Hjalmar the Hated
Hjalmar created on 19th of October 2023, and is currently 19 years old (4 hours played).

Title: the Hated
Gender: Male
Level: 18
Class: jotun dark-knight

Background history:


His hair is an inky-blue tone, such as that of the deep sea, it's stringy and unkempt, hanging down to his shoulders. His skin is a pale shade of white, tinged with light blue, stark white tribal markings scar the flesh from his cheeks to his toes. His eyes stand out as a contrast to his other features, being a vivid sparkling green, the color of jade. What once may have been a long beard has been fashioned to be tight to his face, with a pointed moustache attached to it above his lip. His body is large, but still stunted in comparison to even the smallest of the true giant races.
