Koros the Battlemaster
Koros created on 04th of September 2023, and is currently 21 years old (31 hours played).

Title: the Battlemaster
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: storm giant warrior

Background history:


Before you towers an oversized creature that is white in color with patches of light blue shading. It is humanoid in nature but gigantic in proportion compared to an average human. Its massive frame appears to be completely covered in muscle and accounts for the strength of the creature. Its head is clean of hair and there doesnt appear to be any growing about its body either, only pale with skin that seems smooth and durable as marble. Its face has strong features with a chiseled brow, nose, cheeks and chin. A large mouth full of pointed teeth bone white in color round out its face. Large blue eyes stare intently about showing an unexpected amount of intelligence for a creature of its stature.
