Arrik the Burglar
Arrik created on 03rd of February 2024, and is currently 18 years old (5 hours played).

Title: the Burglar
Gender: Male
Level: 14
Class: elf thief

Background history:

  1. Embrace of Shadows - posted at 2024-02-03 21:18:32
Embrace of Shadows
Arrik Shadowthorn's origins trace back to the dimly lit alleys and bustling streets of Eldravale, where the elven district of Shadows' Embrace serves as both cradle and crucible. Born into a family of skilled artisans, his parents, while proficient in their craft, found themselves ensnared in the suffocating grip of poverty. Arrik's earliest memories are painted with the struggle for survival, his childhood marked by the dance between hope and destitution. In Shadows' Embrace, where the social fabric is woven with threads of inequality, Arrik learned the ways of the streets even before he could properly wield a dagger. The cobbled pathways became his playground, and the towering structures, his backdrop. In the silent echoes of the alleys, he discovered the art of moving unseen, an invaluable skill when hunger stalked him like a shadow. However, Arrik's life took a decisive turn when he witnessed the brutality of some thugs preying on the vulnerable denizens of Shadows' Embrace. The ruthless acts of these marauding criminals, fueled by greed and a disregard for life, left an indelible mark on Arrik's soul. The shadows that once offered refuge became witness to atrocities that demanded a response. Motivated by a newfound purpose, Arrik's nimble fingers, once employed for mere survival, now moved with a resolve to confront the darkness that plagued his home. His nightly forays into the underbelly of Eldravale shifted from self-preservation to a quest for justice. The stolen spoils transformed into a means to fund his mission a mission to protect the vulnerable from the very shadows that had sheltered him. The encounters with fellow urchins became more than shared tales of hardship. Arrik, now an inadvertent leader, united them in a common cause. Together, they sought to expose the malevolence that lurked in the city's shadows and put an end to the tyranny of the thugs who preyed on the innocent. Eldravale's chaotic rhythm, once a challenge to survive, became the backdrop to Arrik's vigilante crusade. In his pursuit of justice, Arrik Shadowthorn moves through the alleys not as a thief seeking personal gain but as a guardian of the downtrodden. The stolen treasures are no longer symbols of defiance against poverty they are the means to dismantle the structures of oppression. As Arrik's story unfolds, his journey takes on a new trajectory one marked by the unwavering vow to protect his home, as well as those of his friends, from the shadows that threaten to consume it.

Description (commended):

A near overpowering odor reaches your nostrils, the likes of which presents a burning, itching sensation within your sinuses that just wont subside. By the looks of it, the scent emanates from a swarthy, lithe figure garbed in dark-brown leather from the neck down and absolutely covered in stains that might explain the exotic stench. A closer look reveals a set of elongated, flexible ears that curve back toward their pointed tips. Fastened over his eyes are a set of tinted, round-lensed goggles with leather straps the same shade of his vestments. Much like his clothing, gobs of grease and unknown chemicals appear to be smeared across them in seemingly random locations. Additionally, you can see that he sports short cropped locks the color of ivory which spike up in a wild, yet controlled fashion. Miscellaneous sizes of steel rings attach to him in many places, chiefly around his waist, however, that is not the most peculiar sight. Fixed to his belt loop are a plethora of small vials and pouches, each filled with a variety of powders, liquids, and mysterious substances. Despite his disheveled appearance, theres an air of confidence and purpose about him. Perhaps theres more to him than meets the eye.
