The Broken Arch

The awakening of Zaikkra, the Emperor of the Material Abyss, could not have come at a worse time. The realm was already gripped in a bloody war between the Mystics and Knights, with Legion looking on with pleasure in one eye and calculation in the other. Scouts of the abyss were sighted as Zaikkra considered the right way to tighten his clutch on Serin's neck. First, his generals came:

  • Deseere the Blood Keeper, demonlord of disease
  • Decarni the Blood Seeker, demonlord of unlife
  • Dechimeri the Blood Reaper, demonlord of prism

Serin crumbled beneath the invader's feet as they swept the lands, pillaging and destroying, while the Mystics oversaw the conquest of the realm with foolish pride. But for the Emperor, one issue remained. Zaikkras true power was still drawn from the Material Abyss and continuing to exist in Serin became taxing on him. Thus, the demons and the Mystics were tasked to find a source of power in Serin that would provide the energy needed to allow the Emperor to stay in the realm to continue the conquest. It was not long before the demons learned of the power held by the Mystics ancient globe. Power that could be used to sustain Zaikkras and continue the campaign. So it came to pass that the Tower's walls ran red with the blood of the Mystics and other mortals that had joined them. Malenfaler fought with all his strength against this betrayal, but even he found death at the hands of Zaikkras might. The Mystics were utterly destroyed and the guiding arch of the Ivory Tower was broken.

Led by the demon Lazrin, the right hand of the Emperor, the battle was taken to the remaining cabals. Even Justice found itself overwhelmed by the demon generals and their armies. Cabal membership reached new heights as their leaders tried desperately to fill their halls with anyone willing to defend the realm. All efforts on their part came to nothing, as one by one the cabals were decimated, and their items returned to the Broken Arch of the Tower where Zaikkra could study them and determine how they allowed mortals to harness so much power.

But Serin fought back. The mortals presented a united front and cabal or not, they battled fiercely for their home. Over time, every single one of the invading demons fell to Serin's greatest champions. With their combined magics, the mortals invoked a ritual that banished Zaikkra to an unknown plane and scattered the pieces of the gem of souls throughout Serin.

The Broken Arch
The Invasion
The Return
A New Horizon
New Thalos Falls
Taekir War
Dark Ages
Second Age
The Great War
The Alliances
Dragon Wars
Chaos Reign