Gulgru the Culler of the Weak > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Gulgru created on 02nd of March 2024, and is dead and gone (28 years old, 219 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Culler of the Weak
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: duergar warrior

Background history:

  1. Blind Death - posted at 2024-03-07 22:13:31
Blind Death
A warm summers day, with the sun shinning bright and a light breeze passing through town. I felt the need to test my might against a lone guard nearly asleep at his post. I was a young petulant child always looking for a good scrap. I was known through the streets to start drunken fights with beggars, dogs and the occasional marine life. However, this fight would change my life forever, I drew daggers from my belt and sliced and diced at this lone lookout guard. He countered my attacks landing piercing blow after blow, my heart was pounding fiercely and blood was spraying everywhere, until my breathing began to slow. I started to slip into the darkness with a final cry I begged for aid. I lay there on the ground bleeding profusely when a small spider emerged from the darkness and I felt a tremendous pain from its bite coursing through my body. I was reborn, back from deaths door and a voice through my mind could be heard. Instead of picking fights within my city walls, dedicate yourself to protecting the citizens within. Pledge now or you shall perish in peril for all eternity. With what little strength I had left, I inked myself in service pledge my life for the law.


The rotund, bull-necked beastly man is here with an angry furrowed brow. As you gaze down, the first thing you see are maggots squirming in and out of open wounds from the top of his scalp. The scent of sulfur and almonds escapes every orrifice of him. You see four stubby appendages with dirt and grit under each fingernail. His feet are caked with mud and dirt with cracked and missing toenails. His mouth is open with spiders crawling in and out of an open wound in his cheek. Yellowed teeth that are smooth and round from years of grinding them down to a nub. He has a large and flat nose with a gold ring through his left nostril.

PK stats:

Kills: 22, Deaths: 5 (Ratio: 4.4, Efficiency: 81%)
Pinnacle Kills: 21, Pinnacle Deaths: 4 (Ratio: 5.3, Efficiency: 84%)

Kills by class:
berserker: 4, shaman: 1, ranger: 7, paladin: 2, monk: 3, illusionist: 1, warrior: 2, thief: 1, bard: 1,
Killed by class:
ranger: 2, monk: 1,

Nemesis: Afales

Logs mentioning Gulgru:


  1. Good Fun! See ya around!
      [reply to Rathek]
    1. Kornhole [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Good fun indeed! Slightly surprised to see this delete. Stuck through some major nonsense earlier in your career, and now this. I am only guessing, you lost the tenors? Sad to see this, even though I did not agree with some of the things that transpired involving or surrounding you, I really loved that you stuck it out. Well, did. GL on your next.
        [reply to Kornhole]
      1. A man stands for something
        He doesn't owe you
        No mercy
        No quarter
        No discourse with skew

        A man stands in Iron
        His weapons laid bare
        Come at him
        Bring friends
        A man does not care

        A man gives no answers
        His code is his own
        God's guidance
        On compliance?
        He'll never atone

        A man stands
          [reply to Trillian]
        1. Grayden [reply]
          1 , 0 , 0 .
          Brought about much frustration and real anger in me personally, well done.

          You fought well. I hope your next character is a healer, lol.
            [reply to Grayden]
          1. BlackWidow [reply]
            0 , 0 , 0 .
            I'll admit, he played the lawful evil alignment REALLY well... If he had actually applied the laws correctly and stuck around for a while longer he had great potential. I would've liked to see him acting more like even a stereotypical duergar than he was though... He didn't seem foul enough in the mouth nor as paranoid as I would expect from your typical duergar.

            I suppose I can say with confidence that Justice is now accepting and even welcoming applications.
              [reply to BlackWidow]
            1. von [reply]
              0 , 3 , 0 .
              Clear HoE. Stellar RP. He really embodied the angle of how a lawful evil would manipulate the laws of the land and bend their interpretation to serve him specifically. This really drove game narrative for a time as the people and even the gods were rightly outraged. Few characters have had that kind of impact. Very impressive to see somebody actually take on the true dark side of that archetype
              1. Vertas
                0 , 1 , 0 .
                Yeah I don’t know if my vote counts for anything but definitely HoE.
              2. BlackWidow
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Definitely not HoE. He only lasted three months so longevity wasn't there (which is a requirement afaik).
              3. Davairus
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Longevity aside, there is a difference between manipulating the laws (like a lawyer does) and actual wrongful flagging. that's competence versus incompetence.. he had like five wrongful flags, yes that's annoying, because all of those cases (and maybe it was six or even more) force digging through the game's logfiles, exhume evidence to prove that they are wrongful flags. And you're talking an hour or longer per case, and then there was also the time spent writing it all up. I'm sure I spent over eight hours of my life just looking into this guy's wrongful flag, and then none of it was actually acted on since Kedaleam went on a leave of absence without giving us a heads up. I'm not mad at the player about any of it, and certainly not mad at Kedaleam, just to confirm, but I am relieved to no longer be having to worry about the next wrongful flag to waste an hour of my life, and obviously we've ended up just getting a new Justice imm to ensure these things get followed up on in future. And last but most importantly, we can see his delete has then followed quickly afterward. There's a clear correlation there. And that's why that isn't a HoE character.
              [reply to von]
            2. lionSpyre [reply]
              0 , 1 , 0 .
              I think I said my peace about this character in a previous log. To sum, I found his playstyle un-funned the game in general. But I feel that way about all predatory Justices. I just think it's a very lame way to play the game for all parties involved. I think it makes the realms an objectively worse place. I even remember starting up a forum discussion a while back about how to revamp justices, but the few people who play them seem to like things the way they are.

              I also didn't find his RP all that good. It was just kind of... assholey. Which is an RP, I suppose. There were flashes of interesting, but otherwise, meh. Sort of milktoast evil.

              To his props, the dude pretty much took on the entire Warlord cabal and won. So he obviously had the PK skill. I just wonder why he chose this particular avenue for it.
              1. BlackWidow
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                I imagine there was too much competition in Legion when he made the character... Xenyar and pip were both playing Legion characters at the time, and Zyron isn't a total pushover either. Otherwise that would seem like the logical choice to me.
              [reply to lionSpyre]
            3. Merlandox [reply]
              2 , 1 , 0 .
              Predatory justice being very unfun to play against is what the comminity made it. If we draw on historical precedence, a predatory justice would face 2 situations.

              1. People will gather in a group, raid your cabal. Kill you inside, full loot, pay off the intruder flag and sit in seringale sorting out the trinkets. The justice would rage delete after a few times. Over time people bitch abt it and intruder flag becomes wanted now if u kill the justice in an attempt to "protect" the justice

              2. They'll offline cap the item and you'll never get to play the game because u get shit on the moment you log in. But cabal items are so troublesome to cap and somehow offline capping cabal items are now considered a dick move.

              If I'm guessing the player behind gulgru correctly, this is one of his better RP characters. It annoys people but i can accept characters played out like this.

              HoE is a nay. He gathered 1 set of tenor and deleted the moment he died and lost it. A predatory justice should expect to get fully looted the moment he died and be prepared to stick through it. He cheesed the justice skills to get insanely high hit/dam and my guess was that he was trying to get the confine skill to overcome his poor tracking skills. Not saying he cant cheese but u should be prepared to take the shitstorm coming playing this way and stick with it. A death and delete should not be rewarded with HoE.
              1. BlackWidow
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Yeah his tracking skills were shit. Based on the stream he'd sometimes give up the chase if it took more than minimal effort.
              2. Dogran
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                So out of curiosity, you say he died and lost it, what happened? There's no log for our enjoyment, and apparently I'm out of touch haha.
              3. Mogu
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Stream showed Rathek killed Gulgru and when Gulgru got back to his corpse he proceeded to sac the gear Rathek left (looked like tenors was gone) and then Gulgru presumably deleted afterwards.
              4. And then Rathek died to the new monk jjingo? Probably a no loot challenge.
              5. Kornhole
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                New log, new info. Rathek did not gain tenors if the dialog is to be believed, because it is implied that Rathek is a Keeper.
              6. I have shown my tag. It is no secret i am a keeper. Yes, jjingo is really powerful i lost to him in the arena.
              7. Stiehl26
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Based on recent logs it “appears” that jingo is a brand new player. Perhaps the lack of rares helped them beat rothak
              8. I think he's a returning player that's re-learning monks and other things.
              9. Excuse me! It's Rathek and not Rothak!

                Monks are difficult for rangers in general. Fighting Jjingo reminded me of some battle mechanics that i have forgotten against monks. I will need to find a way around it.
              [reply to Merlandox]
            4. Kornhole [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              Just want to weigh in here. Regardless of which "predatory" Justice is about, I LOVE having a Justice about. I don't know what is so unfun about it. If you can't beat them, find something to do in town, if you think you can win, fight near the edge of town, and enter town if you start losing. Really dont see the issue. Like there is no complaint here. Oh my, a big bad....wait no.....they are a big hands tied do nothing puppy dog if you get to town. IMO any other predatory character NOT bound to not hurt people in certain areas is WAY more UNFUN than a Justice!
              1. It is unfun because you cannot do what you want to do. Example farm ores, gold, potions. You cant kill him because most people dont wish to take the flag. Justice has some of the strongest cabal skills. So with a predatory justice, you are forced to sit around drinking wine and playing poker....
              2. BlackWidow
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                But what about other predatory characters? They also disrupt that stuff. What's the solution then, quit out?
              3. You can fight them and kill them before continuing your stuff. The predatory justice sits inside town until an opportunity to strike. If anyone loses run back to town safe zone. There wont be a conclusion and nobody gets shit done.
              4. Stiehl26
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                That’s a fair point r?th??k. Perhaps an instigation timer on justices, where, if they initiate combat they can either be attacked in town or can’t enter town or cabal or whatever for a short but meaningful time. Spitball away.
              [reply to Kornhole]
            5. ivindel [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              @Gulgru, mind sharing how you changed your movement to "clanks"?
              1. Davairus
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                its the effect of having titanium tenor
              [reply to ivindel]
            6. I liked our unspoken gentleman’s agreement not to run to town if losing during our battles. It was quickly clear that our battles would always end in a stalemate though.
                [reply to Aethon]

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