Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

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TitleRepliesLast replyTime Posted
201.Dogran Groushtar and Tezguul vs Everyone part 1 1Lumubella
202.Dogran and Tezguul VS Lumubella and Veara 2Kali
203.Hot Healer on Healer Action 0
204.Alkas vs Groushtar (Warning: very long) Possible bug report also 16lionSpyre
205.Myrina VS Rhoa- Double edged sword 0
206.Myrina VS Alkas 3- Double the damage, double the fun 2Ashlyn
207.Myrina VS Alkas 2- This hand of mine is burning red 1hamsandwich
208.Myrina VS Alkas Soul of the fist 0
209.Alkas vs Chul - a short one 2hamsandwich
210.Another Boring Roleplay Log(This time with Parity) 2hamsandwich
211.A peek behind the curtains, Lumubella loses her mind(RP Long) 11Ilromie
212.Lumubella V Dogran, Borgharv, Lanadrah, Abellyith(A boring healer log) 26Davairus
213.Monkey Zanward 7Ilromie
214.Stream Pull- Supremely bad idea 11Lumubella
215.Left out RP from Rhoa and Rhilas 2Stephen2Aus
216.Rhoa murders Rhilas 15Rhilas
217.Chul vs Lumubella 8Rhoa
218.Lumubella VS Dogran and Borgharv Part 5 1hamsandwich
219.Lumubella VS Dogran and Borgharv Part 4(Exchange of items) 1Stephen2Aus
220.Lumubella VS Dogran and Borgharv PART 3(Close Call) 3hamsandwich
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