Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

undead baby fever

posted on 2023-01-07 00:16:29
<In which Trillian shares a theory with Valindra.>

[ 6]: <HERALD> Valindra: Mourning songs
To: Trillian

Forget the dead, for you are the one I often find myself missing.

Yours if anyone's,

[ 7]: <HERALD> Trillian: Yearning Bonds
To: Valindra
I couldn't have said it better myself! I do try to do right by the dead
but am just so easily distracted by the living... A flaw, a flaw but I am
but a pixie. I do so regret how we never seem to meet! And when we
do it is never alone! It does so hurt the soul. Perhaps some simple
correspondence then? How are you? How are you feeling? Any noticeable
changes since the final demise of Olgarda? You know how I yearn to know you.
Do give me a peek inside!

Forever haunting your empty desk,

- Trillian

<HERALD> Odile the Crier gossips: 'The winds welcome your return, Trillian the Grand Spectre of Beguilement, Master Scribe of Myth.'

<HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra : 'My, my, my.'

[ Pixie ] <PK> <HERALD> (Master Scribe) Trillian Triffle the Grand Spectre of Beguilement, Master Scribe of Myth
[50 Gobln Inv] <PK> <HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra Skitterwit the Poetic Prognosticator, High Herald of Myth
[ Grgyl ] <PK> Dirnemak the Grand Spectre of Beguilement
[ Fire ] <PK> (DRAGON) [LEGION] Kryton the Hand of the Dark Lord
Players found: 4
[KEEPER] The Balance prevails within the four kingdoms.
There are 4 characters on; the most on this past month was 10.

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) Trillian : 'Val!'

<HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra : 'Hail, dear.'

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) Trillian : 'And here I thought Lady Luck would never smile on me again.'

Trillian walks in.

Trillian must like you a great deal to beam at you so broadly!

Valindra smiles as a toad might as she capers up to greet Trillian.

Valindra croaks 'Welcome. dear.'

Trillian giggles.

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity buzzes about the rafters, getting wisp essence EVERYWHERE!

Trillian says 'Who needs notes?'

Trillian says 'Here we are!'

Trillian hums merrily.

You say to Trillian 'You are well?'

Trillian says to you 'I don't rightly know! Perhaps?'

Valindra settles at her desk, bejeweled if stubby fingers drumming against the hard surface.

Trillian says 'I find myself filled with uncertainties these days.'

You say to Trillian 'Age can be cruel in this regard.'

Trillian says 'It is more current events than age I am afraid.'

Valindra quirks a pus-white eyebrow.

Trillian says 'I feel I left it so uncomfortable when last I departed from everybody.'

Trillian says 'What with stepping out on the quest to banish Olgarda and all.'

Trillian says 'And I positively have seen no one since!'

Valindra smiles once more, though her eyes are somewhere else.

You say to Trillian 'Do not let it worry you much. She is gone.'

Valindra amends 'I am free.'

Trillian says 'Oh I never worried much about her. Only you.'

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

You say to Trillian 'I know that.'

Trillian says 'How are you? How do you feel?'

Trillian says 'Any noticeable changes since?'

Valindra taps her lip with a stubby emerald finger.

You say to Trillian 'I am less and as evil as I ever was, I suppose.'

You beckon for Trillian to follow -- sure hope they do!

Trillian now follows you.

You say to Trillian 'I planted something in the courtyard, and I wish to check on it.'

<Down to the courtyard . . .>

The High Herald's Courtyard
| A somewhat spacious and surprisingly peaceful courtyard is
| nearly entirely surrounding you here. A serene sylvan pool
| ripples here to the touch of the soft breeze. Smooth paving
| stones line the ground here between the Travellers Rest foyer
S @ | to the south, and the small courtroom to the north, and a few
| | | rough-cut stone benches serve to allow waiting plaintiffs while
*-S-* | the High Herald is offering judgement in other cases. Several
| | ferns and other assorted potted plants line the perimeter of
*-F | the courtyard, each appearing to be well taken care of.

[Exits: (north) south (down)]
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
A stern-looking bailiff stands here guarding the entrance to the courtroom.
Trillian walks in.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flies in.

Trillian raises an eyebrow.

Trillian looks at a hovel door.

Valindra looks around the courtyard. She seems disappointed.

Trillian says ‘Any luck?’

You say to Trillian 'No. Not yet.'

<Back to the office . . .>

Office of the High Herald
*| The door to this room is partially blocked by a giant
|| bookshelf, the first of a dozen or so placed around the
W-* * *| walls of the room. In the center of the mess and half
| | || hidden by another large bookshelf, is a grand desk with
@-*-*| a tall and softly padded chair. A large soft rug fills
|| the floor of the room, with a smaller mat intended for
*| shoes, so that visitors won't track mud all over the already
| cluttered floor. Two fine oaken doorways open to the north
| and east. A painting of the High Herald is hanging on
---------+ the wall.

[Exits: north east]
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
A desk covered with soft leather rests here facing a window.
A glass cabinet is mounted above the desk containing a golden parchment.
(White Aura) Azerayhna the swamped herald maid is rushing around here.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flies in.
Trillian walks in.

You sit down at a leather covered desk.

Trillian says 'You don't seem as evil as ever.'

Trillian giggles.

Valindra croaks 'I had too much wine and planted Solmundi's godseed in the courtyard.'

Trillian gasps in astonishment.

Trillian says 'That sounds exciting!'

[ 2]: <HERALD> Valindra: undead baby fever
Sat Dec 31 16:06:36 2022
To: Vevier

I planted what Solmundi left me in the courtyard.

He did not leave it in the courtyard. He left it in me. But that's where I planted it.

Do you think it will fruit? I heard Phostan once remark on the union of a dwarf and a goblin: would that make a gnome, he wondered? Foggledonk is no daughter, though, and this body of mine is not . . .

Not mine. Not His. Not Dwiggans'. Will I return it before I'm through?

Maiden. Mother. Crone. Two out of three ain't bad, huh.

One is none, and two is one.

But a baby . . .

Forgive me if I ramble. I am lonely for your mischief.

As ever, I'm still--


Trillian says 'What do you think will grow?'

You say 'Well, it has yet to fruit.'

Trillian says 'Maybe it is waiting for the right time?'

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

You say 'I thought Vevier might help urge it along.'

You say 'So I beseeched her.'

Trillian says 'Any luck?'

Valindra's mouth is a thin line in her corpusculent face.

You say 'It would not seem not as yet.'

Trillian says 'Say, how do you go conversing with all these Gods? Any words or advice? I was thinking I might try my hand at it...'

You say 'Mama first appeared to me many years ago. I do not know why, other than a shared passion for mischief.'

Trillian hums merrily.

You say 'The rest I badger incessantly if I require their counsel.'

Trillian says 'I imagine it was a bit more than that.'

Trillian says 'I have a theory you know.'

Trillian says 'About you.'

Valindra's pus-white eyebrow quirks once more.

You say 'Oh?'

Trillian says 'Indeed, indeed! Of course I do! I'm quite fond of theories.'

You say 'One of your many charms, dear.'

You say 'But do go on.'

Trillian says 'It's quite tragic I'm afraid.'

Trillian says 'Shall I spoil it? Or would you wait for my rhymes in the Mystique?'

You say to Trillian 'My curiosity is appropriately piqued!'

Trillian giggles.

Trillian says 'So you'd hear it then?'

You say 'I am no stranger to tragedy, but rather its handmaiden.'

You say to Trillian 'If you would share it, yes. But I will not compel you.'

Trillian says to you 'I think we both know your preference is my compulsion.'

Trillian giggles.

Valindra smiles as a toad might, maw gruesome.

Trillian says 'This theory was the lynchpin to my objection to the banishment of Olgarda.'

Trillian says 'I do not believe you can be saved.'

Trillian says 'You bear the curse of being infinitely interesting.'

Trillian says 'Remove on source of strife and another shall replace it.'

Trillian says 'You are a centrifuge of chaos.'

Trillian says 'And it shall always be so.'

Valindra looks wistfully toward the window.

Trillian says 'I can't help but feel I've already been proven right what with all this Kesaria business.'

You say to Trillian 'The key . . . wished to present itself to me. I could hear it whispering, Trillian.'

Trillian giggles.

Trillian says to you 'And did you answer?'

You say to Trillian 'In a manner of speaking.'

Valindra looks down to her stubby, emerald hands. She observes their exquisite manicure, the many rings that cap her fingers. She flexes those fingers experimentally.

Trillian says to you 'Tell me, tell me! If you had it, what would you do? Wyl-wyl and Illy so rarely share their plans with me.'

Trillian says to you 'But I would know your mind if you would share it.'

You say to Trillian 'I would open it, of course.'

Trillian gives you a round of applause. You MUST'VE done something good!

Trillian says 'I knew it!'

Trillian says 'As would I.'

You say to Trillian 'For I am afraid you might be right about me.'

You say to Trillian 'And . . . I think I know why.'

Trillian raises an eyebrow at you.

Trillian says to you 'Go on!'

You say to Trillian 'I too have a theory.'

Valindra examines herself in a full-length mirror that was not there moments before.

<HERALD> Odile the Crier gossips 'Kryton has broken the peace code of the tavern!'

Players near you in Holy Grove:
<PK> Trillian Office of the High Herald
<PK> Valindra Office of the High Herald
<PK> Kryton Outside the Hall of Archives

Kryton is now barred from the tavern.
<HERALD> Odile the Crier gossips: 'Kryton has been barred from the tavern by Valindra.'

A bouncer now follows you.
A bouncer arrives at your side.
A bouncer says 'It's clobbering time!'

You are surrounded by a white aura.

You surround yourself in a protective shield of magic.

Kryton walks in.
A warrior trainee walks in.
Azerayhna winks at Kryton.
Azerayhna murmurs slyly 'Hey stranger, anything I can do for you?'
Azerayhna runs her tongue along her full lower lip.

<HERALD> Odile the Crier gossips 'Kryton has broken the peace code of the tavern!'
Kryton's chop *** DEMOLISHES *** Trillian!

Kryton's chop *** DEMOLISHES *** Trillian!
Kryton's slash MASSACRES Trillian!
Trillian's wild thwack decimates Kryton!

Trillian has fled!
Trillian walks east.

A ray of light shines down briefly nearby, then vanishes.
Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.

Outside the Hall of Archives
* | You have now reached the top floor of the Inn. The second
| | floor looked wealthy, but this is amazing! The paintings alone
* * * | must have cost a fortune, and all the furniture is chunky,
| | | | solid and expensive looking. Some of the treasures resting
W-*-@-* | on tables in alcoves are probably the rarest things you have
| | ever seen. The wood panelling on the walls is of some type
* | now lost to the world, being very light but silky to the touch.
| The rugs covering the highly polished wooden floor are of
| the very best material and cut, and would in all likelihood
---------+ fetch a king's ransom at any auction. You guess the owner
of the inn herself must live up here, for who else could afford such a place?
A brightly lit passageway full of books extends to the north. To the west is
a set of large open double doors that lead to the High Herald's personal quarters
and office. To the south is a small quiet alcove.

[Exits: north east south west]
The sliced-off tail of Calram the Moo Herald is lying here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(White Aura) Kryton the Hand of the Dark Lord is here.
(White Aura) Keeb, the halls curator, snoozes here peacefully on a hammock suspended from the ceiling.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flies in.
A bouncer walks in.
Keeb snorts himself awake and sits up tiredly.
Keeb peers around himself intently.
Keeb peers at you intently.
Keeb says 'What the...Who the...Baa!'
Keeb rolls around and goes back to sleep.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.

Kryton walks in.
A warrior trainee walks in.

You give out the command to evict barred patrons.
A bouncer yells 'You aren't allowed here, Kryton!'
A bouncer's slash mauls Kryton.
A bouncer's slash decimates Kryton!

Kryton has fled!
A bouncer tosses Kryton out of the room!

Top of the stairs
* | You have now reached the top floor of the Inn. The second floor
| | looked wealthy, but this is amazing! The paintings alone must
* * | have cost a fortune, and all the furniture is chunky, solid
| | | and expensive looking. Some of the treasures resting on tables
*-*-@ | in alcoves are probably the rarest things you have ever seen.
| | The wood panelling on the walls is of some type now lost to
* | the world, being very light but silky to the touch. The rugs
| covering the highly polished wooden floor are of the very best
| material and cut, and would in all likelihood fetch a kings
---------+ ransom at any auction. You guess the owner of the inn herself
must live up here, for who else could afford such a place? The stairs lead
back down to the other floors of the inn, or a short hallway stretches out west.

[Exits: west down]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton the Hand of the Dark Lord is here.
A bouncer walks in.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flies in.

You give out the command to evict barred patrons.
A bouncer yells 'You aren't allowed here, Kryton!'

Kryton has fled!
A bouncer tosses Kryton out of the tavern!

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) a shadow : 'Are you quite alright? Did he come for me or for you?'

<PK> Valindra Outside the Hall of Archives
<PK> Kryton At the edge of the grove

<HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra : 'I do not think he cares, dear.'

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) a shadow : 'But you escaped unharmed?'

<HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra : 'Unscathed, as ever.'

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) a shadow : 'If I never hear your theory over this I shall positively never forgive him!'

The tail of Calram the Moo Herald crumbles into dust.

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) Trillian : 'Is he still in the grove?'

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) Trillian : 'Or shall I return?'

<HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra : 'He keeps popping back in.'

<HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra : 'Remember, you can always escape through my portrait.'

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) Trillian : 'But of course!'

<HERALD> (Master Scribe) Trillian : 'Shall I meet you somewhere or return to the Rest?'

<HERALD> (High Herald) Valindra : 'You may return. He is no much for us within our sacred home.'

Trillian walks in.
An illusion of a marine flies in.
An illusion of a marine flies in.
An illusion of a marine flies in.

Trillian waves at you cheerfully.

Trillian says to you 'Do go on! Your theory.'

Valindra returns to observe herself in that full-length mirror once more, the one that wasn't there, then was, then wasn't, but is again.

Trillian giggles.

Trillian hums merrily.

Valindra observes herself contemplatively: her stubby, emerald arms and legs; her limp, white hair; all her jiggles and wobbles.

You say to Trillian 'This body never belonged to me, Trillian.'

Valindra continues, if slowly 'And sometimes . . .'

Trillian sits down and thinks deeply.

You say 'I worry I will not find peace until I return it to its rightful owner.'

Trillian says 'Truly? I must admit... I have thought of you as a collective for some time.'

Trillian says 'You believe the Goblin resents the Witch? After all this time?'

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity buzzes anxiously about the rafters, getting wisp essence EVERYWHERE!

You say to Trillian 'No.'

You say to Trillian 'It is not so simple.'

You say to Trillian 'But my name was never Valindra . . . or, if it is now, it wasn't at first. I took that too. I've taken everything.'

You say 'And magic always has a price.'

Trillian says 'I think perhaps you do not give your original body enough credit.'

Trillian says 'Not many could bear something as powerful and vast as you. Let alone you and one such as Olgarda.'

Valindra tilts her head, conjuring comparisons to a fat, green bird.

Trillian says 'A vessel of this caliber... it is a thing of desire I would imagine. For many.'

Trillian says 'Perhaps a rhyme after all! A work in progress to be sure.'

Valindra smiles, though the corners of her lips twitch bittersweetly.

Trillian recites 'Snap.'

Trillian recites 'Crack.'

Trillian recites 'What's that?'

Trillian recites 'Did somebody just break a pact?'

Trillian recites 'An unknown bond.'

Trillian recites 'Cut with ancient hack.'

Trillian recites 'No one concerned?'

Trillian recites 'This might be a trap?'

Trillian recites 'But looky here.'

Trillian recites 'More room in the hat.'

Trillian recites 'Perhaps for good?'

Trillian recites 'I doubt that.'

Trillian hums merrily.

Valindra claps her stubby, emerald hands together in delight.

Trillian says 'Did you like it?'

Valindra sounds like her sister 'In fact, I loved it.'

You say to Trillian 'It seems the threat of Legion has dissipated without the promise of easy meat.'

Trillian says to you 'I have been giving some thought to Legion lately. But nothing worth report as yet.'

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

You say to Trillian 'It is a detriment to our profession that we are the most exciting creatures in Serin.'

Trillian says 'I could not agree more.'

Trillian says 'I keep trying to be encouraging!'

You say to Trillian 'An admirable impulse, dear.'

You say to Trillian 'So how shall we find this key? I think we must open the Kes Arcanum, if only to relieve us from boredom.'

Trillian giggles.

Trillian says to you 'You tell me! You heard the call.'

You whisper to Trillian 'And perhaps . . .'

You whisper to Trillian 'And perhaps Vevier will give me my baby.'

Trillian whispers to you 'Your baby? Do you yearn?'

Valindra ticks off on her bejeweled fingers 'Maiden, Mother, Crone. I've done two out of three convincingly, I'd say.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

Trillian says to you 'I am sure your child would be most interesting.'

You say to Trillian 'A little undead baby demi-god! Think of the clothes.'

Valindra smiles slyly.

Trillian says to you 'I would positively have to take up knitting to make some!'

Trillian whispers to you 'I confess... I have thought of a use for the book potentially.'

You say 'I court chaos at every turn and then call myself cursed when it delivers. Perhaps you are right about me, Trillian.'

Trillian whispers to you 'Just a thought for now. But of interest.'

Valindra's eyes narrow beadily in interest. Today, they are watery blue.

Trillian giggles.

Trillian says 'I usually think I am.'

Trillian says 'Is that a fault?'

You say to Trillian 'I am so lucky to have found you, Trillian.'

Trillian says to you 'And I you! I was adrift in this land until you and Ravia pulled me in.'

Trillian says to you 'Perhaps my finest day! But never my last.'

Trillian says 'But with that I am afraid I must away.'

Trillian says 'Such a pleasure to have seen you in the flesh.'

Trillian hugs you.

Valindra snakes her stubby, emerald arms around your neck.

Trillian must like you a great deal to beam at you so broadly!

Trillian hums merrily.

Valindra manages to kiss you despite the fact you are so much smaller than her. The miniature imprint of her lips begins to smoke upon your cheek.

Trillian says to you 'One last question perhaps.'

You say 'You may ask me anything today.'

Trillian says to you 'Do you remember? There was once, just once, when you kissed me and it did not smoke. I've always wondered why.'

Trillian blushes.

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

Trillian says 'Indeed you have.'

Trillian says 'But the smoke!'

Trillian says 'Keep your secrets if you must.'

Valindra amends 'Only a small charm of protection, that.'

You say 'Perhaps someday I will have no mysteries left for you.'

Trillian whispers to you 'I shall know them all someday.'

Trillian giggles.

Trillian says 'Great minds!'

Trillian waves at you cheerfully.

<HERALD> Odile the Crier gossips: 'Farewell Trillian, may the winds guide you to a swift return.'

Tags: #herald, #rp


  1. Hey Dwiggins, How's your wife and my kid?
    1. Doin' fine, Solmundi, thank ye fer askin'! Yer forearm be achin'?
    [reply to Solmundi]
  2. Gold text between these two is actual gold.
      [reply to Avenar]

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