Zaija the Executor of Blizzards
Zaija created on 20th of January 2024, and is currently 21 years old (72 hours played).

Title: the Executor of Blizzards
Gender: Female
Level: 39
Class: drow invoker

Background history:

  1. Zaijas' Vow - posted at 2024-01-20 09:47:26
Zaijas' Vow
Zaija took her three adopted children inside their underground home on the outskirts of the Unlit City. "It isn't safe to play outside right now." She whispered. A troop of elven paladin were marching against the darkness that day and had made it past the guardsman and the captain who would have usually ebbed the zealots flow of violence. They marched onward with their blades and boots leaving a trail of blood and tears in their wake. No one was safe from them. Zaija had the children hide under the bed and readied her weapons. She stood on the inside of her front door and locked it. She assumed her battle stance and reminded her children to keep quiet and not to come out, no matter what happened or what they heard happening. The children kept each other quiet. Zaija peeped out the window from between the thick black curtains. The militia of paladins was at the neighbors house dragging drow out by their hair and cutting off their heads. The elves laughed and stomped on the heads for sport. After they had finished exterminating the family next door they came pounding on Zaijas' door. She yelled at them to go away and told them she was a lonely woman with no children or husband. The elven paladins didn't care, as far as they were concerned every drow posed a threat in one way or another. "Maybe you wouldn't be so lonely if you let my friends and I come in and see you!?" Yelled the captain of the crusade. The men laughed. Zaija winced at the joke. "Please just go away, you have nothing to gain from killing me. You'll not find any treasures here and I am not a fighter or a breeder, I only want to be left alone." She cried out. "We'll see about that!" The captain roared. The men all laughed again. The captain charged the door but it didn't cave in and he was temporarily dazed. Sensing her opportunity Zaija swung open the door and stabbed the captain of the crusade in the center of his chest. "AAAAGHHHH!!" He cried out in pain, he backhanded Zaija and she fell down hard. The group of elven men surrounded her and kicked her with their heavy boots until every inch of her body was bruised. Then they dragged her children out of the house and murdered them one by one. Zaija was paralyzed from being kicked in the spine. She couldn't move a muscle. The only sign of life she gave off were the tears rolling down her face. When the elves had finished murdering her family and burning her home they left Zaija tied to a tree in a nearby graveyard. Zaija awoke tied up that way in unimaginable pain. She found out she was unable to speak from the damage to her brain. Someone was there with her, a tall dark figure who smelt of death. She thought it was death. She thought this was it. But it was not death, it was the undertaker from the city who came to her aid. "Are you okay?" He asked. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she shook her head. The undertaker untied her and carried her to the temple. Her healing process took forever but eventually she was able to walk and speak again. She vowed to take revenge on the elves. She joined the Guild of Invokers the day that she had the strength to walk again.


Her white hair is pulled back into a pony tail, it looks smooth and slick on the top and falls straight down the center of her back. She has a long sinewy neck and dainty wrists and ankles. Her chest and behind are nearly flat. Her legs start out large near the tops and gradually become more slender on the way down. Her arms are thin but not quite bony. She has hands that look soft and youthful. Her small nose points upward at the tip. Her lips are wide and thin. She has small eyebrows that are strait and fade gradually at the ends. Her skin is light blue but the skin around her eyes is much darker.
