Frolivia the Knifer
Frolivia created on 15th of February 2024, and is currently 17 years old (2 hours played).

Title: the Knifer
Gender: Female
Level: 16
Class: halfling thief

Background history:


At first glance it appears as though a small child stands before you, clad in oversized non-descript robes which have become tattered due to dragging along the ground. A small finely boned hand reaches up and pushes the cowl back and the first thing you realise is that before you is not a child but a female halfling. A mischievous grin creases her face, crows feet showing at the corner of dark emerald green eyes, a button of a nose and bright red rosy cheeks. Hair, deep crimson in colour, is piled atop her head, tied into an untidy knot with strands falling down past her tiny ears.
