoned mansion stands on its
---------+ own to your east. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf walks in.

<920hp 626m 354mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 city (outside)> North Gate of Timaran
| You have reached the north gate of the city of Timaran.
| Solid stone walls a good 6 feet thick surround the city
W-f-x | and stretch high into the sky. Guards can be seen pacing
| | the battlements, keeping an eye out for possible invaders.
@ | More guards stand near you, watching for known criminals
| | or other undesirables. People stream past, making their
+-* | way into or out of the city, some riding horses and even
| | the occasional carriage rolling by you. A large, well travelled
*-+-S | street leads into the city to the south, and north you
---------+ may leave the confines of the walls.

[Exits: north south up]
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 353mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 city (outside)>
A rock outcropping
| From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful,
| untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides,
| broken only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue
| in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft
W-f-@ | highland bowl. A well-traveled path leads down into a small
| | grove below.
+ |
| |
+-* |

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf climbs in.
Dinswel sighs.
Dinswel says 'I must find the crystal staff in order to prove my worthiness to marry Laudwin.'

<920hp 626m 352mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 mountain (outside)> A small grove along a cobblestone path
o | Soft music floats in unison with the breeze through the
| | grove. The trees here are large, but the further you look
o | into the woods, the larger they seem to grow. The smell
| | of fresh water comes in from the west, and it is possible
+-+-@ | to scale some rocks to gain passage upward. A cobblestone
| | | | path leads into the trees to the west. Thick woods block
o-f-f | your sight to the south.
| | | |
f-f-f-o |

[Exits: south west up]
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 350mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf walks in.

<920hp 626m 349mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Deep in the vallenwoods
+-+-+ | The huge vallenwood trees tower above soft forest paths.
| | | | Sunlight dapples the floor of the woods, and sparrows and
o-f-f | squirrels quarrel overhead. The musty smell of fallen leaves
| | | | rises through the fragrance of late wildflowers. Through
f-f-@-o | a particularly thick copse of trees to the east, you see
| | an opening in the base of a large hill.
f |
| |
z |

[Exits: north east west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 348mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Freshly Dug Graves
+-+ | A picturesque landscape surrounds, with a big hill to the
| | | south of you, a vast lake to your west and the lights of
f-f | the town Solace off in the distance. Here, rows upon rows
| | | of graves have been dug, with small headstones showing the
f-f-@ | names of the deceased and nothing else. About half of the
| | graves are still unoccupied, dug out in anticipation for
f | the next burial that's needed. With the amount of empty graves
| | here, one can expect this won't be taking very long.
z |

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) Catiap is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 347mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
A Cove in the Vallenwoods
f-f | The shrubbery and plants are covered in snow and ice on this
| | | winding path along the west side of a hill. Large rocks hang
f-f-o | overhead as you attempt to slide underneath them for a safe
| | passing, often vibrating from some kind of activity that seems
@ | to be coming from above you. You can barely manage to move
| | north and east.
z |

[Exits: north south]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A rugged ranger is here, scouting the land.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 346mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Base of the Hill
f-f-o | The dusty trail ends abruptly into a stone rockface. The wall
| | has been overgrown with vines that lace in between the shallow
f | crevices, thick from years of growth. The wall seems impassable
| | until you notice deep grooves in the vines that resemble that
@ | of fingerprints. As you step back, you notice the peculiar
| shape of a ladder that leads to the top.

[Exits: north up]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 344mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
The Summit
* | A sheer drop beneath your feet awaits as you stand at the
| | top of a difficult climb. Enough trees are here to attract
z | the attention of the wildlife but only the toughest creatures
| | survive here. The high elevation makes the air thinner and
@ | harder to breathe in.
| |
z-F |

[Exits: north south down]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 343mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)> A blood-soaked field
*-*-* | The wild forest around you seems to shrink in the distance
| | as you step into the middle of a field riddled with weeds
* | and overgrown grass. The ground underneath you is riddled
| | with footprints and dried blood. The air is caked by unsettled
@ | dust that billows from the slightest movement. A slim dusty
| | trail leads to the south and cuts further through the untamed
z | field north.
| |
z-F |

[Exits: north south]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<920hp 626m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Oogruk Base of the Hill
<PK> Afales A blood-soaked field

<920hp 626m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
The Fortress Gates
* *-S| You have come to the gates of a large fortress that is home
| | | to the great battle lords of Serin. The large gates have
*-*-* | stood up for quite some time, and show their age through
| | cracks and the like. Standing taller then most giants they
@ | are very large and very well made. From inside you hear the
| | sounds of battlecries and battles going strong all throughout
z | the centuries.
| |
z |

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) Aragmon the cyclops towers here, protecting the hall.
A large wolf walks in.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 340mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)>
Players near you in The Fortress of War:
<PK> Oogruk Base of the Hill
<PK> Afales The Fortress Gates

<920hp 626m 340mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 inside (indoors)>
A blood-soaked field
*-*-* | The wild forest around you seems to shrink in the distance
| | as you step into the middle of a field riddled with weeds
* | and overgrown grass. The ground underneath you is riddled
| | with footprints and dried blood. The air is caked by unsettled
@ | dust that billows from the slightest movement. A slim dusty
| | trail leads to the south and cuts further through the untamed
z | field north.
| |
z-F |

[Exits: north south]
A lightning hornet flies in.
A large wolf walks in.

<920hp 626m 339mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)> The Summit
* | A sheer drop beneath your feet awaits as you stand at the
| | top of a difficult climb. Enough trees are here to attract
z | the attention of the wildlife but only the toughest creatures
| | survive here. The high elevation makes the air thinner and
@ | harder to breathe in.
| |
z-F |

[Exits: north south down]
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 337mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
Base of the Hill
f-f-o | The dusty trail ends abruptly into a stone rockface. The wall
| | has been overgrown with vines that lace in between the shallow
f | crevices, thick from years of growth. The wall seems impassable
| | until you notice deep grooves in the vines that resemble that
@ | of fingerprints. As you step back, you notice the peculiar
| shape of a ladder that leads to the top.

[Exits: north up]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<920hp 626m 336mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk yells 'Help! Afales kicked dirt into my eyes!'
Oogruk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Oogruk.
Oogruk has a few scratches.

<920hp 626m 336mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk's slash devastates you!
Oogruk's sting decimates you!
[* ] Oogruk dodges your torrent.
Your corrosion maims Oogruk!
Your shocking bite devastates Oogruk!
Oogruk has a few scratches.

<861hp 626m 336mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk surges with power.
Oogruk kicks dirt in your eyes!
Oogruk's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!

<858hp 626m 336mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>

Your freezing bite misses someone.
[** ] someone dodges your corrosion.
[***] someone parries your shocking bite.
[** ] You dual parry someone's slash.
[***] You dodge someone's sting.
[** ] You parry someone's slash.
Someone's slash devastates you!
Someone's bite wounds someone.
Someone's sting injures someone.

<828hp 626m 336mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>
The sun rises in the east.

<841hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown> You disarm something to the ground!

<841hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>
Someone switches something to his good hand.
Someone's bite misses someone.
[***] You dodge someone's sting.
[** ] someone dodges your torrent.
Your freezing bite devastates someone!
You execute the form, leaf on the breeze!
You befuddle someone with your attack.
Your corrosion maims someone!
[** ] someone dodges your shocking bite.
Someone's sting injures someone.
Someone's riposte DISEMBOWELS someone!

<841hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>
Someone rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes, but they're still watering.
Your shocking bite maims Oogruk!
[** ] Oogruk dodges your flaming bite.
You execute the form, swirling sandstorm!
[* ] Oogruk parries your corrosion.
Oogruk's sting MUTILATES you!
[** ] You dodge Oogruk's sting.
A large wolf's bite wounds Oogruk.
A large wolf's bite wounds Oogruk.
A lightning hornet's sting injures Oogruk.
A lightning hornet's sting hits Oogruk.
Oogruk has some small wounds and bruises.

<801hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 hills (outside)>

Oogruk gets a blood-soaked blade.
Oogruk has some small wounds and bruises.

<801hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 hills (outside)>
A large wolf's bite misses Oogruk.
[* ] You dual parry Oogruk's sting.
Your torrent maims Oogruk!
[* ] Oogruk parries your shocking bite.
A lightning hornet's sting injures Oogruk.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<801hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk stops wielding a whipping tail of a manticore.
Oogruk begins wielding a blood-soaked blade.
Your kick maims Oogruk!
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<801hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk starts wielding a whipping tail of a manticore in his off-hand.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<801hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 hills (outside)>

Oogruk's eyes stop watering.
Your shocking bite maims Oogruk!
Oogruk is getting ready to swing!
Oogruk's sting wounds you.
Oogruk is getting ready to swing!
[** ] You dodge Oogruk's sting.
Oogruk is getting ready to swing!
Oogruk's wild sting DISEMBOWELS you!
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<737hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 hills (outside)>

Oogruk surges with power.
Oogruk's kicked dirt misses you.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<737hp 636m 382mv unknown/unknown $10729 hills (outside)> You flee from combat!
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A rugged ranger is here, scouting the land.

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> You stop wielding an acid-covered dagger.
You stop wielding 'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons.
You begin wielding a long staff dripping with acid.
You are now off-balance.
You are now off-balance.
A long staff dripping with acid feels like a part of you!

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Your eyes stop watering.

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.
Your non-dominant hand steadies.

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You stop wielding a long staff dripping with acid.
You begin wielding 'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons.
You are now off-balance.
'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons feels like a part of you!

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You begin wielding an acid-covered dagger in your off-hand.
You are now off-balance.
An acid-covered dagger feels like a part of you!

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
They aren't here.

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<737hp 636m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
55 <- failed alias
Base of the Hill
f-f-o | The dusty trail ends abruptly into a stone rockface. The wall
| | has been overgrown with vines that lace in between the shallow
f | crevices, thick from years of growth. The wall seems impassable
| | until you notice deep grooves in the vines that resemble that
@ | of fingerprints. As you step back, you notice the peculiar
| shape of a ladder that leads to the top.

[Exits: north up]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
Your dominant hand steadies.

<737hp 636m 376mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)> I don't think much is to be achieved by that.

<737hp 636m 376mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Afales!'
Oogruk turns your attack against you.
Oogruk's slash decimates you!
[** ] Oogruk dodges your corrosion.
[* ] Oogruk parries your shocking bite.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<710hp 636m 376mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Oogruk's bash decimates you!
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<683hp 636m 376mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
[** ] You dodge Oogruk's slash.
Oogruk exploits his weapon advantage to deliver an unblockable wild attack.
Oogruk's wild sting MUTILATES you!
[***] You dodge Oogruk's slash.
[***] You dodge Oogruk's sting.
Your flaming bite devastates Oogruk!
[** ] Oogruk dodges your corrosion.
[** ] Oogruk dodges your flaming bite.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<644hp 636m 376mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>

Your shocking bite maims Oogruk!
Your corrosion decimates Oogruk!
[** ] Oogruk dodges your freezing bite.
[** ] You dodge Oogruk's slash.
Oogruk's sting mauls you.
Oogruk's sting wounds you.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<602hp 636m 376mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)> You flee from combat!
A Cove in the Vallenwoods
f-f | The shrubbery and plants are covered in snow and ice on this
| | | winding path along the west side of a hill. Large rocks hang
f-f-o | overhead as you attempt to slide underneath them for a safe
| | passing, often vibrating from some kind of activity that seems
@ | to be coming from above you. You can barely manage to move
| | north and east.
z |

[Exits: north south]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A rugged ranger is here, scouting the land.
You feel less wobbly on your feet.

<602hp 636m 374mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> You rise back to your feet.

<602hp 636m 374mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Base of the Hill
f-f-o | The dusty trail ends abruptly into a stone rockface. The wall
| | has been overgrown with vines that lace in between the shallow
f | crevices, thick from years of growth. The wall seems impassable
| | until you notice deep grooves in the vines that resemble that
@ | of fingerprints. As you step back, you notice the peculiar
| shape of a ladder that leads to the top.

[Exits: north up]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
Fighting with Oogruk continues.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<602hp 636m 371mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
Your torrent devastates Oogruk!
Oogruk's slash devastates you!
Oogruk's slash decimates you!
[** ] You parry Oogruk's slash.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<548hp 636m 371mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
You flee from combat!

The Summit
* | A sheer drop beneath your feet awaits as you stand at the
| | top of a difficult climb. Enough trees are here to attract
z | the attention of the wildlife but only the toughest creatures
| | survive here. The high elevation makes the air thinner and
@ | harder to breathe in.
| |
z-F |

[Exits: north south down]
(Charmed) An angry lightning hornet guards its master.
(Charmed) A large, ferocious wolf is here.

<548hp 636m 368mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
Base of the Hill
f-f-o | The dusty trail ends abruptly into a stone rockface. The wall
| | has been overgrown with vines that lace in between the shallow
f | crevices, thick from years of growth. The wall seems impassable
| | until you notice deep grooves in the vines that resemble that
@ | of fingerprints. As you step back, you notice the peculiar
| shape of a ladder that leads to the top.

[Exits: north up]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.
Fighting with Oogruk continues.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<548hp 636m 364mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>

You evade Oogruk's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.
Oogruk's bash misses you.
You do the best you can!
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<548hp 636m 364mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
[** ] You dual parry Oogruk's slash.
Your flaming bite decimates Oogruk!
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<548hp 636m 364mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
Oogruk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Oogruk.
Oogruk has quite a few wounds.

<548hp 636m 364mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
Your freezing bite maims Oogruk!
Your corrosion misses Oogruk.
Your shocking bite devastates Oogruk!
Your corrosion decimates Oogruk!
[***] You dodge Oogruk's slash.
[* ] You dual parry Oogruk's slash.
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<548hp 636m 364mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>
The white aura around Oogruk fades.
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<562hp 644m 382mv blade/offensive $10729 hills (outside)>

Oogruk has fled!
Oogruk walks north.

<562hp 644m 382mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)> You stop wielding an acid-covered dagger.
You stop wielding 'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons.
You begin wielding 'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen.
You are now off-balance.
You are now off-balance.
'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen feels like a part of you!

<562hp 644m 382mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
A Cove in the Vallenwoods
f-f | The shrubbery and plants are covered in snow and ice on this
| | | winding path along the west side of a hill. Large rocks hang
f-f-o | overhead as you attempt to slide underneath them for a safe
| | passing, often vibrating from some kind of activity that seems
@ | to be coming from above you. You can barely manage to move
| | north and east.
z |

[Exits: north south]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A rugged ranger is here, scouting the land.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<562hp 644m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

Your non-dominant hand steadies.

<562hp 644m 379mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Freshly Dug Graves
+-+ | A picturesque landscape surrounds, with a big hill to the
| | | south of you, a vast lake to your west and the lights of
f-f | the town Solace off in the distance. Here, rows upon rows
| | | of graves have been dug, with small headstones showing the
f-f-@ | names of the deceased and nothing else. About half of the
| | graves are still unoccupied, dug out in anticipation for
f | the next burial that's needed. With the amount of empty graves
| | here, one can expect this won't be taking very long.
z |

[Exits: south west]
(INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
(White Aura) Catiap is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<562hp 644m 378mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>

Oogruk quaffs a purple potion.
Oogruk is surrounded by a white aura.
Deep in the vallenwoods
+-+-+ | The huge vallenwood trees tower above soft forest paths.
| | | | Sunlight dapples the floor of the woods, and sparrows and
o-f-f | squirrels quarrel overhead. The musty smell of fallen leaves
| | | | rises through the fragrance of late wildflowers. Through
f-f-@-o | a particularly thick copse of trees to the east, you see
| | an opening in the base of a large hill.
f |
| |
z |

[Exits: north east west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<562hp 644m 377mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> [ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] [A] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] [WARLORD] (Recruit) Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<562hp 644m 377mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Oogruk Freshly Dug Graves
<PK> Afales Deep in the vallenwoods

<562hp 644m 377mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Freshly Dug Graves
+-+ | A picturesque landscape surrounds, with a big hill to the
| | | south of you, a vast lake to your west and the lights of
f-f | the town Solace off in the distance. Here, rows upon rows
| | | of graves have been dug, with small headstones showing the
f-f-@ | names of the deceased and nothing else. About half of the
| | graves are still unoccupied, dug out in anticipation for
f | the next burial that's needed. With the amount of empty graves
| | here, one can expect this won't be taking very long.
z |

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
(White Aura) Catiap is here.
A lightning hornet flies in.

<562hp 644m 376mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)> You aim a debilitating shot at Oogruk.
Oogruk yells 'Help! someone is trying to immobilize me!'
Your wounding shot misses Oogruk.
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<562hp 644m 366mv blade/offensive $10729 field (outside)>

Oogruk surges with power.
Oogruk kicks dirt in your eyes!
Oogruk's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's slash devastates you!
Someone's slash devastates you!
Someone's sting mauls you.
[** ] You dodge someone's sting.
Your pain DISEMBOWELS someone!
Your pain DISEMBOWELS someone!
Something draws life from someone.
Your life drain grazes someone.

<482hp 644m 366mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown> Stop fighting first!

<482hp 644m 366mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>
You flee from combat!
You can't see a thing!
Someone flies in.

<482hp 644m 355mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 355mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 355mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!
Someone flies in.

<482hp 644m 353mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!
Someone flies in.

<482hp 644m 351mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!
Someone flies in.

<482hp 644m 350mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!
Someone flies in.

<482hp 644m 348mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!
Someone flies in.
Someone swims in.

<482hp 644m 345mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown> You can't see a thing!
Someone swims in.
Someone flies in.

<482hp 644m 342mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown> You can't see a thing!
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 342mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You decide to venture on by yourself!
Someone slowly disappears.
Someone slowly disappears.

<482hp 644m 342mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You can't see a thing!

<482hp 644m 338mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
climb u=n
Alas, you cannot climb that way.

<482hp 644m 338mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 unknown>
You rub the dirt out of your eyes, but they're still watering.

<482hp 644m 338mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 pond (outside)>
climb n
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.

<482hp 644m 335mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.

<482hp 644m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.

<482hp 644m 331mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<482hp 644m 331mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Oogruk The eastern shore of Clearwater Lake
<PK> Afales A bridge across Clearwater Lake

<482hp 644m 331mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)> Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.
A black and white goat is here, looking apprehensive.

<482hp 644m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.

<482hp 644m 327mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.

<482hp 644m 325mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.

<482hp 644m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.
Your eyes stop watering.

<482hp 644m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
A rock outcropping
| From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful,
| untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides,
| broken only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue
| in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft
W-f-@ | highland bowl. A well-traveled path leads down into a small
| | grove below.
+ |
| |
+-* |

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

<482hp 644m 320mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 mountain (outside)>
A Small Clearing
f | A small clearing surrounded on all sides by towering
| | trees and small needly bushes. Standing in the center
f | of and taking up most of the clearing is a huge, leafy
| | bush with branches covered in sharp thorns. The red leaves
o-W-@-x | of the bush leak a bright yellowish liquid that smokes
| | and burns when it hits the ground. The ground around
+ | the bush is completely dead, leaving only sterile gray
| | earth.

[Exits: east west]

<482hp 644m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Beautiful Clearing
f | A large and very beautiful clearing in the middle of
| | a heavily packed together circle of trees. The trees
o-f | are tall and thin, covered with dark brown bark and thin
| | branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
o-@-f-x| A few small and unconnected upwellings of water are in
|| the center of the clearing, the ground around them is
+| solid and covered in a vivid red grass. An open cave,
|| formed out of a heavily speckled, dark gray stone, is
+| to the west, a small rise of the same stone stands before
---------+ its entrance.

[Exits: east west]

<482hp 644m 313mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Large Cave
f | You are in a large, open cave formed out of a heavily
| | speckled dark gray stone. An old firepit sits near the
o-f | southeastern edge of the cave, just inside the lip. It
| | doesn't appear to have been used in quite some time. A
@-W-f| small crevice provides a way out to the north and the
| cave opens out, over a small rise, into a beautiful clearing
| in the middle of a forest to the east.

[Exits: north east]
A long-extinguished firepit is here, with something glittering in it.
A small orange fox is here.

<482hp 644m 310mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 cave (indoors)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<482hp 644m 310mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 cave (indoors)> A Wide Path
f-f-f-f-f| A wide, well used path surrounded by tall trees with dark
| || brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
f f| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
| | of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
o-@ | with the little light that is able to get to them during
| | daylight hours. The path heads off to the north and into
o-W-f| a small cave to the west. It may very well be possible
| to slip through an almost hidden crevice in the rock wall
| to the south as well. The rustling of the needle covered
---------+ branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south west]

<482hp 644m 308mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Wide Path
f | A wide, well used path surrounded by tall trees with
| | dark brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large
f-f-f-f-f| numbers of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other
| || types of bushes surround the trees, though few of them
@ f| are blooming with the little light that is able to get
| | to them during daylight hours. The side of a rock outcropping
o-f | rises up to the west. The rustling of the needle covered
| | branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<482hp 644m 305mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
f-f-@-f-f| the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| || light that is able to get to them during daylight hours.
f f| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| | one another fills the air.
o-f |

[Exits: east south west]
A small fox is here.
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.

<482hp 644m 303mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| || meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| || of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| | | with the little light that is able to get to them during
f | daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| | rubbing against one another fills the air.
o-f |

[Exits: east west]

<482hp 644m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f-f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large
| | numbers of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other
f-@-f-f| types of bushes surround the trees, though few of them
| || are blooming with the little light that is able to get
f| to them during daylight hours. A tiny sprout of brilliantly
|| colored Tukea grows at the base of one of the trees.
o-f| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
---------+ one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<495hp 660m 354mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f-f-f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
@-f-f| the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| | light that is able to get to them during daylight hours. The
| rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against one
| another fills the air.

[Exits: north east south]
A dim and servantile kerit is here, carrying a heavy load.
A lanky young man is here, looking somewhat lost.

<495hp 660m 351mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<495hp 660m 351mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
wield staff
You stop wielding 'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen.
You begin wielding a long staff dripping with acid.
You are now off-balance.
A long staff dripping with acid feels like a part of you!

<495hp 660m 351mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
f-f-@ | the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| | light that is able to get to them during daylight hours. The
f-f-f| rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against one
| | another fills the air.

[Exits: north south west]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<495hp 660m 348mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
f-f-@-f | bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| | with the little light that is able to get to them during
f-f| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| | rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A hairy wildman in fine leather is following tracks along the path.

<495hp 660m 346mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
|| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
|| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
|| with the little light that is able to get to them during
f| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
|| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A slender woman in fine leather combs the bushes for blackberries.
Your dominant hand steadies.

<495hp 660m 343mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.

<495hp 660m 340mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<495hp 660m 338mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]

<495hp 660m 335mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]

<495hp 660m 332mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. A square of the path has become discolored
| for some reason, instead of the bright green it has become
| brownish in color. The rustling of the needle covered
---------+ branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north east west]
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.
A small fox is here.
A small orange fox is here.

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> You stop wielding a long staff dripping with acid.
You begin wielding 'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons.
You are now off-balance.
'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons feels like a part of you!

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> You begin wielding an acid-covered dagger in your off-hand.
You are now off-balance.
An acid-covered dagger feels like a part of you!

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You already feel righteous.

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A brown nkni walks west.

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Your dominant hand steadies.

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Players near you in Unsiliel Wood:
<PK> Afales A Moss Covered Path

<495hp 660m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
|| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f-f-f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
@ | of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| | with the little light that is able to get to them during
f-f-f-f| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south]

<495hp 660m 326mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
|| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large
|| numbers of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other
@-f-f| types of bushes surround the trees, though few of them
| | are blooming with the little light that is able to get
f | to them during daylight hours. The rustling of the needle
| | covered branches rubbing against one another fills the
f-f-f-f| air.

[Exits: east south]

<495hp 660m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<495hp 660m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You search the area for some herbs.
You feel much better.

<659hp 610m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Alert! Oogruk has intruded upon our cabal!'

<659hp 610m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Alert! Oogruk has intruded upon our cabal!'

<659hp 610m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> [ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<659hp 610m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Players near you in Unsiliel Wood:
<PK> Afales A Moss Covered Path

<659hp 610m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
|| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f-f-f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
@ | of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| | with the little light that is able to get to them during
f-f-f-f| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south]

<659hp 610m 321mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. A square of the path has become discolored
| for some reason, instead of the bright green it has become
| brownish in color. The rustling of the needle covered
---------+ branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north east west]
A small fox is here.
A small orange fox is here.

<659hp 610m 319mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]

<659hp 610m 317mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]

<659hp 610m 314mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Alert! Oogruk has intruded upon our cabal!'
A Moss Covered Path
| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]

<659hp 610m 312mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| with the little light that is able to get to them during
| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<659hp 610m 310mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
|| meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
|| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
|| with the little light that is able to get to them during
f| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
|| rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.
A slender woman in fine leather combs the bushes for blackberries.

<659hp 610m 308mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| | of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of
f-f-@-f | bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| | with the little light that is able to get to them during
f-f| daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| | rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A hairy wildman in fine leather is following tracks along the path.

<659hp 610m 306mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f-f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
f-f-@ | the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| | light that is able to get to them during daylight hours. The
f-f-f| rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against one
| | another fills the air.

[Exits: north south west]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<659hp 610m 304mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<659hp 610m 304mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<659hp 610m 304mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f-f-f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
@-f-f| the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| | light that is able to get to them during daylight hours. The
| rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against one
| another fills the air.

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Gi'astu the spirit of the forest is here.
A dim and servantile kerit is here, carrying a heavy load.
A lanky young man is here, looking somewhat lost.

<659hp 610m 302mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Moss Covered Path
f | A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| | meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f-f | brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large
| | numbers of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other
f-@-f-f| types of bushes surround the trees, though few of them
| || are blooming with the little light that is able to get
f| to them during daylight hours. A tiny sprout of brilliantly
|| colored Tukea grows at the base of one of the trees.
o-f| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
---------+ one another fills the air.

[Exits: east west]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<659hp 610m 299mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss
| || meanders awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark
f f| brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
| || of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
f-f-@-f-f| of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
| | | with the little light that is able to get to them during
f | daylight hours. The rustling of the needle covered branches
| | rubbing against one another fills the air.
o-f |

[Exits: east west]

<659hp 610m 297mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Moss Covered Path
f-f-f| A crowded path covered with brightly colored green moss meanders
| | awkwardly between tall trees covered with dark brown bark
f | and thin branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
| | Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types of bushes surround
f-f-@-f-f| the trees, though few of them are blooming with the little
| || light that is able to get to them during daylight hours.
f f| The rustling of the needle covered branches rubbing against
| | one another fills the air.
o-f |

[Exits: east south west]
A small fox is here.
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.

<659hp 610m 294mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Wide Path
f | A wide, well used path surrounded by tall trees with
| | dark brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large
f-f-f-f-f| numbers of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other
| || types of bushes surround the trees, though few of them
@ f| are blooming with the little light that is able to get
| | to them during daylight hours. The side of a rock outcropping
o-f | rises up to the west. The rustling of the needle covered
| | branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south]
A huge black and white mottled wolf is here.

<659hp 610m 292mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Wide Path
f-f-f-f-f| A wide, well used path surrounded by tall trees with dark
| || brown bark and thin branches weighed down with large numbers
f f| of needles. Simfea, Carss, Fiek, and a few other types
| | of bushes surround the trees, though few of them are blooming
o-@ | with the little light that is able to get to them during
| | daylight hours. The path heads off to the north and into
o-W-f| a small cave to the west. It may very well be possible
| to slip through an almost hidden crevice in the rock wall
| to the south as well. The rustling of the needle covered
---------+ branches rubbing against one another fills the air.

[Exits: north south west]

<659hp 610m 290mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A Large Cave
f | You are in a large, open cave formed out of a heavily
| | speckled dark gray stone. An old firepit sits near the
o-f | southeastern edge of the cave, just inside the lip. It
| | doesn't appear to have been used in quite some time. A
@-W-f| small crevice provides a way out to the north and the
| cave opens out, over a small rise, into a beautiful clearing
| in the middle of a forest to the east.

[Exits: north east]
A long-extinguished firepit is here, with something glittering in it.
A small orange fox is here.

<659hp 610m 287mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 cave (indoors)>
A Beautiful Clearing
f | A large and very beautiful clearing in the middle of
| | a heavily packed together circle of trees. The trees
o-f | are tall and thin, covered with dark brown bark and thin
| | branches weighed down with large numbers of needles.
o-@-f-x| A few small and unconnected upwellings of water are in
|| the center of the clearing, the ground around them is
+| solid and covered in a vivid red grass. An open cave,
|| formed out of a heavily speckled, dark gray stone, is
+| to the west, a small rise of the same stone stands before
---------+ its entrance.

[Exits: east west]

<659hp 610m 285mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> A Small Clearing
f | A small clearing surrounded on all sides by towering
| | trees and small needly bushes. Standing in the center
f | of and taking up most of the clearing is a huge, leafy
| | bush with branches covered in sharp thorns. The red leaves
o-W-@-x | of the bush leak a bright yellowish liquid that smokes
| | and burns when it hits the ground. The ground around
+ | the bush is completely dead, leaving only sterile gray
| | earth.

[Exits: east west]

<659hp 610m 283mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<659hp 610m 283mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
A rock outcropping
| From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful,
| untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides,
| broken only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue
| in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft
W-f-@ | highland bowl. A well-traveled path leads down into a small
| | grove below.
+ |
| |
+-* |

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

<659hp 610m 279mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 mountain (outside)>
A small grove along a cobblestone path
o | Soft music floats in unison with the breeze through the
| | grove. The trees here are large, but the further you look
o | into the woods, the larger they seem to grow. The smell
| | of fresh water comes in from the west, and it is possible
+-+-@ | to scale some rocks to gain passage upward. A cobblestone
| | | | path leads into the trees to the west. Thick woods block
o-f-f | your sight to the south.
| | | |
f-f-f-o |

[Exits: south west up]
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.

<659hp 610m 276mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
(Magical) A chitinous chain of black plates with a whipping end.
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.

<659hp 610m 275mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>

Oogruk walks north.
Deep in the vallenwoods
+-+-+ | The huge vallenwood trees tower above soft forest paths.
| | | | Sunlight dapples the floor of the woods, and sparrows and
o-f-f | squirrels quarrel overhead. The musty smell of fallen leaves
| | | | rises through the fragrance of late wildflowers. Through
f-f-@-o | a particularly thick copse of trees to the east, you see
| | an opening in the base of a large hill.
f |
| |
z |

[Exits: north east west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.

<659hp 610m 272mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<659hp 610m 272mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Freshly Dug Graves
+-+ | A picturesque landscape surrounds, with a big hill to the
| | | south of you, a vast lake to your west and the lights of
f-f | the town Solace off in the distance. Here, rows upon rows
| | | of graves have been dug, with small headstones showing the
f-f-@ | names of the deceased and nothing else. About half of the
| | graves are still unoccupied, dug out in anticipation for
f | the next burial that's needed. With the amount of empty graves
| | here, one can expect this won't be taking very long.
z |

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) Catiap is here.

<659hp 610m 271mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
A Cove in the Vallenwoods
f-f | The shrubbery and plants are covered in snow and ice on this
| | | winding path along the west side of a hill. Large rocks hang
f-f-o | overhead as you attempt to slide underneath them for a safe
| | passing, often vibrating from some kind of activity that seems
@ | to be coming from above you. You can barely manage to move
| | north and east.
z |

[Exits: north south]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A rugged ranger is here, scouting the land.

<659hp 610m 270mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Base of the Hill
f-f-o | The dusty trail ends abruptly into a stone rockface. The wall
| | has been overgrown with vines that lace in between the shallow
f | crevices, thick from years of growth. The wall seems impassable
| | until you notice deep grooves in the vines that resemble that
@ | of fingerprints. As you step back, you notice the peculiar
| shape of a ladder that leads to the top.

[Exits: north up]

<659hp 610m 268mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<659hp 610m 268mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)> Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Oogruk Among the vallenwoods
<PK> Afales Base of the Hill

<659hp 610m 268mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 hills (outside)>
A Cove in the Vallenwoods
f-f | The shrubbery and plants are covered in snow and ice on this
| | | winding path along the west side of a hill. Large rocks hang
f-f-o | overhead as you attempt to slide underneath them for a safe
| | passing, often vibrating from some kind of activity that seems
@ | to be coming from above you. You can barely manage to move
| | north and east.
z |

[Exits: north south]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A rugged ranger is here, scouting the land.

<659hp 610m 265mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Freshly Dug Graves
+-+ | A picturesque landscape surrounds, with a big hill to the
| | | south of you, a vast lake to your west and the lights of
f-f | the town Solace off in the distance. Here, rows upon rows
| | | of graves have been dug, with small headstones showing the
f-f-@ | names of the deceased and nothing else. About half of the
| | graves are still unoccupied, dug out in anticipation for
f | the next burial that's needed. With the amount of empty graves
| | here, one can expect this won't be taking very long.
z |

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) Catiap is here.

<659hp 610m 264mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
Deep in the vallenwoods
+-+-+ | The huge vallenwood trees tower above soft forest paths.
| | | | Sunlight dapples the floor of the woods, and sparrows and
o-f-f | squirrels quarrel overhead. The musty smell of fallen leaves
| | | | rises through the fragrance of late wildflowers. Through
f-f-@-o | a particularly thick copse of trees to the east, you see
| | an opening in the base of a large hill.
f |
| |
z |

[Exits: north east west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.

<659hp 610m 263mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 2 (north) ***
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.
*** Range 1 (east) ***
(White Aura) Catiap is here.
*** Range 3 (west) ***
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A mottled wolf keeps watch over its master's abode.

<671hp 628m 318mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> [ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<671hp 628m 318mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Oogruk Among the vallenwoods
<PK> Afales Deep in the vallenwoods

<671hp 628m 318mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
+-+-+-+ | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with
| | | | | branches and leaves dancing in the wind all around you.
~-o-f-f | Blended sounds of nature and civilization reach your
| | | | | ears from the north. The crisp smell of lake water drifts
o-f-@-f-o| in from the west.

[Exits: north east west]

<671hp 628m 315mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 1 (north) ***
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
*** Range 1 (east) ***
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
*** Range 2 (east) ***
(White Aura) Catiap is here.
*** Range 2 (west) ***
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A mottled wolf keeps watch over its master's abode.

<671hp 628m 315mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
~-o | The woods thin slightly here as you near the shore of
| | | a large lake, which can be seen to the west. A cobblestone
+-+-+-+ | path lies off to the north, heading west into a bridge
| | | | | of solid stone. South of you, the vallenwoods thicken.
~-o-@-f |
| | | | |

[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.

<671hp 628m 312mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Oogruk yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Afales!'
Oogruk turns your attack against you.
Oogruk's thrust MUTILATES you!
Your corrosion devastates Oogruk!
[***] Oogruk parries your corrosion.
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<634hp 628m 312mv shaft/balanced $10729 forest (outside)>
Oogruk surges with power.
Oogruk kicks dirt in your eyes!
Oogruk's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!

<631hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>

[* ] You dodge someone's thrust.
Someone's thrust devastates you!
Someone's thrust misses you.
[** ] someone dodges your torrent.
Your flaming bite maims someone!

<601hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown> Someone is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.

<601hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>
[** ] someone dodges your shocking bite.
[***] someone parries your corrosion.
[** ] someone parries your freezing bite.
[* ] You parry someone's thrust.

<601hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>

Someone raises aloft something for a mighty overhead attack!

<601hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>
Someone concentrates on his combat style to prevent you from dodging.
Someone's thrust maims you!
Your torrent maims someone!

<567hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>

Someone surges with power.
Your two weapons are overwhelmed by someone's overhead crush.
Someone's overhead crush DISMEMBERS you!
Someone disarms your secondary weapon!
Someone disarms you!
You are knocked to your knees.

<505hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 unknown>

You rub the dirt out of your eyes, but they're still watering.
Your punch mauls Oogruk.
[***] Oogruk parries your punch.
Oogruk's thrust maims you!
Oogruk's thrust DISEMBOWELS you!
Oogruk concentrates on his combat style to prevent you from dodging.
Oogruk's thrust devastates you!
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<395hp 628m 312mv unknown/unknown $10729 forest (outside)>
You flee from combat!
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.
A plant with a large pod sticks up out of the water.
You feel less wobbly on your feet.

<395hp 628m 311mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)> You aren't fighting anyone.

<395hp 628m 311mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)> You aren't fighting anyone.

<395hp 628m 311mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)> You aren't fighting anyone.

<395hp 628m 311mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)> You begin wielding a long staff dripping with acid.
A long staff dripping with acid feels like a part of you!

<395hp 628m 311mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.

<395hp 628m 310mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A mottled wolf keeps watch over its master's abode.

<395hp 628m 309mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
Clearwater Lake
Everything is in a blur right now.
A plant with a large pod sticks up out of the water.

<395hp 628m 307mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>

Your eyes stop watering.

<395hp 628m 307mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)> Along the shore
+-+-+-+-+| The serene water of clearwater lake brushes up against
| | | | || land here. Shallow waters lay off the north, and Vallenwoods
~-~-~-o-f| thicken to the east. The shoreline heads off to the west.
| | | | || A large hill to the south is too steep to climb.

[Exits: north east west (down)]
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A mottled wolf keeps watch over its master's abode.

<395hp 628m 305mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
+-+-+-+-+| You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | | | || and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. Blended
~-~-o-f-f| sounds of nature and civilization reach your ears from
| | | | || the north. The crisp smell of lake water drifts in from
o-o-@-f-f| the west.

[Exits: north east west]

<395hp 628m 304mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
+-+-+-+ | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with
| | | | | branches and leaves dancing in the wind all around you.
~-o-f-f | Blended sounds of nature and civilization reach your
| | | | | ears from the north. The crisp smell of lake water drifts
o-f-@-f-o| in from the west.

[Exits: north east west]

<395hp 628m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
+-+-+-+-+| You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | | | || and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. Blended
~-~-o-f-f| sounds of nature and civilization reach your ears from
| | | | || the north. The crisp smell of lake water drifts in from
o-o-@-f-f| the west.

[Exits: north east west]

<395hp 628m 299mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> Along the shore
+-+-+-+-+| The serene water of clearwater lake brushes up against
| | | | || land here. Shallow waters lay off the north, and Vallenwoods
~-~-~-o-f| thicken to the east. The shoreline heads off to the west.
| | | | || A large hill to the south is too steep to climb.

[Exits: north east west (down)]
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A mottled wolf keeps watch over its master's abode.

<395hp 628m 298mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
You stop wielding a long staff dripping with acid.
You begin wielding 'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons.
You are now off-balance.
'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons feels like a part of you!

<395hp 628m 298mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)> You begin wielding an acid-covered dagger in your off-hand.
You are now off-balance.
An acid-covered dagger feels like a part of you!

<395hp 628m 298mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
+-+-+-+-+| You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | | | || and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. Blended
~-~-o-f-f| sounds of nature and civilization reach your ears from
| | | | || the north. The crisp smell of lake water drifts in from
o-o-@-f-f| the west.

[Exits: north east west]

<395hp 628m 297mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You stop wielding an acid-covered dagger.
You wear a kite shield bearing the crest of Solace as a shield.
You ready some yew ranger javelins behind your shield.
You are now off-balance.

<395hp 628m 297mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
The eastern shore of Clearwater Lake
~-~-o | The serene water of clearwater lake brushes up against
| | | | land here. Shallow waters lay off the west, and Vallenwoods
+-+-+-+-+| thicken to the east and south. A cobblestone path cuts
| | | | || the shore short to the north.
| | | | ||

[Exits: north east south west]
A plant with a large pod sticks up out of the water.

<395hp 628m 296mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 field (outside)>
A cobblestone path
~-o-o | The blue of the autumn sky darkens on the deep stillness
| | | | of the lake. The cobblestone path runs continues toward
~-~-o | the lake as it transitions to a wide bridge to the west.
| | | | From here you see large granite pillars thrust into the
+-+-@-+-+| still water under the bridge. The shore heads north and
| | | | || south around the lake.
| | | | ||

[Exits: north east south west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.

<395hp 628m 294mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>

A cobblestone path
o-o | A warm breeze rustles the great vallenwood trees outside
| | | the garrison of Solace. The cobblestone path that runs
~-o | east to west through the tree blazes in the bright colors
| | | of the vegetation. The walls of the garrison loom beyond
+-+-@-+ | the lake to the west.
| | | | |
~-o-f-f |
| | | | |

[Exits: east south west]

<395hp 628m 292mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>

Your dominant hand steadies.

<395hp 628m 292mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)> A small grove along a cobblestone path
o | Soft music floats in unison with the breeze through the
| | grove. The trees here are large, but the further you look
o | into the woods, the larger they seem to grow. The smell
| | of fresh water comes in from the west, and it is possible
+-+-@ | to scale some rocks to gain passage upward. A cobblestone
| | | | path leads into the trees to the west. Thick woods block
o-f-f | your sight to the south.
| | | |
f-f-f-o |

[Exits: south west up]
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.

<395hp 628m 290mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 road (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
(Magical) A chitinous chain of black plates with a whipping end.

<395hp 628m 289mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)> They aren't here.

<395hp 628m 289mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
~-o | The woods thin slightly here as you near the shore of
| | | a large lake, which can be seen to the west. A cobblestone
+-+-+-+ | path lies off to the north, heading west into a bridge
| | | | | of solid stone. South of you, the vallenwoods thicken.
~-o-@-f |
| | | | |

[Exits: north east south west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.

<395hp 628m 287mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
(Magical) A chitinous chain of black plates with a whipping end.

<395hp 628m 284mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
You relax your posture as your resolve fades.

<409hp 645m 339mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
sac b
You can't find it.

<409hp 645m 339mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
~-o | The woods thin slightly here as you near the shore of
| | | a large lake, which can be seen to the west. A cobblestone
+-+-+-+ | path lies off to the north, heading west into a bridge
| | | | | of solid stone. South of you, the vallenwoods thicken.
~-o-@-f |
| | | | |

[Exits: north east south west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.

<409hp 645m 336mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
(Magical) A chitinous chain of black plates with a whipping end.

<409hp 645m 334mv no opponent/no opponent $10729 forest (outside)>
sac 1.
Davairus gives you 6 gold coins for your sacrifice.
Reputation with Davairus increased by 6.

<409hp 645m 334mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
You prepare your resolve and stand ready for battle.

<409hp 585m 334mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>

Oogruk walks in.

<409hp 585m 334mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
Oogruk sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Oogruk's bash devastates you!
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<377hp 585m 334mv shaft/balanced $10735 forest (outside)>
Your freezing bite decimates Oogruk!
[* ] Oogruk dodges your freezing bite.
A bear roars as he comes to your defense!
A large grizzly bear now follows you.
A large grizzly bear's claw decimates Oogruk!
[***] You block Oogruk's attack with your shield.
[* ] You parry Oogruk's thrust.
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<377hp 585m 334mv shaft/balanced $10735 forest (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.
You feel less wobbly on your feet.
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<377hp 585m 334mv shaft/balanced $10735 forest (outside)> Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Oogruk Among the vallenwoods
<PK> Afales Among the vallenwoods
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<377hp 585m 334mv shaft/balanced $10735 forest (outside)> Your kicked dirt misses Oogruk.
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<377hp 585m 334mv shaft/balanced $10735 forest (outside)>
Oogruk's thrust MUTILATES you!
Oogruk's thrust DISEMBOWELS you!
[** ] Oogruk parries your torrent.
Your shocking bite devastates Oogruk!
A large grizzly bear's claw decimates Oogruk!
A large grizzly bear's claw decimates Oogruk!
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<292hp 585m 334mv shaft/balanced $10735 forest (outside)>
Oogruk stops wielding the Centurion's polearm.
Oogruk begins wielding a blood-soaked blade.
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<292hp 585m 334mv blade/none $10735 forest (outside)>
A large grizzly bear gets a wild look in its eyes.
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<292hp 585m 334mv blade/none $10735 forest (outside)>
You execute the form, parting the wave!
Your flaming bite MASSACRES Oogruk!
You execute the form, parting the wave!
[***] Oogruk parries your torrent.
[* ] You parry Oogruk's slash.
[***] You block Oogruk's attack with your shield.
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<292hp 585m 334mv blade/none $10735 forest (outside)>

Oogruk has fled!
You throw some yew ranger javelins at Oogruk as he flees.
Your pierce mauls Oogruk.
Oogruk limps north.

<292hp 585m 334mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<292hp 585m 334mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
You stop using some yew ranger javelins.
You stop using a kite shield bearing the crest of Solace as a shield.
You stop wielding 'Xel Morak', the Sword of Seasons.
You begin wielding 'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen.
You are now off-balance.
You are now off-balance.
'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen feels like a part of you!

<292hp 585m 334mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
A small grove along a cobblestone path
o | Soft music floats in unison with the breeze through the
| | grove. The trees here are large, but the further you look
o | into the woods, the larger they seem to grow. The smell
| | of fresh water comes in from the west, and it is possible
+-+-@ | to scale some rocks to gain passage upward. A cobblestone
| | | | path leads into the trees to the west. Thick woods block
o-f-f | your sight to the south.
| | | |
f-f-f-o |

[Exits: south west up]
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<292hp 585m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)> They aren't here.

<292hp 585m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)>
Oogruk limps in.

<292hp 585m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 2 (south) ***
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
*** Range 2 (west) ***
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
*** Range 5 (west) ***
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
*** Range 1 (up) ***
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
Your non-dominant hand steadies.

<292hp 585m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)> Oogruk limps up.

<292hp 585m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)>
They aren't here.

<292hp 585m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)>
A rock outcropping
| From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful,
| untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides,
| broken only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue
| in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft
W-f-@ | highland bowl. A well-traveled path leads down into a small
| | grove below.
+ |
| |
+-* |

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A large grizzly bear climbs in.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

<292hp 585m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
They aren't here.

<292hp 585m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
They aren't here.

<292hp 585m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 1 (south) ***
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
*** Range 2 (south) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 4 (south) ***
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
*** Range 5 (south) ***
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
*** Range 6 (south) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
*** Range 1 (west) ***
A small orange fox is here.
*** Range 1 (down) ***
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.

<292hp 585m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<292hp 585m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Afales A rock outcropping

<292hp 585m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
North Gate of Timaran
| You have reached the north gate of the city of Timaran.
| Solid stone walls a good 6 feet thick surround the city
W-f-x | and stretch high into the sky. Guards can be seen pacing
| | the battlements, keeping an eye out for possible invaders.
@ | More guards stand near you, watching for known criminals
| | or other undesirables. People stream past, making their
+-* | way into or out of the city, some riding horses and even
| | the occasional carriage rolling by you. A large, well travelled
*-+-S | street leads into the city to the south, and north you
---------+ may leave the confines of the walls.

[Exits: north south up]
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<292hp 585m 326mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way, near the North Gate
W-f-x | Here the buildings seem to thin out slightly as you near
| | the city walls and the north gate. There are fewer torches
+ | apparent as the need for light is less, being as no important
| | buildings stand near here. The majority of people walking
@-* | past are travellers, some just entering the city in dusty
| | clothes, and others leaving out on their journeys. The
*-+-S | gate guards are clearly visible standing by the gate,
| | and the battlements stretch into the sky above you. An
+-S | empty looking, seemingly abandoned mansion stands on its
---------+ own to your east. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south]
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<292hp 585m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way
+ | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that leads
| | between the city centre and the northern gate. Torches
+-* | hang on walls ready to be lit when the night comes so people
| | may continue about their business. Various citizens and
*-@-S | travellers walk past you on their way to the city centre,
| | or sometimes entering some of the stores that can be found
* +-S | on this street. To the west, three shining towers of pure
| | | ivory reach towards the sky, connected by gleaming skybridges.
*-+-S | The entire area to your west gives off a hum of magic.
---------+ Something very powerful has been imbued into the structure

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<292hp 585m 322mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way
+-* | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that
| | leads between the city centre and the northern gate.
*-+-S | Torches hang on walls ready to be lit when the night
| | comes so people may continue about their business. Various
* @-S | citizens and travellers walk past you on their way to
| | | the city centre, or sometimes entering some of the stores
B *-+-S | that can be found on this street. A solid looking stone
| | | wall is the only thing visible to the west, while east
+-+-S-+-+| you see a building. Looking into the front windows you
---------+ see numerous types of blunt weapons. A flag flies above
the door with the insignia of a mace on a field of red. A short distance to
the south, a busy square is visible, while northwards lies the northern gate.

[Exits: north east south]
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
A large grizzly bear walks in.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at you!

<292hp 585m 320mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Travellers Way
*-+-S | This straight road runs from the north gate to the centre
| | of the city. It used to be called the Dragon Road, but
* +-S | in honor of the highly successful Travellers Rest on
| | | this street it was renamed. Torches stand unlit in rungs
B *-@-S | attached to the walls, ready to be lit when darkness
| | | falls. Citizens and travellers bustle past going about
+-+-S-+-+| their business, on occasion running into each other
| | as they are absorbed in their thinking. To your west
*-*-+-*-T| a plain grey building with bars on the windows is visible.
---------+ Over the door hangs a sign bearing the scales of Justice.
To the east is a smallish stone building with a sign depicting a crossed sword
and dagger over the door. A few weapons can also been seen through the windows.
The road heads north towards the northern gate, and just to the south is the
busy city centre.

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<292hp 585m 318mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> City Centre of Timaran
* +-S | You have entered the busy centre of Timaran. All around
| | | you people bustle about their daily routine, smiling and
B *-+-S | laughing or walking by silently on business. You see many
| | | buildings close by, mostly made of sold grey stone with
+-+-@-+-+| tiled roofs. A beautifully carved marble fountain dominates
| | the centre of the square, spraying water gently into the
*-*-+-*-T| air in graceful arches. Often used as a meeting place,
| | | people stand around or sit on the benches nearby discussing
* S-+-S | various things or just generally relaxing. A few children,
---------+ out from the watchful eye of their parents, splash each
other in the fountain's basin. Unlit torches stand in holders at various points
of the square, so that even at night the activity may continue unabated. Just
to your south is a large temple, and two others can be seen to the west and
northeast. Exits lead in all directions to other parts of the city.

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<292hp 585m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> They aren't here.

<292hp 585m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 2 (north) ***
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
*** Range 4 (north) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 5 (north) ***
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
*** Range 6 (north) ***
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
*** Range 1 (east) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 2 (south) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 6 (south) ***
Cyril the gardener is here, admiring his hard work.
*** Range 5 (west) ***
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.

<292hp 585m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<292hp 585m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Players near you in Timaran:
<PK> Oogruk Under a steel arch
<PK> Afales City Centre of Timaran
The sky is getting cloudy.
A large grizzly bear looks uncomfortable in these surroundings.

<309hp 600m 371mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Main Street
* +-S| This is the western part of Main Street, which runs between
| | | the east and west gates through the centre of the city.
B *-+-S| Just to your east is the busy city centre, and many people
| | | pass you on their way to it. To the north is a stone
+-+-@-S-+| wall, solid and impenetrable.
| | |
+ *-*-+-*|
| | | |
+ * S-+-S|

[Exits: east west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 369mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Main Street
* +| You are travelling along the Main Street. Many people
| || walk past, going about their business quietly alone or
* B *-+| in groups. A short distance to the east the busy city
| | || centre is visible, and to your north stands a large building
+-+-@-+-S| with marble pillars outside. The ornate sign above the
| | || door indicates that this is the city bank. You can continue
S + *-*-+| down the street east and west.
| | ||
+ * S-+|

[Exits: north east west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 367mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Main Street
+-S | You are standing on the Main Street, just east of a large
| | building that looks suspiciously like a bank, and a constant
+ * B | stream of people pass you by on their way to the city centre
| | | | that also lies eastwards. North of you is an empty looking
W-+-@-+-+| building, and to the south you can see a small, dark alleyway.
| | | | Looking westwards you can see the outline of what looks like
+ S + | a temple. You can continue along the street east and west.
| | |
+-+ + |

[Exits: east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 365mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Main Street
S-+-S | This part of the main street has a small, plain looking
| | building to the north, and a small garden is visible southwards.
+ * B| The garden has been grown so as to be pleasing to the eye,
| | || and is a welcome change from all the buildings. A busy
+-W-@-+-+| city square is visible just to your west, and the road
| | | | continues east. A large building that looks like a temple
*-+ S + | can be seen just to the south-west.
| | | |
* +-+ + |

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 363mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Square of Timaran
S-+-S | This is the busy Western Square of the city. People stand
| | around in groups talking and laughing, and others walk
+ * | past on their own business. Many adventurers are here,
| | | looking for partners for exploring the world outside
+-+-@-+-+| the city. Travel stained people arrive here from the
| | || west, and others head out that way towards the west gate.
T-*-+ S +| Beautifully carved wooden poles hold torches that stand
| | || unlit currently, and there are one or two statues of
*-* +-+ +| various animals dotted around. At the centre is a large
---------+ fountain with benches surrounding it, in which children
are playing. More people sit on the benches by the fountain, talking quietly
or just watching the children play. Just south of here a large building that
looks like a temple can be seen, shining strangely. To the north is a beautiful
marble archway, and not far away to the west is the west gate. Southwards lies
another street, and the Main Street continues to the east.

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A fountain stands here, lovingly carved into a dolphin shape.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 361mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Marble Archway of Magic
S-+-S | You are standing underneath a large, beautiful marble
| | archway stretching across the street. While most of it
S-+-S | is smooth to the touch, magical symbols adorn it. Surely
| | the arch must have been built, but you can see no join
@ * | marks or blocks of any kind. Perhaps it was magically
| | | sculpted. Engraved onto it are the words "Magic District".
+-+-W-+-+| Glowing balls of light hang seemingly unsupported on
| | || various points of the arch, burning brightly through
T-*-+ S +| day and night. To the south lies the busy Western Square,
---------+ while a road leads north.

[Exits: north south]
A short stump-like thief sneaks around here.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 359mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> They aren't here.

<309hp 600m 359mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 2 (north) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 3 (north) ***
A tall, handsome half-elf stands here ready to serve you.
*** Range 1 (south) ***
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 2 (south) ***
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
*** Range 4 (south) ***
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.

<309hp 600m 359mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<309hp 600m 359mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Players near you in Timaran:
<PK> Oogruk Under a steel arch
<PK> Afales Marble Archway of Magic

<309hp 600m 359mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Walkway of Magic
F | This is the Walkway of Magic, so called because of the
| | magical shops that lie on it. Glowing balls of light
S-+-S | hang suspended outside the entrances of two shops, burning
| | steadily night and day without flicker. To the west is
S-@-S | a stone building with many vials and bottles in the window,
| | and a sign hanging above the door with a large group
+ * | of bottles on it. To the east is a shop with a rod painted
| | | on the sign. The road leads south to a large archway,
+-+-W-+-+| or continues to the north.

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 357mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Marble Archway of Magic
S-+-S | You are standing underneath a large, beautiful marble
| | archway stretching across the street. While most of it
S-+-S | is smooth to the touch, magical symbols adorn it. Surely
| | the arch must have been built, but you can see no join
@ * | marks or blocks of any kind. Perhaps it was magically
| | | sculpted. Engraved onto it are the words "Magic District".
+-+-W-+-+| Glowing balls of light hang seemingly unsupported on
| | || various points of the arch, burning brightly through
T-*-+ S +| day and night. To the south lies the busy Western Square,
---------+ while a road leads north.

[Exits: north south]
A short stump-like thief sneaks around here.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 355mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Square of Timaran
S-+-S | This is the busy Western Square of the city. People stand
| | around in groups talking and laughing, and others walk
+ * | past on their own business. Many adventurers are here,
| | | looking for partners for exploring the world outside
+-+-@-+-+| the city. Travel stained people arrive here from the
| | || west, and others head out that way towards the west gate.
T-*-+ S +| Beautifully carved wooden poles hold torches that stand
| | || unlit currently, and there are one or two statues of
*-* +-+ +| various animals dotted around. At the centre is a large
---------+ fountain with benches surrounding it, in which children
are playing. More people sit on the benches by the fountain, talking quietly
or just watching the children play. Just south of here a large building that
looks like a temple can be seen, shining strangely. To the north is a beautiful
marble archway, and not far away to the west is the west gate. Southwards lies
another street, and the Main Street continues to the east.

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A fountain stands here, lovingly carved into a dolphin shape.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 353mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 1 (north) ***
A short stump-like thief sneaks around here.
*** Range 3 (north) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 4 (north) ***
A tall, handsome half-elf stands here ready to serve you.
*** Range 5 (east) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
*** Range 6 (east) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 1 (south) ***
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
*** Range 3 (south) ***
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
*** Range 2 (west) ***
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.

<309hp 600m 353mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Main Street
S-+-S | This part of the main street has a small, plain looking
| | building to the north, and a small garden is visible southwards.
+ * B| The garden has been grown so as to be pleasing to the eye,
| | || and is a welcome change from all the buildings. A busy
+-W-@-+-+| city square is visible just to your west, and the road
| | | | continues east. A large building that looks like a temple
*-+ S + | can be seen just to the south-west.
| | | |
* +-+ + |

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 351mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Main Street
+-S | You are standing on the Main Street, just east of a large
| | building that looks suspiciously like a bank, and a constant
+ * B | stream of people pass you by on their way to the city centre
| | | | that also lies eastwards. North of you is an empty looking
W-+-@-+-+| building, and to the south you can see a small, dark alleyway.
| | | | Looking westwards you can see the outline of what looks like
+ S + | a temple. You can continue along the street east and west.
| | |
+-+ + |

[Exits: east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 349mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Western Main Street
* +| You are travelling along the Main Street. Many people
| || walk past, going about their business quietly alone or
* B *-+| in groups. A short distance to the east the busy city
| | || centre is visible, and to your north stands a large building
+-+-@-+-S| with marble pillars outside. The ornate sign above the
| | || door indicates that this is the city bank. You can continue
S + *-*-+| down the street east and west.
| | ||
+ * S-+|

[Exits: north east west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 347mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Western Main Street
* +-S| This is the western part of Main Street, which runs between
| | | the east and west gates through the centre of the city.
B *-+-S| Just to your east is the busy city centre, and many people
| | | pass you on their way to it. To the north is a stone
+-+-@-S-+| wall, solid and impenetrable.
| | |
+ *-*-+-*|
| | | |
+ * S-+-S|

[Exits: east west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 345mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> City Centre of Timaran
* +-S | You have entered the busy centre of Timaran. All around
| | | you people bustle about their daily routine, smiling and
B *-+-S | laughing or walking by silently on business. You see many
| | | buildings close by, mostly made of sold grey stone with
+-+-@-+-+| tiled roofs. A beautifully carved marble fountain dominates
| | the centre of the square, spraying water gently into the
*-*-+-*-T| air in graceful arches. Often used as a meeting place,
| | | people stand around or sit on the benches nearby discussing
* S-+-S | various things or just generally relaxing. A few children,
---------+ out from the watchful eye of their parents, splash each
other in the fountain's basin. Unlit torches stand in holders at various points
of the square, so that even at night the activity may continue unabated. Just
to your south is a large temple, and two others can be seen to the west and
northeast. Exits lead in all directions to other parts of the city.

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 343mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
B *-+-S | You are now walking along Meadow Lane, leading from the
| | | city centre to the south gate. Torches stand ready to
+-+-S-+-+| be lit when darkness comes, and many people walk past
| | about their business. The busy city centre is just to
*-*-@-*-T| your north, while to the east stands a large ornate building,
| | | very obviously a temple of some sort. A small hovel stands
* S-+-S | to the west with awful instrumental squawking noises
| | coming from it. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 1 (north) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
*** Range 3 (north) ***
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
*** Range 6 (north) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
*** Range 2 (east) ***
(White Aura) A priestess of Balance stands here, communing blessings to all.
*** Range 1 (south) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
*** Range 5 (south) ***
Cyril the gardener is here, admiring his hard work.
*** Range 6 (south) ***
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.

<309hp 600m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<309hp 600m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Players near you in Timaran:
<PK> Oogruk Meadow Lane
<PK> Afales Meadow Lane

<309hp 600m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
+-+-S-+-+| This is another part of Meadow Lane. Further north is
| | the busy city centre, which people are walking to and
*-*-+-*-T| from past you, and a large ornate building that must
| | | be a temple. There is a shop to your west with many an
* S-@-S | animal cry emanating from it. You don't need the sign
| | bearing animals hanging above the door to know this
+-+-+-+| is a pet shop. A number of torches stand cold at the
| || side of the road, ready to be lit when needed. The road
+ +| continues southward.

[Exits: north east south west]
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 339mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Meadow Lane
*-*-+-*-T| A large flight of steps can be seen to your west, leading
| | | up to a large building that has the look of a town hall.
* S-+-S | In an effort to bring some beauty to the city, a wonderfully
| | landscaped garden lies to the east, with multitudes of
+-@-+-+| flowers and trees, plants and small animals. You suspect
| || the Rangers have had a hand in it, since like other gardens
F + +| around the city this one appears to have any and everything
| | || that will grow in this area in it. The road continues
+-+-+ *| south and north, but you spot a small alley to the east.

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 337mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
They aren't here.

<309hp 600m 337mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
They aren't here.

<309hp 600m 337mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> They aren't here.

<309hp 600m 337mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
S-+-S | Walking along the street you notice the outlines of two
| | large buildings that have the look of temples, one to
+-+-+-+| the north and one roughly north-west. A busy shopping
| || district is apparent a short distance to the south-west.
F @ +| To the east is a small, empty building that appears not
| | || to have been in use for quite a while. The road continues
+-+-+ *| north and south.
| | |
F S-S-+-*|

[Exits: north south]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 335mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
+-+-+-+| This is probably the busiest part of Meadow Lane, people
| || hurrying to and fro from the south gate and to the west,
F + +| where there appears to be a sort of shopping district.
| | || A large, apparently metal archway rises above the street
+-+-@ *| in that direction. You can continue south towards the
| | | gate or head north towards the city centre.
F S-S-+-*|
| ||
+ o|

[Exits: north south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 333mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
S-+-S | Walking along the street you notice the outlines of two
| | large buildings that have the look of temples, one to
+-+-+-+| the north and one roughly north-west. A busy shopping
| || district is apparent a short distance to the south-west.
F @ +| To the east is a small, empty building that appears not
| | || to have been in use for quite a while. The road continues
+-+-+ *| north and south.
| | |
F S-S-+-*|

[Exits: north south]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 331mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
*-*-+-*-T| A large flight of steps can be seen to your west, leading
| | | up to a large building that has the look of a town hall.
* S-+-S | In an effort to bring some beauty to the city, a wonderfully
| | landscaped garden lies to the east, with multitudes of
+-@-+-+| flowers and trees, plants and small animals. You suspect
| || the Rangers have had a hand in it, since like other gardens
F + +| around the city this one appears to have any and everything
| | || that will grow in this area in it. The road continues
+-+-+ *| south and north, but you spot a small alley to the east.

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 329mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
+-+-S-+-+| This is another part of Meadow Lane. Further north is
| | the busy city centre, which people are walking to and
*-*-+-*-T| from past you, and a large ornate building that must
| | | be a temple. There is a shop to your west with many an
* S-@-S | animal cry emanating from it. You don't need the sign
| | bearing animals hanging above the door to know this
+-+-+-+| is a pet shop. A number of torches stand cold at the
| || side of the road, ready to be lit when needed. The road
+ +| continues southward.

[Exits: north east south west]
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 327mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Meadow Lane
B *-+-S | You are now walking along Meadow Lane, leading from the
| | | city centre to the south gate. Torches stand ready to
+-+-S-+-+| be lit when darkness comes, and many people walk past
| | about their business. The busy city centre is just to
*-*-@-*-T| your north, while to the east stands a large ornate building,
| | | very obviously a temple of some sort. A small hovel stands
* S-+-S | to the west with awful instrumental squawking noises
| | coming from it. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 325mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
City Centre of Timaran
* +-S | You have entered the busy centre of Timaran. All around
| | | you people bustle about their daily routine, smiling and
B *-+-S | laughing or walking by silently on business. You see many
| | | buildings close by, mostly made of sold grey stone with
+-+-@-+-+| tiled roofs. A beautifully carved marble fountain dominates
| | the centre of the square, spraying water gently into the
*-*-+-*-T| air in graceful arches. Often used as a meeting place,
| | | people stand around or sit on the benches nearby discussing
* S-+-S | various things or just generally relaxing. A few children,
---------+ out from the watchful eye of their parents, splash each
other in the fountain's basin. Unlit torches stand in holders at various points
of the square, so that even at night the activity may continue unabated. Just
to your south is a large temple, and two others can be seen to the west and
northeast. Exits lead in all directions to other parts of the city.

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 323mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way
*-+-S | This straight road runs from the north gate to the centre
| | of the city. It used to be called the Dragon Road, but
* +-S | in honor of the highly successful Travellers Rest on
| | | this street it was renamed. Torches stand unlit in rungs
B *-@-S | attached to the walls, ready to be lit when darkness
| | | falls. Citizens and travellers bustle past going about
+-+-S-+-+| their business, on occasion running into each other
| | as they are absorbed in their thinking. To your west
*-*-+-*-T| a plain grey building with bars on the windows is visible.
---------+ Over the door hangs a sign bearing the scales of Justice.
To the east is a smallish stone building with a sign depicting a crossed sword
and dagger over the door. A few weapons can also been seen through the windows.
The road heads north towards the northern gate, and just to the south is the
busy city centre.

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 321mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way
+-* | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that
| | leads between the city centre and the northern gate.
*-+-S | Torches hang on walls ready to be lit when the night
| | comes so people may continue about their business. Various
* @-S | citizens and travellers walk past you on their way to
| | | the city centre, or sometimes entering some of the stores
B *-+-S | that can be found on this street. A solid looking stone
| | | wall is the only thing visible to the west, while east
+-+-S-+-+| you see a building. Looking into the front windows you
---------+ see numerous types of blunt weapons. A flag flies above
the door with the insignia of a mace on a field of red. A short distance to
the south, a busy square is visible, while northwards lies the northern gate.

[Exits: north east south]
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
A large grizzly bear walks in.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at you!

<309hp 600m 319mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Travellers Way
+ | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that leads
| | between the city centre and the northern gate. Torches
+-* | hang on walls ready to be lit when the night comes so people
| | may continue about their business. Various citizens and
*-@-S | travellers walk past you on their way to the city centre,
| | or sometimes entering some of the stores that can be found
* +-S | on this street. To the west, three shining towers of pure
| | | ivory reach towards the sky, connected by gleaming skybridges.
*-+-S | The entire area to your west gives off a hum of magic.
---------+ Something very powerful has been imbued into the structure

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 317mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Travellers Way, near the North Gate
W-f-x | Here the buildings seem to thin out slightly as you near
| | the city walls and the north gate. There are fewer torches
+ | apparent as the need for light is less, being as no important
| | buildings stand near here. The majority of people walking
@-* | past are travellers, some just entering the city in dusty
| | clothes, and others leaving out on their journeys. The
*-+-S | gate guards are clearly visible standing by the gate,
| | and the battlements stretch into the sky above you. An
+-S | empty looking, seemingly abandoned mansion stands on its
---------+ own to your east. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south]
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 315mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> North Gate of Timaran
| You have reached the north gate of the city of Timaran.
| Solid stone walls a good 6 feet thick surround the city
W-f-x | and stretch high into the sky. Guards can be seen pacing
| | the battlements, keeping an eye out for possible invaders.
@ | More guards stand near you, watching for known criminals
| | or other undesirables. People stream past, making their
+-* | way into or out of the city, some riding horses and even
| | the occasional carriage rolling by you. A large, well travelled
*-+-S | street leads into the city to the south, and north you
---------+ may leave the confines of the walls.

[Exits: north south up]
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 313mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> A rock outcropping
| From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful,
| untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides,
| broken only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue
| in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft
W-f-@ | highland bowl. A well-traveled path leads down into a small
| | grove below.
+ |
| |
+-* |

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A large grizzly bear climbs in.
Dinswel sighs.
Dinswel says 'I must find the crystal staff in order to prove my worthiness to marry Laudwin.'

<309hp 600m 309mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<309hp 600m 309mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<309hp 600m 309mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<309hp 600m 309mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)> A small grove along a cobblestone path
o | Soft music floats in unison with the breeze through the
| | grove. The trees here are large, but the further you look
o | into the woods, the larger they seem to grow. The smell
| | of fresh water comes in from the west, and it is possible
+-+-@ | to scale some rocks to gain passage upward. A cobblestone
| | | | path leads into the trees to the west. Thick woods block
o-f-f | your sight to the south.
| | | |
f-f-f-o |

[Exits: south west up]
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 305mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 304mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
Deep in the vallenwoods
+-+-+ | The huge vallenwood trees tower above soft forest paths.
| | | | Sunlight dapples the floor of the woods, and sparrows and
o-f-f | squirrels quarrel overhead. The musty smell of fallen leaves
| | | | rises through the fragrance of late wildflowers. Through
f-f-@-o | a particularly thick copse of trees to the east, you see
| | an opening in the base of a large hill.
f |
| |
z |

[Exits: north east west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)> [ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<309hp 600m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)> Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Afales Deep in the vallenwoods

<309hp 600m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
You are affected by the following:
Spell: curse of acadia: lasts permanently
Skill: guild commission: lasts for 41 hours
Skill: keen sight : lasts for 37 hours
Beast: bears : unavailable for 22 hours
Skill: barkskin : modifies armor class by 75 for 16 hours
Skill: herb : lasts for 8 hours
Skill: warcry : modifies save vs afflictive by 7 for 6 hours
: modifies hitroll by 6 for 6 hours
Skill: devote : lasts for 5 hours
Beast: wolves : unavailable for 4 hours

<309hp 600m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
[ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<309hp 600m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)> Players near you in Clearwater Lake:
<PK> Afales Deep in the vallenwoods

<309hp 600m 301mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
+-+-+-+ | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with
| | | | | branches and leaves dancing in the wind all around you.
~-o-f-f | Blended sounds of nature and civilization reach your
| | | | | ears from the north. The crisp smell of lake water drifts
o-f-@-f-o| in from the west.

[Exits: north east west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 298mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
Deep in the vallenwoods
+-+-+ | The huge vallenwood trees tower above soft forest paths.
| | | | Sunlight dapples the floor of the woods, and sparrows and
o-f-f | squirrels quarrel overhead. The musty smell of fallen leaves
| | | | rises through the fragrance of late wildflowers. Through
f-f-@-o | a particularly thick copse of trees to the east, you see
| | an opening in the base of a large hill.
f |
| |
z |

[Exits: north east west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 296mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<309hp 600m 294mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
A small grove along a cobblestone path
o | Soft music floats in unison with the breeze through the
| | grove. The trees here are large, but the further you look
o | into the woods, the larger they seem to grow. The smell
| | of fresh water comes in from the west, and it is possible
+-+-@ | to scale some rocks to gain passage upward. A cobblestone
| | | | path leads into the trees to the west. Thick woods block
o-f-f | your sight to the south.
| | | |
f-f-f-o |

[Exits: south west up]
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 347mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)>
Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 346mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
Deep in the vallenwoods
+-+-+ | The huge vallenwood trees tower above soft forest paths.
| | | | Sunlight dapples the floor of the woods, and sparrows and
o-f-f | squirrels quarrel overhead. The musty smell of fallen leaves
| | | | rises through the fragrance of late wildflowers. Through
f-f-@-o | a particularly thick copse of trees to the east, you see
| | an opening in the base of a large hill.
f |
| |
z |

[Exits: north east west]
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 344mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<320hp 612m 344mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>
You are affected by the following:
Spell: curse of acadia: lasts permanently
Skill: guild commission: lasts for 40 hours
Skill: keen sight : lasts for 36 hours
Beast: bears : unavailable for 21 hours
Skill: barkskin : modifies armor class by 75 for 15 hours
Skill: herb : lasts for 7 hours
Skill: warcry : modifies save vs afflictive by 7 for 5 hours
: modifies hitroll by 6 for 5 hours
Skill: devote : lasts for 4 hours
Beast: wolves : unavailable for 3 hours

<320hp 612m 344mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)>

Among the vallenwoods
o | You are surrounded by trees of incredible size, with branches
| | and leaves dancing in the wind all around you. A cobblestone
+-+-+ | path is barely visible through the trees to the north,
| | | | while even thicker trees lie to the south.
o-f-@ |
| | | |
f-f-f-o |
| |
f |

[Exits: north south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 341mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 forest (outside)> A small grove along a cobblestone path
o | Soft music floats in unison with the breeze through the
| | grove. The trees here are large, but the further you look
o | into the woods, the larger they seem to grow. The smell
| | of fresh water comes in from the west, and it is possible
+-+-@ | to scale some rocks to gain passage upward. A cobblestone
| | | | path leads into the trees to the west. Thick woods block
o-f-f | your sight to the south.
| | | |
f-f-f-o |

[Exits: south west up]
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 340mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 road (outside)>
A rock outcropping
| From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful,
| untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides,
| broken only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue
| in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft
W-f-@ | highland bowl. A well-traveled path leads down into a small
| | grove below.
+ |
| |
+-* |

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A large grizzly bear climbs in.
Dinswel sighs.
Dinswel says 'I must find the crystal staff in order to prove my worthiness to marry Laudwin.'

<320hp 612m 336mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 mountain (outside)>
North Gate of Timaran
| You have reached the north gate of the city of Timaran.
| Solid stone walls a good 6 feet thick surround the city
W-f-x | and stretch high into the sky. Guards can be seen pacing
| | the battlements, keeping an eye out for possible invaders.
@ | More guards stand near you, watching for known criminals
| | or other undesirables. People stream past, making their
+-* | way into or out of the city, some riding horses and even
| | the occasional carriage rolling by you. A large, well travelled
*-+-S | street leads into the city to the south, and north you
---------+ may leave the confines of the walls.

[Exits: north south up]
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 332mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> [ Demon ] <PK> [LEGION] (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster
[ Duerg ] Wuldfayne the Fierce Combatant
[ Cyclp ] Eodo the Captain of Siege
[ Harpy ] Okythoe the Executor of Floods
[ Minot ] <PK> Ractor the Bane of Frailty
[ Minot ] Diph Smuggh the Apprentice Shaman
[50 Human Ran] <PK> [WARLORD] (Warmaster) Afales the Warmaster of Warlords, Pioneer of Falcon Strikes
[ Trean ] Quercus Petraea the Apothecary
Players found: 8
[LEGION] The lands shall be held under the cold grip of winter.
There are 8 characters on; the most on this past month was 18.

<320hp 612m 332mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Players near you in Timaran:
<PK> Oogruk Meadow Lane
<PK> Afales North Gate of Timaran

<320hp 612m 332mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
You try inspecting the ground for some tracks.

<320hp 612m 332mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Tracks made by giants lead through from Travellers Way, near the North Gate, continuing north. (4 minutes old)
Tracks made by giants lead through from A rock outcropping, continuing south. (less than a minute old)

<320hp 612m 326mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>

They aren't here.

<320hp 612m 326mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way, near the North Gate
W-f-x | Here the buildings seem to thin out slightly as you near
| | the city walls and the north gate. There are fewer torches
+ | apparent as the need for light is less, being as no important
| | buildings stand near here. The majority of people walking
@-* | past are travellers, some just entering the city in dusty
| | clothes, and others leaving out on their journeys. The
*-+-S | gate guards are clearly visible standing by the gate,
| | and the battlements stretch into the sky above you. An
+-S | empty looking, seemingly abandoned mansion stands on its
---------+ own to your east. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south]
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
They aren't here.

<320hp 612m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
You scan all around.
*** Range 1 (north) ***
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.
*** Range 2 (north) ***
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
*** Range 2 (south) ***
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
*** Range 4 (south) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
*** Range 6 (south) ***
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.

<320hp 612m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>

Oogruk walks in.

<320hp 612m 324mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way
+ | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that leads
| | between the city centre and the northern gate. Torches
+-* | hang on walls ready to be lit when the night comes so people
| | may continue about their business. Various citizens and
*-@-S | travellers walk past you on their way to the city centre,
| | or sometimes entering some of the stores that can be found
* +-S | on this street. To the west, three shining towers of pure
| | | ivory reach towards the sky, connected by gleaming skybridges.
*-+-S | The entire area to your west gives off a hum of magic.
---------+ Something very powerful has been imbued into the structure

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 322mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Travellers Way
+-* | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that
| | leads between the city centre and the northern gate.
*-+-S | Torches hang on walls ready to be lit when the night
| | comes so people may continue about their business. Various
* @-S | citizens and travellers walk past you on their way to
| | | the city centre, or sometimes entering some of the stores
B *-+-S | that can be found on this street. A solid looking stone
| | | wall is the only thing visible to the west, while east
+-+-S-+-+| you see a building. Looking into the front windows you
---------+ see numerous types of blunt weapons. A flag flies above
the door with the insignia of a mace on a field of red. A short distance to
the south, a busy square is visible, while northwards lies the northern gate.

[Exits: north east south]
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 320mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
They aren't here.

<320hp 612m 320mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Travellers Way
+ | You are walking along Travellers Way, the street that leads
| | between the city centre and the northern gate. Torches
+-* | hang on walls ready to be lit when the night comes so people
| | may continue about their business. Various citizens and
*-@-S | travellers walk past you on their way to the city centre,
| | or sometimes entering some of the stores that can be found
* +-S | on this street. To the west, three shining towers of pure
| | | ivory reach towards the sky, connected by gleaming skybridges.
*-+-S | The entire area to your west gives off a hum of magic.
---------+ Something very powerful has been imbued into the structure

[Exits: north east south west]
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 318mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
They aren't here.

<320hp 612m 318mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Travellers Way, near the North Gate
W-f-x | Here the buildings seem to thin out slightly as you near
| | the city walls and the north gate. There are fewer torches
+ | apparent as the need for light is less, being as no important
| | buildings stand near here. The majority of people walking
@-* | past are travellers, some just entering the city in dusty
| | clothes, and others leaving out on their journeys. The
*-+-S | gate guards are clearly visible standing by the gate,
| | and the battlements stretch into the sky above you. An
+-S | empty looking, seemingly abandoned mansion stands on its
---------+ own to your east. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) (INVADER) Oogruk the Battlemaster is here.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A large grizzly bear walks in.

<320hp 612m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> Oogruk walks south.

<320hp 612m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)> They aren't here.

<320hp 612m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Oogruk walks in.

<320hp 612m 316mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>

Oogruk sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Oogruk's bash maims you!
Oogruk has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<286hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)>

Your pain DISEMBOWELS Oogruk!
Your pain DISEMBOWELS Oogruk!
Oogruk's slash devastates you!
A large grizzly bear jumps in front of you!
Oogruk's slash MANGLES a large grizzly bear!
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<257hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)>

You stab at Oogruk with an arrow at point blank range.
[** ] Oogruk dodges your arrow.
A large grizzly bear jumps in front of you!
Oogruk's slash MASSACRES a large grizzly bear!
A large grizzly bear jumps in front of you!
Oogruk's slash MASSACRES a large grizzly bear!
[** ] You dodge Oogruk's slash.
Your pain devastates Oogruk!
'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen draws life from Oogruk.
Your life drain scratches Oogruk.
Your pain DISEMBOWELS Oogruk!
You scream out in agonizing pain as your body starts to deform!
Spidery legs burst out of you and your fangs lengthen as you take the form of a Raknos!
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<308hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)> Stop fighting first!
You feel less wobbly on your feet.
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<308hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)> Stop fighting first!
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<308hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)> Your kicked dirt misses Oogruk.
Oogruk looks pretty hurt.

<308hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)>
Oogruk sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Oogruk's bash decimates you!
Your pain DISEMBOWELS Oogruk!
'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen draws life from Oogruk.
Your life drain grazes Oogruk.
Oogruk's slash decimates you!
Oogruk is in awful condition.

<258hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)>
[** ] You dodge Oogruk's slash.
Oogruk's stab decimates you!
[* ] You parry Oogruk's slash.
A large grizzly bear jumps in front of you!
Oogruk's stab DISMEMBERS a large grizzly bear!
A large grizzly bear's claw misses Oogruk.
Your pain DISEMBOWELS Oogruk!
'Deathslinger', the Demon Crossbow of the Dark Queen draws life from Oogruk.
Your life drain scratches Oogruk.
Your pain MUTILATES Oogruk!
Your pain misses Oogruk.
Oogruk is in awful condition.

<237hp 612m 316mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)>

A large grizzly bear looks uncomfortable in these surroundings.
The white aura around Oogruk fades.
Oogruk is in awful condition.

<251hp 618m 369mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)>
You feel less wobbly on your feet.
Oogruk is in awful condition.

<251hp 618m 369mv blade/offensive $10735 city (outside)> You flee from combat!
You take a last shot at Oogruk as you attempt a getaway.
Your parting shot MANGLES Oogruk!
A Well-Hidden Dusty Alcove
f-x | There is a dusty alcove here off the main street, well-hidden
| | behind some tattered, dingy old curtains. The ground here
+ | is little more than some old cracked pavestones with dried
| | mortar crumbling between them. There is a small staircase
+-@ | set at the back of the alcove, the step boards and handrails
| | made of a well-polished and sturdy wood. Several glyphs of
*-+-S | warding and indecipherable runes have been carved into the
| | planks, which appear to be some sort of attempt at keeping
+-S | trespassers out.

[Exits: west (up)]
Oogruk has yielded. You have won the challenge.
[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'Afales has claimed victory over Oogruk.'
You receive 5 medals of [WARLORD].
[WARLORD] Aragmon the cyclops : 'The duel lasted 4 minutes and 4 seconds.'
<251hp 618m 358mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 inside (indoors)>
You can't do that while resting.

<251hp 618m 358mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 inside (indoors)>
You stand up.

<251hp 618m 358mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 inside (indoors)>
Travellers Way, near the North Gate
W-f-x | Here the buildings seem to thin out slightly as you near
| | the city walls and the north gate. There are fewer torches
+ | apparent as the need for light is less, being as no important
| | buildings stand near here. The majority of people walking
@-* | past are travellers, some just entering the city in dusty
| | clothes, and others leaving out on their journeys. The
*-+-S | gate guards are clearly visible standing by the gate,
| | and the battlements stretch into the sky above you. An
+-S | empty looking, seemingly abandoned mansion stands on its
---------+ own to your east. The road continues to the south.

[Exits: north east south]
(INVADER) Oogruk is kneeling on the ground.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.

<251hp 618m 357mv no opponent/no opponent $10735 city (outside)>
Oogruk yells 'AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!'
You strike Oogruk's head with a blunt object and knock the eyes from their sockets.
Oogruk's head splits open and blood spills all over you.
You place some hooks on Oogruk's eyes and fashion them into a pair of earrings.
Oogruk's lifeless body slumps to the floor.
Oogruk is DEAD!!
You receive 35 medals of [WARLORD].
Oogruk splatters blood on your armor.

x cor
The corpse of Oogruk holds:
a water jug
a Big Ol'Pack Sack (closed)
(Enchanted) (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the mighty tentacle of Zylenier
(Magical) a pale blue stone
(Glowing) (Humming) a dragonblood iron-black skullcap of evisceration
(Magical) (Glowing) a magic seashell
(Magical) (Glowing) an orb of precision
(Glowing) a pair of turtle shell boots
(Humming) a mossy cloak
(Humming) razor-edged demonskin shoulder plating
(Humming) crimson leg plates of conquest
(Humming) crimson demonskin fullplate armor
an unmoving black cloak
(Glowing) (Humming) a skyborn thunderblade
a tainted shield
(Glowing) the Centurion's polearm
a serpent skin cloak
(Glowing) (Humming) a dragonwing iron-black band of unerring flight
(Glowing) (Humming) a dragonblood iron-black band of maiming
(Invis) a dragonwing null belt of unerring flight
(Magical) (Glowing) a pair of spiked gauntlets
a dragonwing goat-hide wristlet
(Humming) a frost burned bracelet
a perfect potion of recall
(Humming) an axe of bladed fury
(Magical) an enriched gyvel potion
(Glowing) (Humming) a serrated knife
a flask labelled 'Sanctuary'
(Enchanted) (Magical) (Humming) a blood-soaked blade
a small tent
[Hit Return to continue]

40074 gold coins
[Mentions]: None.


  1. Ha! Parting Shot is such sweet sorrow.
      [reply to Lazagg]
    1. Oogruk quaffs a purple potion.
      Oogruk is surrounded by a white aura.

      Go borrow some Legion Skulls or whatever currency they use dude. Purples for a Legion dominated era? Kryton probably shits skulls.
        [reply to Merlandox]
      1. So, I am a LOT slow, had seen appendages burst forth from Afales before, but now reading this log is the first time I noticed his race was human. I was under the impression that Raknos were werebeast. So any race can potentially suffer the Curse of Acadia? Also, is the challenging and how its done a cabal power that might not want to be displayed in logs? Thanks for the log, I wish we had more of them more often, idc even if its a nodeath duel of 20somethings. Ok, random thoughts, out!
        1. No Kornhole, Werebeast appear to be human, until they transform.
        2. I've seen another Warlord do the exact same thing in one of their logs with regards to the challenge so I thought nothing of it. But if I need to repost this let me know.

          And yeah - when I'm not transformed I appear to be human in the direct "who" list but the "whois Afales" command will still show I'm a werebeast.

          With regards to challenging specifically - I think most of our players are aware that Warlords can challenge outside the Arena. Likewise, I imagine most of us don't give second thought to a Justice flagging somebody for breaking laws (I might even say that showing the amount the Justice fined the player should be encouraged in logs so as to provide transparency when incidents happen. Sometimes mistakes happen, and other times somebody may be corrupt and abusing their station by placing too high a fine for a specific offense).
        3. Point of the last paragraph being: I have my doubts there is an issue with what I posted. Not posting the challenge when at the end it clearly showed I had one active makes it clear I am leaving something out and people are going to wonder, when did I start it? Just because he intruded on my cabal doesn't mean I am excused from the protocol of challenging an opponent before a fight.
        4. I totally get your points, and thanks for the clarification. I am dim so I would prefer if everyone knew exactly what each race/class/cabal/coterie did. But not so dim that I cannot understand the want for mystery.
        5. Oh, and also, that with the who list and the human/werebeast is FUCKING AWESOME!
        [reply to Kornhole]
      2. For the first part challenge isn’t some super secret hidden skill but instead is the basis for all warlord engagements and may even be in the help file iirc. For the second a cabal invader doesn’t need a challenge as they bring the thunder and fury down on themselves. The challenge was designed to get the fight on your record, which you have a better skill for that which shouldn’t be outed or posted on a log.
          [reply to Ashlyn]

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