Rhilas the Wrath of Nature > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Rhilas created on 06th of February 2021, and is dead and gone (21 years old, 56 hours, 6 months lifetime)

Title: the Wrath of Nature
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: werebeast ranger

Background history:


Standing before you is a rough looking example of a man. Normal height, if he stood up straight, but rather he's hunched over as if he wants to run on four like an animal at any moment. He has legs that resemble tree trunks in stature and long arms with yellowing and cracking nails that haven't received any care as of late. Atop his head is a disheveling mess of course hair, black as night, that he's obviously given up trying to tame long ago. His hands and face contain more hair than most men, with a scraggly beard covering most of his face, His yellowed teeth barely contained by his small mouth and his eyes black, beady, and soulless.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 5 (Ratio: 0.2, Efficiency: 16%)
Pinnacle Kills: 1, Pinnacle Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 1, Efficiency: 50%)

Kills by class:
paladin: 1,
Killed by class:
shadow: 1, paladin: 1,

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