Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

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TitleRepliesLast replyTime Posted
21.Coelex vs Kikikale stream cream 2hamsandwich
22.Ungar vs Thirath 0
23.Ungar vs Coelex 0
24.Ungar's (lack of) defense 14Dogran
25.Thirath Vs Auhla 5lionSpyre
26.Why are we talking about Jotun? Thirath VS Ungar 2Kryton
27.Forsaken Kryton vs Executor Aerysen (Stream Pull) 24Dogran
28.Ungar vs Aerysen (Stream Pull) 0
29.Thirath Vs Ungar 2 4Juilarna
30.Thirath Vs Ungar, then Ungar and Cadeilin 14Ozaru
31.Rodos vs Coelex 13Kikikale
32.Knighty night 29Ashlyn
33.Thirath Vs Kryton (The oh crap where's my boat edition) 4Thirath
34.Xhao bleeds for the Blood God 12Scrynor
35.Thirath Vs Ungar 8Aerysen
36.The Perfect Save: Three Paladins and a Red Dragon 1Miremas
37.Rodos (50) vs Thirath (50) 5Davairus
38.I think I shit myself here. Rodos (50) vs Aerysen (50) 4Davairus
39.Krey (50) vs Rodos (50) NO DEATH. 1BlackWidow
40.ThJostolf vs kikikale round 2 5Rodos
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