Tezguul the Grand Spectre of Beguilement > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Tezguul created on 02nd of February 2021, and is dead and gone (18 years old, 26 hours, 2 months lifetime)

Title: the Grand Spectre of Beguilement
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: quasit illusionist

Background history:

  1. Murder and Mayhem - posted at 2021-02-02 09:20:25
Murder and Mayhem
Tezguul came into existence for one purpose, and that was to cause havoc and create mayhem. In his servitude, he would delight in misleading his masters other subjects. In fact, his favorite pastime was casting minor illusions to disrupt the day-to-day activities. Increasingly, his pranks became darker and darker, until one day, he caused the death of his masters second favorite servant. Of course, Tezguul was beaten viciously for his transgression. Seeing the rage he could cause only served to fuel his need for chaos. Over time, with careful planning and perfectly timed manipulations, Tezguul managed to trick his masters allies into beheading him, which allowed for his escape. Using the magic he learned, he created an opening between worlds and slipped through the crack, seeking to send up offerings to the god who granted him passage.


The fetid, malodorous stench of brimstone and sulfur invades your nostrils. The source appears to be a grotesque homunculi with vermillion skin stretched taut over rapidly beating leathery wings and a spindly, skeletal frame. Elongated ears taper to a pointed tip, curving back and rising several inches above his head, each seems to be riddled with holes of differing sizes and shapes. Heavily jaundiced orbs possessing cat-like pupils meet your gaze, sitting above his battered nose and thin-lipped wicked grin which in turn reveals a set of flaxen, razor-sharp teeth. Clawed hands and feet dangle loosely at his sides as he flits about.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 5 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
vampire: 1, illusionist: 2,

Nemesis: Veara

Logs mentioning Tezguul:Mystiques mentioning Tezguul:
Books mentioning Tezguul:
Tags: #done, #legion


  1. Mr. Forgotten [reply]
    0 , 1 , 1 .
    I don't like the new requirements to Legion. I was given two days to comply, even though I wasn't in violation. I disagree with the rule and won't be attempting to make another any time soon. Thanks for the opportunity, even though I kinda squandered it. I probably won't have much time to make a meaningful character in the next year though because I'm finishing up my degree and have to worry about my family and the military.
    1. Davairus
      1 , 0 , 0 .
      "I was given two days to comply, even though I wasn't in violation. "

      I checked the note, which I found is to Legion, not to you. It also says " IF you are outside of these guidelines THEN you have two full days to comply". So... it wasn't directed to you at all? Don't misrepresent the facts. This was a scummy delete on your part and you're throwing shade at people who punch back now.
    2. Mr. Forgotten
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      The point of my delete was to protest the new rule. Fuck that. I hardly have time to play a game I enjoy and now I have even less options to do what I want? Go ahead and punch back. If it comes down to it, I'll just find another game to play. I love this game but it's starting to become too tedious to play. Call me scummy all you want, but I don't like unreasonable restrictions on how I play, or live, for that matter.
    3. Davairus
      2 , 0 , 0 .
      First, see help cabal:
      "Cabals might not be for everyone - there are rules and politics involved"

      Second is this cabal is about the cult of personality of the Dark Lord. It is literally an evil cult and you are complaining about its "unreasonable" restrictions? You are completely miscalibrated here. Plus, the fact is that your own prior Legion performances have not led any credence to it being worth offering multiple caballed. You deleted that last necro specifically saying you didn't have time to play multiple caballed characters. You just deleted again saying you dont have time to play for a year. You are calling it a protest delete at the same time. Which is it? Are you deleting in protest, or are you deleting because you dont have time to play cabal characters or multiple cabal characters? The job of cabal Immortals is just to make these cabals successful. And that can mean weeding you out of Legion because youre not going to commit enough time to be successful. In fact it also makes Legion look like chumps when someone barely knows how to play their character.
    4. Mr. Forgotten
      0 , 1 , 1 .
      It's whatever, man. Good luck with your game.
    5. Davairus
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      What's "whatever" is you complaining about our game getting tedious after levelling in the easiest way to do it, hasted dupes. Funny how it turns out to be its own punishment, being that its just so damn boring? What REALLLY SUCKS though is that you took your ball and went home without even giving it a chance to see if it improves Legion and that in turn improves the game. There's no support shown for your cabal imm ideas at all. Why dont you just inbox Thorgoth and call him a clown while youre at it. I dont have any "whatever" feels about that. I hate the behavior here and I'll tell you that. Good luck with your next "whatever"
    [reply to Mr. Forgotten]
  2. Mr. Forgotten [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    The rule is available to the public, so I'll just say that I don't like being told that I can't make another cabal character if I have a Legion. I was going to make another cabal char at some point and try to play Tezguul because I've done that in the past and had zero problems from the imms because I showed I could play without creating conflicts of interest. Idk if anyone remembers, but I played Kaa and Trovo and Dakrog and Ilhariina all at the same time. Trovo was at war with the Warlords several times, and damn near constantly with the Legion.
    1. Davairus
      3 , 0 , 0 .
      No - you didn't show that you can play without creating conflicts of interests. Lorne expressed to me more than a headache or two over your behavior with Kaa, and I've logs that show that the minute you gained a Legion while still having Trovo, ALL of the imms getting headaches and wish they didn't have to deal with it. I've got MUCH more detail if you want to argue the point.

      This kinda behavior requires multiple cabal imms monitoring other cabal's players (instead of just their own) constantly, which we cannot really do effectively. Even if we could, why should we have multiple imms watching one person? That's a complete waste of our time. Our time is better help spent helping our newbies or building the world or whatever else imms do, RP with the morts or something. In Thorgoth's case, that is taking his time away from working on the AR client and his new area. Its very draining on imm resources. I support Thorgoth's decision to expel that Legion "alt" drama 100%, and I'm really glad this got nipped in the bud this time. And I hope that we've permanently solved this problem.
    [reply to Mr. Forgotten]
  3. Stiehl26 [reply]
    4 , 1 , 2 .
    Unfortunately whenever there is a delete, you see this same rhetoric from the imms. So many “take your ball” comments . If someone wants to delete just leave the graveyard be and let them delete. They don’t need imms being argumentative on their GY post. Someone wants to vent , let them vent don’t feed the fire
    1. Vanisse
      4 , 0 , 2 .
      I agree with the sentiment, but let's not let one imm's comments paint every imm the same.
    2. Davairus
      2 , 0 , 2 .
      *slaps forehead*
    3. Bladefury BANNED
      0 , 0 , 1 .
      even if you agree with that sentiment vanisse you should prob keep that to yourself or discuss that amongst immortals. That way a view of divide isn't there etc etc.
    4. Vanisse
      1 , 0 , 0 .
      We do discuss behind scenes. However, the more vocal are the ones visible on the forums and some will then interpret that all imms agree with what one imm posts if there isn't a counterpoint made. I just wanted to clarify that because we were getting a blanket statement here.
    5. Davairus
      0 , 1 , 0 .
      I don't mind being wrong. It just happens to be the fact that the original post began with blatant lying and then he doubled down on it, clarifying its a manipulative protest delete. I'll offer a bit of advice here. Don't apologize and give empathy to people while they are being lying and manipulative. You are going to enable them and make them WORSE. And stiehl, you are hugely exaggerating (lying) and the fact is not lost on me that several people still cheered that. Enablers.
    [reply to Stiehl26]
  4. Ashlyn [reply]
    2 , 0 , 0 .
    I’m always sorry to see someone go. Sorry you felt raw about it but it makes sense to limit Legions to one caballed character to me. Just look at the current state of things. They need an active core to oppose the revolving door of goodies and paladins. Lot of one and dones and join and go aways. Though from what I saw on the recent logs you were representing and having fun. Good luck in life and your eventual next one when you find the time and desire.
      [reply to Ashlyn]
    1. Vevier [reply]
      3 , 0 , 0 .
      Mr. Forgotten, I've liked all of your characters and hope that you get the itch to come back soon. I didn't get to know this guy at all, but I look forward to the next.
        [reply to Vevier]
      1. Kalist19 [reply]
        3 , 0 , 0 .
        “ but I played Kaa and Trovo and Dakrog and Ilhariina all at the same time” - what a great roster of chars all at the same time! I really liked all of these guys. I was a big fan of Trovo - both as an ally and an enemy. I really hope you come back soon, I think you’re a great player.
        1. Kalist19
          4 , 0 , 0 .
          Sorry, I forgot to mention that I really wish you the very best in terms of education, work and family! It’s hard to sink in a ton of hours with so many commitments but I hope you can maybe find some time to putter about - either here or in another facet. Relaxation is important!
        [reply to Kalist19]
      2. Vanisse [reply]
        4 , 0 , 0 .
        Just to point out, that is one rule specifically pertaining to the Legion cabal due to internal decisions by that particular cabal's imm. It does not affect other cabals currently.

        Everything else I would say has been already posted:
        - Wholeheartedly agree with above comments - you had many solid and memorable characters and I am personally rather amazed you juggled them concurrently so well.
        - The conflict of interest clause is there because some find it more challenging, but wasn't directed specifically at you.
        - Ashlyn's assessment regarding time commitments (something less eloquently expressed by Dav) is also accurate.

        Best wishes with everything, and do what makes you happy in your free time. We'll always be delighted to have you here.
          [reply to Vanisse]
        1. Ceridwel [reply]
          1 , 0 , 0 .
          Looking forward to when you're able to come back!
            [reply to Ceridwel]
          1. Dogran [reply]
            0 , 0 , 0 .
            Tezguul, I was disappointed to see you go. Enjoyed fighting beside you when I did, good luck with your next.
              [reply to Dogran]
            1. maeve [reply]
              1 , 0 , 0 .
              So the nicely set up war+shaman+illu comp didn't work out for you, so sad.
                [reply to maeve]
              1. Dogran [reply]
                0 , 0 , 1 .
                Oh yeah, not going to lie would have been nice to have the illu on my side instead of against me all the time instead for sure.
                  [reply to Dogran]
                1. From 'Three for the Price of One'

                  O, the Legion graveyard is hopping,
                  And its novitiates keep dropping
                  Like flies: Bye, Tezguul!
                  Maybe next time you'll
                  Think twice before belly flopping.
                    [reply to Valindra]

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