Kesh the Militant > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Kesh created on 11th of July 2016, and is dead and gone (19 years old, 55 hours, 11 months lifetime)

Title: the Militant
Gender: Male
Level: 40
Class: human warrior

Background history:

  1. The ruthless mercenary - posted at 2016-07-17 17:22:00
The ruthless mercenary
Kesh went through alot of merciless killing and slaughtering in his life as a mercenary in his hometown, far across the sea from Serin. He would spend his blood earned gold on whores, beer and grilled meat. Life was sufficient for him, till a new mercenary guild arrived in town with a plan to elliminate the competition. The new guild hired out all the mercenaries and sent them on missions across the lands. Task teams where assigned to assassinate those mercenaries four to one. This was a good plan, with all the mercenaries killed off they can easily take over. Unfortunately for them they made a mistake of underestimating Kesh and his abilities. He sensed the ambushed coming to him and killed off his attackers. As he held the blade in the last assassins stomach, he twisted his blade till the plan came out of his mouth. With knowledge of the plan in mind he rushed back to headquarters in defence of this guild. Much blood was split and thou his guild managed to survive the intruders, it was badly crippled. It would take alot of gold and hard work to restore his guild back to former glory, that he is not prepared to do. He took his gold and that of his dead comrades, they don't need it anymore. He settled his debts with a blade to the head, since you don't owe dead poeple money. He gave his kids from the whores he knew was his, a boot in the bottom and a smack on the head and sent them off. They have his blood in their veins, thats all they need to survive this world. Once he settled all his affairs, he took the next ship to Serin where he will offer his mercenary services. For the love of booze, woman and grilled meat.


Dirty black, long hair awkwardly hangs over a full, wild face. Crazed hazel eyes, set wickedly within their sockets, watch for potential victims. Scars reaching from the bottom of the right cheekbone, running towards the other eye and ending under his left eye leaves a satisfying memory of his battles. He stands high among others, despite his hefty frame.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:


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