Nimmeth the Legacy of the Lost Art > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Nimmeth created on 08th of June 2018, and is dead and gone (17 years old, 15 hours, 13 days lifetime)

Title: the Legacy of the Lost Art
Gender: Female
Level: 25
Class: drow shadow

Background history:

  1. A drop of water echoes in the dark - posted at 2018-06-08 12:45:42
A drop of water echoes in the dark
The world is governed by two simple principles: life and death. Nimmeth, born as the fourth daughter to a minor house in Unlit City, grew up immersed in these two principles. As a young girl, she innately knew that to remain living, she must appear as simultaneously useful and a non-threat. Had she been overtly allied with one of her first two sisters, she would have met an unfortunate end in a cave-in or hook horror incident. If she had shown designs toward climbing in status, her sisters would have disposed of her through more direct means. Walking in political shadows induced Nimmeth to pursue training as an assassin. The mightiest columns of the Unlit City are formed over the millenia until they one day form the support for all of Serin's surface. They bridge the chasm separating the stony depths and the dirt grubbers, yet these lithic structures are built slowly. Strength of spirit is built slowly, too, and this youngest daughter sees the importance of building her spirit through the accretion of power until the day she is strong enough to stand on her own, a pillar of the Unlit City. And from the priests of Ilythir she has come to see how the principles which have guided her life will shape her death, and the deaths of those around her. Her training may one day help her harvest spirits akin to the great columns of her homeland, and those strong enough will cross the bridge from this life into death.


Faint wisps of smoke curl around the form of a small dark-skinned female looming before you. Long, black hair coils and writhes behind her, appearing alive with the winds transforming it into a serpentine creation. Large eyes that expressively betray her emotions remain set deep within her face, but as you study them for a moment an astounding flash of radiance fills them and then fades. Her mouth, that terrible creation, does not seem to be entirely natural. No, as you puzzle over it for a moment you realize that it is not just her own expressions that are changing, but that of a tattoo of an imp over and surrounding her lips. As her mouth opens unexpectedly, an icy gust of air releases, filling the surroundings with an eerie chill. At her neck, a long, clean scar drips a tiny bit of ooze which evaporates by the time it reaches a seemingly unremovable molten pendant in the shape of a spider. Her fingers are long, agile, and delicate, but more astoundingly seem to be webbed with fire. Condensation collects on her regardless of her environment and drips to the ground.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
thief: 1,


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