Grumkin the Lieutenant of Armaments > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Grumkin created on 13th of August 2014, and is dead and gone (19 years old, 54 hours, 9 months lifetime)

Title: the Lieutenant of Armaments
Gender: Male
Level: 41
Class: gnome warrior

Background history:

  1. A glimpse of Grumkin - posted at 2014-08-23 16:03:08
  2. The Tenacious Talisman - posted at 2014-08-23 21:31:09
A glimpse of Grumkin
The history of Grumkin begins before he was even born, deep within the enchanted treetops of the Miden'nir wood. His parents were members of a small band of gnomes that had branched outside of their infamous city to find new places to expand. They were searching for a place that was less frequented by outside forces and thus held less disturbances and visibility. Little did they know what dwelled around their newly found home... Anyhow, I digress. Back to Grumkin. From his birth he was mischievous, even more-so than the average gnome should be. He would often push other children down and point the finger at another innocent bystander, and with how clever and subtle he was, he would often get away with it. His parents started to pick up on these devious tricks and his unprovoked, ill-tempered attitude towards his peers, but they couldn't place their finger on the cause. It wasn't until the young gnomelings were forced into a magical apprenticeship that they became aware of Grumkin's true dark side. At first it seemed as if he was almost handicap when it came to the natural influence of gnomish magic, but even what he did learn he used to steal money or other small collectibles that he really had no use for. It was decided that Grumkin shouldn't advance any further, and quite honestly probably couldn't, so he was forced to train with wooden weapons, alone, away from everyone and everything. He was odd, and everyone knew it, even Grumkin did. It was sad really, and it led Grumkin to believe he was truly alone in the world. He ended up developing a fear of everything; every squeak, every whistle of the wind, and every chirp of a bird, which all manifested itself into an uncontrollable stutter. A few years passed by and Grumkin grew older and unfortunately greener, which made him become more of an outsider to his own kind. His tribe still accepted him as he were, but no one grew close to him because of his unpredictability and undirected deviousness and, well, the obvious fact he wasn't really one of thenm. "I'm simply ma-ma-MISUNDERSTOOD", he would think, but inside he knew he was different - no..darker, than the rest of the other gnomes. One evening Grumking went on a casual training trip - alone of course - into the deeper, darker parts of Miden'nir. As the sun settled and the forest darkened, the sound of snickering and high-pitched laughter echoed around him. Terrified, Grumkin dove under a bush, quickly trying to seize the chattering of his teeth. It wasn't until a moment later that the bush was pulled completely out of the ground, Grumkin intact. A large, fat goblin with a rusted crown shook the bush vigorously until Grumkin fell out. Completely stunned from panic and fear, the goblin boomed a hearty laugh and said "My son, we've been waiting for you." Grumkin was beyond puzzled and squeaked out a dumbfounded "Wh-wh-whuht?" The forest range with cackling goblins and squeals of delight but were quickly hushed by the rising of a single finger from the Goblin King. He spoke. "We have freed you from those vermin, you see?" Now you will show the world what we goblins can really do, yes yes!" Thus Grumkin the gnome, excuse me, the Goblin Prince, was reborn and unleashed upon the unsuspecting world with a new, more chaotic perspective.


PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

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