Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Afales vs Kryton

posted on 2023-09-17 17:22:09
I think arm distention and bashes got his command input timing out of sorts...

Kryton hurls a javelin as he closes in to attack Afales.
Kryton's pierce devastates Afales!
Kryton's crush MUTILATES Afales!
A wild boar's charge injures Kryton.
Afales's shocking bite devastates Kryton!
A large wolf's bite injures Kryton.

Afales's kicked dirt misses Kryton.

Afales's torrent MUTILATES Kryton!
Kryton's smash MUTILATES Afales!

Kryton stops using some iron pilums.
Kryton stops using a dragonblood tower shield of evisceration as a shield.
Kryton tightens his grip around 'Chautard-ta', the Meteor Hammer.

Kryton surges with power.
Kryton strikes Afales with his weapon and attempts to hobble him.
Kryton's hobble injures Afales.
Afales clutches his leg painfully as he begins to hobble.

A wild boar's charge injures Kryton.
Kryton's smash MUTILATES Afales!
Kryton's crush DISEMBOWELS Afales!
Kryton concentrates on his combat style to inflict more damage.
Kryton's smash MASSACRES Afales!

Kryton's smash DISEMBOWELS Afales!
Kryton concentrates on his combat style to inflict more damage.
Kryton's crush DISMEMBERS Afales!
Afales's flaming bite wounds Kryton.
A wild boar's charge hits Kryton.
A wild boar's charge hits Kryton.
A large wolf's bite injures Kryton.
A large wolf's bite hits Kryton.

Kryton surges with power.
Kryton sends Afales sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash decimates Afales!

Afales's shocking bite maims Kryton!
Afales screams out in agonizing pain as his body starts to deform!
Spidery legs burst out of Afales and his fangs lengthen as he takes the form of a Raknos!
Kryton's smash DISEMBOWELS Afales!
Kryton's crush MUTILATES Afales!
Kryton's crush DISEMBOWELS Afales!
A large wolf's bite hits Kryton.

Afales stops hobbling around.
Kryton's riposte MUTILATES Afales!
Afales's shield arm is numbed.
Kryton's riposte *** DEMOLISHES *** a large wolf!
A large wolf's bite hits Kryton.
Kryton's crush MUTILATES Afales!

Kryton surges with power.
Kryton sends Afales sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash maims Afales!

Afales's freezing bite DISMEMBERS Kryton!
Afales's freezing bite DISMEMBERS Kryton!
Kryton's smash DISEMBOWELS Afales!

Afales looks less wobbly on his feet.

Afales's arm distension grazes him.

Afales tries to disarm Kryton, but fails.

Afales's shield arm regains its strength.
Afales's shield arm is numbed.
Afales's shocking bite MUTILATES Kryton!
A large wolf's bite injures Kryton.
Kryton's smash maims Afales!

Kryton sends Afales sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash maims Afales!

A wild boar's charge injures Kryton.
A large wolf's bite misses Kryton.
A large wolf's bite injures Kryton.
Afales's flaming bite mauls Kryton.
Kryton's smash MUTILATES Afales!

Afales's shield arm regains its strength.
Kryton's smash MUTILATES Afales!
Kryton's crush MUTILATES Afales!
Kryton's smash MUTILATES Afales!
Afales's shocking bite misses Kryton.
Afales's chill DISMEMBERS Kryton!

Afales looks less wobbly on his feet.

Kryton is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Afales's kicked dirt scratches Kryton.

Afales's torrent MUTILATES Kryton!
Afales's chill DISEMBOWELS Kryton!
Kryton's riposte *** DEMOLISHES *** a wild boar!
Kryton's smash MUTILATES Afales!
Afales is mortally wounded!!

A crystal ooze slithers in.

Kryton rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.

Kryton looks at Afales.

Kryton's eyes stop watering.

Kryton says 'The Dark Lord will enjoy more beast-human blood.'

Kryton says 'As will we..'

Kryton lets out a loud angry hiss at everyone in the room.

Kryton takes a razor to his wrists and bleeds everywhere.

Kryton licks the blood from his wrist.

Kryton stands up.

Kryton's smash DISEMBOWELS Afales!
Afales is DEAD!!
You hear Afales's death cry.
A gruff old goat fades away with a sad face.

Kryton gets 9034 gold coins from the corpse of Afales.

Kryton utters the words, 'tainted sacrifice'.
Kryton mutilates Afales's corpse and constructs a shrine from the carnage!


  1. Arm distension and inputting too many commands. I thought my fleeing attempts would go through after the disarm so I waited for that to happen... Only to realize I must've typed "di" instead of "dis" at one point (this became obvious when I kicked dirt instead of fleeing).
    1. Incidentally, I could swear my PK rating went up after that death... I was at Fair recently due to various deaths, and now I am at Good rating. Am I understanding the PK rating system correctly? I understand it's somewhat like Elo (the rating system which most commonly appears in competitive chess), which means a loss against someone significantly higher rated/stronger than you can actually cause you to gain rating points - and conversely, the higher rated player may lose points even if he or she wins against someone whose rating is several magnitudes of order beneath them. Is that also how it works in AR?
    2. As far as I know, you wouldnt gain points from losing, but there is a comparison so that if someone was much better than you, then you wouldn't lose much points and they wouldn't get much points.
    [reply to Afales]

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