Nerissa the Cleanser of Maledictions
Nerissa created on 29th of February 2024, and is currently 19 years old (45 hours played).

Title: the Cleanser of Maledictions
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Class: dwarf healer

Background history:

  1. Memo from the Director - posted at 2024-04-05 17:34:30
Memo from the Director
-From the Desk of the Director In our hubris we only considered if we could leverage the forbidden rites, not if we should. It has always been the moral imperative of the church to serve the populace facilitated by the blessings of the gods. Encroaching into their territory to do so, we never considered the ethical quandary or even more importantly the backlash of borrowed divinity. The Resurrection ritual has been repeatedly successful and the cost tolerable to the higher ups, sacrificing the few for the benefit of the many. The vessels took almost too well to the borrowed divinty. The repercussions and backlash was expected, but not in the manner that was presented. The damage to the souls of the vessels was incalculable and with the loss of all but one we have confirmed that the damage is irreparable. Even the gods cannot recover their fragmented souls to restore their bodies. On the other hand, the resurrected seem to bear no ill symptoms, so our success is confirmed. It is my hypothesis that an equvalent exchange is performed, damage the soul of one for restoring the soul of the other. Unfortunately we will be unable to prove this theory as we have sustained a leak. The inquisitors have been dispatched to eliminate all involved and eradicate any evidence of our taboo. My suggestion is for each of you to disappear as I intend to. And as for the vessel, I doubt she will survive long with the damage her soul has sustained. May the heavens have mercy on her.


At first glance the dwarvish heritage of the woman before you is readily apparent. She is short yet sturdily built, wide across the shoulders, hips, and bottom. Her bosom heaves with each of her purposeful movements, a blazing sun medallion bouncing in counterpoint. Her face bears distinct features in keeping with being a dwarf; a large and unbecoming nose, reddish cheeks, and large round ears. Her eyes are a limpid blue that carry the easy familiarity of a summer sky. They reveal her determination and compassion and when combined with the gentle curve of her lips can be called fair. A banner of lengthy blonde hair falls gently down her back, shimmering in the faintest of light as if polished. Her posture and carriage bear a regal pride and indicate a sense of self-worth. Her lack of a beard associated with her kind does not detract from her appearance.
