Alloryn the Wrath of Nature > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Alloryn created on 08th of May 2020, and is dead and gone (22 years old, 65 hours, 6 months lifetime)

Title: the Wrath of Nature
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: elf ranger

Background history:

  1. Call of the Wild - posted at 2020-05-21 18:49:16
Call of the Wild
Alloribdus Dresvinius Asgoridiae was born in the sprawling city of Timaran under a priviliged family title. His father was a Scholar, a man of high-elven blood who contracted his noble services to the Mystics of the Ivory Towers. His mother was a wood-elf of the Sylvan Vale who, upon marrying, utilized her herbal remedies to aid the sick and needy in the Timaran Temple of Light. From a young age, it was clear that Alloribdus leaned favorably towards the woodland lineage of his mother. He would often take long strolls with her near Lake Crystalmir, fascinated with the flora and fauna that flourished on its shimmering shores. His mother would lovingly call him 'Alloryn', which in her native tongue meant 'Little Sparrow', for the way his boundless energy flitted him around the forest. This nickname remained quite the secret from Alloribdus' father, who spent a great deal of time and energy grooming the young elf into a life of scholarship and study. As Allorbidus grew into a young man, his father's patience diminished. His mother attempted to dissuade his father, but all was lost when she slipped in a heated argument and called their son 'Alloryn'. This seemed an unforgivable sin to Alloribdus' father after so many years, and on the Eve of Alloryn's 16th birthday, it was announced that he would be sent to a Valourian school of study for the better part of a decade to learn the intricacies of magic, history, and the Arcane. Devestated, Alloribdus slipped out of his home under cover of darkness, and retreated to the Wilds where he had always felt at home. One of Alloribdus' first destinations was the Sylvan Vale, where his estranged family welcomed the boy with open arms. While there, he took on the name 'Alloryn', and learned the ways of the Ranger from the scouts. During this time, he would write letters home, ensuring his parents that he was safe, but that he would carve his own path in the world of Serin. This allowed Alloryn to bear witness to more tragedy than he ever had behind the relatively safe walls of Timaran. Out in the Wild, Alloryn beared witness to the constant struggle between light and darkness, order versus chaos, society versus savagery. Numerous times he was sent to fight and bleed alongside his brethren as orcs and drow invaded the Sylvan Vale, hungry to quell the last of the woodland protectors. Here is the first time when Alloryn suffered true loss, and when he learned the value of isolation in the Wild. Alloryn may have lived the remainder of his long life in this Vale, were it not for the thought of his mother, and how she tended to those in need. He could not help but feel the same desire within himself, and he set out from the Sylvan Vale to survey the state of Serin for his own eyes. What he witnessed nearly sent the young elf scurrying back to the Vale: Thorgoth usurping the Legion and claiming war on the Light; Vampires roaming the Wilds in record numbers; a resurged Drow civilization on the brink of expansion. He thought of his mother, overwhelmed in the Temple of Light, drowning in the blood of the victims of the carnage Serin had been plunged into. He thought of his father, desperately clinging to the knowledge of the Ancients before it was burned away to the ashes of history. To think, he had nearly sent young Alloryn to Valour all of those years ago... Valour! That was the answer. In his travels, Alloryn learned of the Knights of Valour, a group of valiant individuals who pledged themselves towards the service of others. As a youth, Alloryn did not even think to join them, for he knew little in the ways of the bow or the sword. But Alloryn was now a young man, deadly with a variety of weapons, hardened by his skirmishes with Evil. Resolute, Alloryn now knew it was his mission to prove himself worthy of their Halls, and join the fight to rid Serin of the darkness that it had been plunged into.


An elf of tanned skin and platinum-blonde hair stands before you, wide-eyed and eager-looking. He appears rather young both in looks and demeanour, bearing an enthusiastic expression and a slight, lithe stature. Boundless energy seems to radiate from him, with just the slightest element of control. His movements are quick and sporadic, yet precise and determined. His skin and hair are perfectly kept without a speck of dirt on them, while his weapons and armorments appear well-worn. His eyes, almost too large for his oval face, are a deep hazel flecked with gold. They peer at the world around them with the utmost enthusiasm, curiosity, and when necessary, ferocity.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0.5, Efficiency: 33%)
Pinnacle Kills: 1, Pinnacle Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 1, Efficiency: 50%)

Kills by class:
shadow: 1,
Killed by class:
shaman: 1,

Mystiques mentioning Alloryn:


  1. Aww, bye. :(
      [reply to Ilromie]

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