The Book of Water, Volume II
Authored by: Serra

[The frontpiece of this book is imprinted with the symbol of a portal
opened above the waves of an endless ocean sparkling beneath a golden sun.
Within the portal is a night sky filled with stars.]

1) Within (see 1-1, 1-2)
2) Connections (see 2-1, 2-2)
3) Devotion (see 3-1, 3-2)

[The words on the bottom of the page are obscured by a curious white mist.]

1) Within


The way of water is one that flows effortlessly, naturally. Facing an
immobile obstruction, it simply diverts another way unless there are none
others to be found. When given no choice, Water can build to a great and
unstoppable force of its own. But if given the chance, it will be gentle.

Within our own lives, we often face obstructions of different scales. Face
these obstructions first with analysis and contemplation rather than force,
for the path to pass it need not be a linear one. Only when all
alternatives are exhausted must the pressure build to burst the dam before
us. In most scenarios, there is an easier way. And the pressure may be
released with the aid of another.


Our own path to the truth of Water may often meander. Unless a channel
is constructed by hand, it will weave and wend its own unique way, following
the crevices and chasms in our own understanding. Thus, one follower's path
of Water can never fully mimic that of another, for each life and each mind
is distinct. These pages contain only my path, and the truths I have

The way of Water may also seep and trickle beneath one's surface
consciousness as their thoughts are turned elsewhere. With dedicated
training one can sense it and distantly be aware as it moves through us,
guiding our way.

2) Connections


The natural state of water is neutral. While there is an inherent aspect
of goodness in its life-giving way, a cup of water, a pond, or an ocean do
not abide or judge the laws of man, but rather the laws of nature.

Likewise, Water does not judge a person for their origin or beliefs, or
force others to alter their origin or beliefs. The way of Water is of
seeking understanding, by which the follower of Water may flow naturally
around the lives of other folk in Serin. One does not need to agree with
all they see, but likewise one need not force a conflict, for Water, and
life, exists within all living things regardless of their convictions.


With training and perception, we can begin to feel the common bond of
Water among all of the living things around us. As we follow each
connection, a vast network of not only our present, but also the past and
future, becomes illuminated. Each life is preceded by another, and even the
smallest creature can leave a footprint, disturb a blade of grass.

These connections are what allow us to cherish each life. For it is the
movement of each spirit through Serin that breathes life into it, stirs up
the waves upon which we sail, and grants us fulfillment.

3) Devotion


The heart of Water does not cling easily. Rather, its devotion grows
slowly, over the course of time, with understanding and encouragement, like
a river carving its way into a rock bed. In the beginning, Water seeks only
to understand others. True devotion, and loyalty, follows only when such
true understanding is found.

It takes a great deal to gain the devotion of a follower of Water, but once
it is formed the bond is nearly impossible to break. This tenacious
connection can be forged between the follower and the world around them,
their companions, and their God.

Conversely, in this manner, too, the distrust of a follower of Water may be
slowly formed, but once it has solidified it is difficult to dissolve.


Devotion is not blindly warranted, and is not a simple thing to grant.

A student of Water must understand its ways before claiming it as their
path. Too often a soul walks the earth following the gestures of faith with
little underlying belief. I was once one of these. But without faith,
one's actions carry less meaning, and provide less nourishment to oneself.
To attain enlightenment, one must seek understanding and connection with
intention, patience, and perseverence.

Know that life will be a perpetual journey toward this understanding, and do
not feel discouraged by it. It means that each new day may bring a new
idea, realization, connection. And each ending is but another new
