Lazagg the Blundering Defender of Evil Nature > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Lazagg created on 31st of December 2023, and is dead and gone (23 years old, 109 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Blundering Defender of Evil Nature
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: gnome ranger

Background history:

  1. Goblin eat Goblin world - posted at 2023-12-31 22:03:59
Goblin eat Goblin world
The goblin village is one of the most competitive places in all of Serin. It is a prime example of survival of the fittest and adheres to a strict hierarchy from the strongest who reign supreme to the weakest who die due to the lack of food available. The latter are often used as fodder to deflect the too-oft incursions of invaders seeking to destroy the natural order of the village. Lasher was born amongst a huge litter of brothers and sisters and could be considered a runt, as it were. Fated to die of any number of things including disease, starvation, and murder, Lasher beat the odds. You see, Lasher had one advantage that other goblins did not have. His mean intelligence was far and beyond above those of the average goblin. He knew that he had to overcome the limitations of his frailness to survive and to thrive he developed a sharp cunning. In the battle for supremacy amongst those who sought to climb to top goblin he stood in abeyance and observed, taking advantage of openings and lapses of judgement to eliminate the competition. He discovered he had a natural talent for assessing the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others, one he called the eagle eyes. He knew that cunning could only get him so far and trained himself in secret by emphasizing his dexterity and agility over trying to develop strength that his meager frame could not support. He became infamous amongst the more influential goblins, gaining the notice of Bolgin the goblin chieftain. He was targetted for elimination and pitted against those talented in both martial and magical arts. Managing to survive through sheer cunning he did slay each and every opponent, from the berserker to the warrior to the shaman and eventually Bolgin himself. The day he stood at the top he felt empty inside, for having attained supremacy he knew there were greater challenges out there. He abandoned the village leaving his past behind to seek out greater challenges.....


A diminutive pale green creature stands about two feet tall. His large head and even larger ears dominate his sinewy frail frame. His black irises regard the world from within triangular red eyes, an expression of amusement apparent and heightened by his wide and toothy grin. Pristinely sharpened teeth are spaced routinely throughout his mouth and look as if they've been polished. His thin ears bear yellow and black striping and are comically wide, so much so that they are suggestive of a pair of wings. His spindly arms are exceptionally long, nearly touching the ground and terminating in a pair of sharp three-fingered claws. In contrast, his legs are short and stubby with knobby knees and supported by proportionately large feet. Tufts of coarse white hair form a crest atop the middle of his otherwise bald head, and also cover his knuckles and the tops of his feet.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 5 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
warrior: 2, ranger: 1,

Nemesis: Filo

Record against Opponent

1- 0- 0 Varion the Saboteur (Fought at rank 35)
1- 0- 0 Trilane the Aurora (Fought at rank 40)
3- 1- 0 Gwodon the Battlemaster (Fought at rank 50)
2- 3- 0 Filo the Battlemaster (Fought at rank 50)
1- 1- 0 Lirael the Unholy Knight (Fought at rank 50)
2- 0- 0 Ashan the Volcano of Infinite Rage (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Durmindin the Volcano of Infinite Rage (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Grenden the Battlemaster (Fought at rank 50)
0- 4- 0 Afales the Wrath of Nature (Fought at rank 50)
4- 0- 0 Kwyl the Grand Master of Seasons (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Alael the Wrath of Nature (Fought at rank 50)
0- 1- 0 Arkn the Holy Knight (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Aqkawora the Holy Patriarch of Healing (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Roamas the Battlemaster (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Larot the Sage of Arcane Power (Fought at rank 50)
3- 0- 0 Voltusk the Volcano of Infinite Rage (Fought at rank 50)

Duels: 33, Wins: 23, Losses: 10 (Win Rate: 69%)

Logs mentioning Lazagg:


  1. BRUDDAH!?!?!?! Now I'm big sad :(
      [reply to Kwyl]
    1. Davairus [reply]
      1 , 0 , 0 .
      This player is really cooking recently, I'll say no more but they're 100% doing great and haven't skipped a beat, unfortunate timing with the patch for Lazagg specifically.
        [reply to Davairus]

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