The Book of Teachings
Authored by: Serra

[ Foreword ]

This book contains the wisdom imparted to me by the mentors who have
taught me everything. Without their guidance I would not have become the
person I am today. It is my hope that their wisdom may pass on to the rest
of Serin, and on through the ages, that their teachings and their names may
never be forgotten.

1) Markus (see Markus)
2) Ethaac (see Ethaac)
3) Alkas (see Alkas)
4) Lumubella (see Lumubella)

May the waters guide you and keep you safe.

Serra, Doyenne of the Physical

1) Markus


Markus taught me of the Gods of Serin, how to hold firm to my beliefs, how
to channel my prayers that a God would listen.

He taught me that not everything in the world is as it seems upon first
glance, and that there are undercurrents of history running beneath
everything we encounter.

He showed me that the path of a healer need not be simply blind,
unquestioning devotion, and that the Gods are not monoliths.

He taught me that the duty of a healer is to put others above oneself, and
not to fear when facing overwhelming odds, for it is our responsibility to
preserve the precious life of another. We are merely conduits, the gentle
hands, of our Immortals.

He taught me that we are merely parts of a bigger whole, our service small
contributions to a greater purpose. And our greatest strength is to help to
rally others to our cause, for together we can stand firm against the
darkest powers.

And lastly, he taught me that one must be careful when dealing with dark
forces, for it is too easy for one of our kind to become corrupted, and near
impossible for us then to be saved. Yet even with the corruption within us,
we may be strong enough to protect others from our curse, and teach the
world of the dangers with our own sacrifice.

2) Ethaac


Ethaac taught me of the Secrets of Serin, to be kind and generous to the
young, to freely pursue my curiosity about all things.

He taught me that objects, creatures, and places can be much more than what
they seem on first encounter, and that there is a deep richness in Serin to
be uncovered if one simply has the eyes to see.

He taught me to relish the excitement of the unknown, to brave the farthest
corners of Serin in search of knowledge, and most of all to take pride in
sharing it with the rest of Serin, for knowledge is one of the greatest
gifts we can give.

3) Alkas


Alkas taught me of the Spirit of Serin, to open my heart to even those who
walk a different path, and how to find peace in a world of turmoil. For not
all who were born dark act upon it, and violence only breeds more strife.

He taught me that the Heart and the Spirit must be aligned for the soul to
be at peace. Frictions between these lead to rash acts and discontent.

He taught me that seeing the faults in ourselves, even as we perform our
duties, are what anchor us and ultimately give us strength through the
Virtue of Humility.

He taught me that my greatest fears are borne out of love, not hatred, and
thus my greatest opponent is myself.

4) Lumubella


Lumubella taught me of the Hope of Serin, to believe in dreams that I
could have never imagined possible. For there is no time that can bind us,
nor space, nor earthly tethers.

She taught me that in the darkest hours, when all senses are silenced, the
element of Luck still allows us to hope, and thus we are never truly lost.

She taught me to be more careful of those I trust, and to guard my open mind
lest it be easily manipulated.

She taught me that evil is caused by allowing ourselves to succumb to the
temptations of wayward acts and intentions.

And she taught me not to close myself off from the world out of fear, or to
walk the path another chooses for me, but to face it and believe in my own
strength and wisdom.
