Arakon the Protector of Spells > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Arakon created on 13th of June 2017, and is dead and gone (17 years old, 12 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Protector of Spells
Gender: Male
Level: 32
Class: half-elf invoker

Background history:


Standing before you is a man of average height. His sun bleached blonde hair is pulled back and banded, leaving his forehead bare except for that of a birth mark. Large ears that are slightly pointed twitch at even the slightest of sounds. His large eyes are shaped much like almonds, they are a pale blue tinged with bits of cloudiness around the edges. A long pointy nose gives way to thin pale lips and a frail looking jaw. A light coat of stubble coats his cheeks ending promptly at the bottom of his jawline. Narrow shoulders give way to average length arms and long thin fingers. His chest is flat, almost concave at it's center and hardly moves even as he draws multiple breaths. His long legs are thin looking, so thin they look as though they might not support even his small amount of weight. Small feet poke out beneath his clothing, looking too little even for his size.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:


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